Part III


Nick goes to his family's house. "You're all smiles. What's going on?" asks Aaron.

"I met somebody."

"Nick..." Jane is surprised.

"It's really crazy." He tells them about hearing Rae calling for help and finding Dylana being harassed. "I think it's what Rae wants."

"Uh-oh." says Rachel. "Nick don't do this for me do it for yourself."

"Nick I don't know this girl but be careful." insists Bob.

"What do you mean 'be careful'?"

"I don't want you to get hurt. And be sure that you really have feelings toward this young lady. She doesn't need to get hurt either."

Jane adds. "This may be what Rachel wants just make sure it's what you want."

"I don't know what I want yet. I just met Dylana. I'd kind of like to build a friendship first. I know it didn't take long for me to hook up with Rachel but it did start out friendly before it got romantic."


Back at Dylana's house she tells her best friend about Nick. "This Nick sounds really incredible." proclaims Tammy. "Does he have a last name?"

"Carter." answers Dylana.

"NICK CARTER! As in Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys?"

"Yes, but he's just a normal person who's been through a lot in his life. He just lost his wife a year ago. I could see how much he still loves her."

"Be careful Dylana. You're from different worlds, and he's still in love with his wife."

"I'll be careful. He is different than most guys, he wasn't freaked out by my face. And he asked me for my number, I'm going to take that as a sign that he's moving on."


That night at Nick's he is laying in bed thinking about the day's past events. "You set this up didn't you Rachel?"

"Kind of." answers Rachel who is beside of him.

He jumps and looks over. He can't believe he can actually see and hear her. Tears fill his eyes. "Rachel. Am I dreaming?"

"No Sweetheart I'm here."

He turns on his side and reaches out. When his hand touches her arm his tears fall. "I don't understand. Why now?"

"I don't know."

"Can I hold you?" he asks.

She gathers him in her arms, he wraps his arms around her. "I've longed to hold you again." she tells him.

"I've missed you so much. I wish you could stay with me just like this."

"So do I but I can't."

"What about Dylana?"

"Nick I want you to be happy. I went looking for someone and I saw her. She had the same look in her eyes that I had before I met you. I didn't know those guys were going to bother her but when they did I just yelled for you to help her."

"Do you want me with her?"

"If you end up with her it has to be because it's what you want."

"She seems like a great girl but I love you and I'll never get over it. I know I can't really have you back but if I could..."

"There would never be anyone else." she finishes his thought. "I know that I'll always be in your heart but I believe you can make room for someone else. Someone that I feel is Dylana but it has to feel right to you."

She looks at Nick and sees his eyes half-open. "Just go to sleep Sweetie."

"Will you be gone when I wake up?"

"I'll never really be gone. I'm always in your heart."

He raises up and looks at her. "I want to kiss you." he says. She smiles. He places his lips on hers and holds them there for a long moment. Rachel feels his tears on her face. He finally pulls away. "Will I be able to see you again?"

"I don't know." She wipes away his tears. "Nick you have to move on."

"I know. I love you." He puts his head back on her shoulder. "Please hold me until I fall asleep." He closes his eyes.

"I will. I love you." She runs her fingers through his hair like she has done many times to help him sleep. After he falls asleep she continues to hold him. Finally she eases him him down on his pillow and tucks him under the covers. She lightly kisses his cheek then strokes it with the back of her hand. "You were always my angel." she whispers.


Chapter 9