Part II


They go out on the boat. Dylana can't help but watch Nick as he steers the boat. *"He is so gorgeous."* she thinks.

Nick sees her watching him. "You want to give it a try?" he asks.

"Give what a try?"

"Steering the boat."

"I guess so." She steps in front of Nick who positions her hands on the wheel.

"It's just like driving a car only on the water." he says close to her ear. He smells her hair. "Apple?"


"Your shampoo, your hair smells like apples."

She smiles. "Yeah."

"You have beautiful hair." he says playing with her ponytail sending chills through her. Suddenly he grabs the wheel from her and stops the boat.

Why'd you stop?"

"Look." he tells her.

She looks out at the water. "Oh wow." she whispers when she sees a dolphin.

"We almost hit it." states Nick.

"Lani I have some extra SCUBA gear. We can go now if you like?"

"That'd be great."

They go back to the house and get the gear then head back out to the water. While under the water they see more dolphins and some stingrays.


Once back inside Dylana says, "I really love the ocean but the salt always makes me feel weird."

"Did you bring some clothes with you?" Nick asks.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You can take a shower if you like."

"Yeah I would like to, thanks."

He shows her to one bathroom. "I'll go shower too then we can decide what else to do."

"Well since we're taking things slow maybe you should just take me home."

"Yeah, I guess that'd be best." says Nick as he heads for another bathroom.


After their showers Nick takes Dylana home. He walks her to her door. "I had a great time today." he tells her.

"So did I."

"I've got plans tomorrow but maybe we can get together the day after." he suggests.

"Yeah, I've got plans too. The day after would be nice."

"I'll give you a call. Good night." He kisses her cheek.

She hugs him. "Good night Nick. I la..." she catches herself.

"You what?"

"I...I'd love to go to the movies sometime."

"Okay. Like I said I'll call you."


"See ya." he says and steps off the porch.

"Bye." She goes inside and bangs her head against the door. "Good one, just tell the guy you love him." She sighs. "But it's true, I do love you Nick."

There is another person in the room that Dylana isn't aware of. Rachel smiles and says, "I know she will be good for my Nickolas."


Part III