

Nick and Rachel have been together for a year and a half now. The BSB did a short European tour. They have been and are currently taking time off to work on a new album and spend time with family. Nick has bought a home for his family and himself in California. Rachel lives in a smaller house on the property. Bob and Jane told her she could stay in the main house but she decided it was best not to right now. She has been assisting a local Martial Arts instructor. Nick can't get over her enthusiasm; She always has to protect somebody or teach someone how to protect themselves.


It is the morning of Nick's 21st birthday. He spent the night before at Rae's house. He wakes up to find himself in bed alone (No she didn't change her mind, they just slept. It was a part of a plan involving his family and her.) He gets dressed and goes to the main house.


Leslie meets him at the door. "Nick what are you doing here?"

"I live here."


Rae comes to the door. "Hey Honey. How'd you sleep last night?"

"Fine. What's going on?"

"Nothing. Let's go, I'll make you breakfast."

"Good morning Nick." announces Angel.

"You all do know today is don't you?" asks Nick.

"Sunday." reply all three girls.

Nick just rolls his eyes and follows Rae back to her house.


She sits a bowl of cereal in front of him. "I could have done this myself."

"Next time you can. Now shut up and eat."

After he eats he goes and sits beside of her on the sofa. "Baby what's going on? You do know what today *really is* don't you?"

"January 28th. Oh it's your birthday." she says acting like she just remembered.


"Happy birthday Sweetheart." She kisses him but he doesn't kiss her back. She pulls away. "What's wrong?"

"You're messing with me. You and Leslie and Angel. Probably everyone else too."

"Oh come on Nick. It's not like you didn't throw me a surprise party for my 21st birthday. Oops."

"A surprise party." he repeats.

"I didn't say anything."

"Give me details about this party."

"No and you can't make me." She gets up and starts to walk away but he tackles her.

"Oh I bet I can." He begins tickling her.

She laughs and screams. "Nick stop. Stop!"

Suddenly she reverses his hold and gets him in body scissors. He gives a shocked yell. "OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP!"

Rachel lets him go. "I'll give you a hint about your gifts from me."


"Yes, you are such a big kid. Anyway they kinda match a couple of things you've given me." she says playing with the locket with her right hand showing off a diamond ring Nick had given her for her birthday.

Nick laughs. "Oh okay." He starts kissing her.

"Nick...you...better...get ready." she manages to say between kisses.

He stops. "Why? Where are we going?"

"Somewhere." she replies.

"Smart Alec." he retorts then goes to take a shower.


Rachel goes back to the main house. "Is everything all set?" she asks Jane.

"Yep. Where's Nick?"

"Taking a shower. I accidentally told him about the party." she confesses.


"I didn't give him any details even though he tried to tickle it out of me."


"Okay we're here." announces Bob.

"Where?" asks a blindfolded Nick. Rachel and BJ help him out of the car.

Rae takes the blindfold off. "DISNEY LAND!"

"Yeah we rented the park for the day so it's just us." states Aaron.

"Come on let's get inside." he says running toward the gate followed closely by the girls and their parents.

"I think he's more excited about this than you are." says Rachel.

"Oh Darlin' I love it. I'm just...speechless. Thank you." He kisses her.

"This part wasn't my idea."



"Of course." They laugh and head after the others.


They ride all the rides. Want to go again?" Nick asks Rachel.

"NO! That's quite alright." she replies dizzily.

"We need to get home now." says BJ.

"For my party." states Nick.

"What makes you think you're getting a party? Isn't this enough?"


"Rachel already told him." proclaims Jane.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" insists Rachel. Everyone laughs at her defensiveness.


Once at the house Nick is truly surprised by his grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends. "Oh this is great. I am surprised."

"So I didn't ruin anything?" asks Rachel.

"No. You couldn't if you tried."

"There's another surprise. This one was my idea."

"Hey Kaos!" comes Howie's voice from behind Nick.

"Sweet D!" yells Nick turning to see his fellow Backstreet Boys. He runs to give four high fives and hugs.

"They're the big brothers he never had." says Jane to Rachel.


That night Nick stays at Rae's again. "Hurry up! Give me my presents."

"Are you 21 or 12?" Nick sticks his tongue out at her. "Oh that's mature."

"Baby please? I've waited all day." he pleads.

"First thing's first." She sets two glasses and a bottle of champagne on the table. "A toast to us." she says handing him a glass.

"I'll drink to that." he says smiling.

She hands him a small box. "Both gifts are in there. They aren't just for your birthday, they're forever."

He opens the box. Inside he finds a necklace w/ a crystal angel charm and a diamond ring. "This is wonderful Darlin'. Thank you so much."

She slides the ring onto his right ring finger and puts the necklace on him. "This is your guardian angel."

"You're my guardian angel."

She smiles. "And the rings... Well you know I'm not materialistic so if we decide to take our relationship to the next level we can just change hands and get a couple of wedding bands."

"Oh so this is a preengagement ring for a guy?"

"It's the 21st century, I'm not that old fashioned." she says pouring them some more champagne.

Nick laughs. After drinking the champagne they begin kissing heatedly. Nick feels Rachel and the champagne starting to take effect on him. He pulls away. "We need to get some sleep. I'll stay in the other room tonight."

Why?" asks Rachel. Nick blushes and it dawns on her making her blush. "Oh! Yeah it would probably be best. Good night."

"Nick stands up. "Good night Sweetie."

"I love you." they say simultaneously then chuckle at what they've done.


