Part III


Two days later Nick calls up Dylana. "Hello?" she answers the phone.

"Hey Lani, it's Nick."

"Hi. How are you?"

"Great. You?"

"I'm fine."

"You want to go to the movies tonight?"

"Yeah sure."

"How about dinner?"

"Well I ate out last night so I'm not really in the mood for restaurant food."

Nick thinks a moment. "Tell you what I'll cook."

"Really?" Dylana asks surprised.

"Yeah. Do you like fish?"


"Good. I'll pick you up around five."

"Why don't I just drive to your place?"

"That'd be fine."

"Great. See you around five."

"See you then. Bye."

"Bye." She hangs up and falls back on the couch hugging a pillow. "He is so wonderful." she sighs.

"Yes he is." says Rachel, Dylana doesn't hear.


That afternoon Nick is preparing for Dylana's arrival. As he is dusting off the mantle he picks up the wedding photo. "I love you Rae...but I think I can move on. Lani is really terrific but I think you know that."

"I do." Rachel whispers in his ear.

"Rachel." he says turning to face her. He laughs and says, "This is just what a guy wants his wife showing up when he's expecting another woman."

Rachel laughs too. "I was at Dylana's. She hasn't seen or heard me, I don't think she's sensed me since that first day. Anyway, she really cares about you."

"Will you..." begins Nick.

"No I won't be watching the two of you on your date don't worry. I didn't watch the other one."

"It would be weird. I kind of feel like I'm cheating on you."

"You're not."

"I know. It just...I don't know."

"It's time I go Nick."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to go on. I know that you'll be okay now. Remember what I said; I'll never really be gone."

"You'll always be in my heart. I'll miss you."

"I love you." she says.

"I love you too. Can I have a kiss?" he asks. She places her hand on the back of his neck and pulls him toward her. She places her lips on his. He closes his eyes and returns the kiss. After a moment the kiss ends and Rachel disappears. Nick opens his eyes and doesn't see her. He smiles and sighs. "I know you're right Rachel; I think Dylana's the one also."


Five o'clock sharp Dylana rings the doorbell. "Hey, come on in." says Nick. He looks her over in her pink short-sleeved dress, she has her hair curled.

"You look terrific, now I feel like a bum." he says looking at his t-shirt and jeans.

"You look great." she assures him.


"Mmmm. Dinner smells wonderful."

"I hope it will be. It's almost done. Have a seat." He pulls out a kitchen chair for her.

"Thank you."


After their dinner of flounder and baked potatoes they head to the movies.

In the car Dylana says, "Dinner was incredible. Who taught you how to cook?"

Nick takes a deep breath and pauses before answering, "Rachel taught me."

"Oh yeah I remember you saying so the other night."

"Lani she came to me earlier." he says pulling into the parking lot. He turns to face her.

"Is she watching us?" Dylana asks.

"No. She's...gone on. She said she can now because she knows I'll be okay, and that's because of you." She smiles and he leans forward and kisses her cheek. "We better get inside before the movie starts."

They get tickets to a new comedy. "I need to go to the restroom, you go on and find a place to sit." says Nick.

"Okay." She goes and sits in the center row.

A little boy sitting in front of her sees her face. "Mommy, Mommy it's a monster!" he yells grabbing his mother. The woman looks at Dylana disgusted and takes her child to another seat. Dylana feels the tears coming but tries to fight them.

"You should be ashamed scaring a little kid like that." yells a girl behind her.

"Go crawl back in your hole where you belong." states another girl. Then they start throwing popcorn at at. This causes her tears to flow.

Nick comes in and glares at the girls who abruptly stop. He goes and sit beside of Dylana and starts removing popcorn from her hair. He slides his arm around her and pulls her close. "It's okay." he whispers.

She sobs and looks up at him. "Nick look at me. I am a freak and a fiend. I just scared a little boy, he thought I was a monster."

"He's too young to know better."

"What about his mother? She was disgusted and moved."

"She's just cruel like those girls back there and the guys harassing you the other day. Do you want to leave?"

"No, I really want to see this movie."

"Okay." He wipes away her tears and kisses her forward.


After the movie they go back to Nick's and discuss the movie. "That was hilarious." say Dylana with tears of laughter running down her face. She and Nick haven't stopped laughing.

Nick finally stops, wipes his eyes, and says, "I'm glad to see you laughing."

Dylana takes a deep breath. "It's good to laugh."

"Lani don't listen to anyone who puts you down." He takes her face in his hands and looks into her eyes. "You are very beautiful."

She takes a hold of his hands. "Thank you." She leans forward and lightly kissed his lips. He jumps back. "Oh Nick I am so sorry!"

"It's okay. You just caught me off guard. I'm not quite that ready."

"It's alright. Maybe I better go."

"No. You don't have to. It's still early we can watch some TV."


Around eleven Nick yawns and looks at Dylana sleeping on his shoulder. He stands and lifts her in his arms. He takes her into a guestroom and lays her on the bed. He covers her with a blanket and runs his fingers through her hair. "Good night Lani." he whispers before heading to his room.


Chapter 10