


Rachel hangs up from talking to her family. "Okay after much begging I've finally convinced my family to come to California so we can have the wedding here."


"On the beach." states Nick sitting next to her.


"Nick I love the beach but the kind of dress that I want isn't appropriate for it. It's what I've had my heart set on all my life, I designed it myself."


"Okay, a church wedding. As long as I get to make you my wife it doesn't matter."


Rachel can tell he's disappointed. She hugs him. "Thank you." She gets an idea. "I've got something I have to do." She kisses him. "I love you."


"I love you too. Where are you going?"


"Meet me on the beach in two hours." She races out the door.

Two hours later Nick is on the beach. "Rachel where are you?"


"Nick." she calls. He turns around. She is standing about ten feet from him wearing a white silk ankle-length spaghetti strap dress and holding two long-stem red roses. She walks slowly barefoot in the sand toward him and hands him a rose. "I thought we could have a private ceremony on the beach, just the two of us. I saw how disappointed you were earlier."


"You never cease to amaze me." He leans down to kiss her.


She puts her hand over his mouth. "Not yet. At the actual wedding I want the traditional vows, but right now I would like us to just say what we feel. No thinking only feeling." She takes his hand. "Nickolas you mean more to me than anything. I've always been a hopeless romantic but even in all my dreams I never imagined that it was possible to feel this way about someone. The feelings I have for you are indescribable. I love you, and I'll always try and be the best wife I can be for you."


"Rachel the feelings I have for you are unlike anything I've ever felt. You've been everything to me... My lover, my protector, my best friend." He laughs. "When I'm sick or hurt you mother me. No matter what I do it'll never be enough to express the depth of my love for you. I'll always love you."


Both are crying. "Mr. Carter you may kiss your future bride."


"With pleasure soon-to-be Mrs. Carter." He takes her in his arms and places his lips on hers She wraps her arms around him, and they stay in their private little world for a long while.

Two weeks later is the actual wedding. "Nick stop fidgeting." says Brian.


"I'm so nervous." declares Nick.


"I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about but if you want I can go make sure the bride's still here."


"That's not funny."

Meanwhile in the brides room. "Rachel sit still so I can fix your hair." yells her sister Lydia.


"I can't believe this is finally happening. Is this real? Am I really in love with a wonderful man who loves me? Am I really getting married?"


"Yes, yes, and yes." says BJ. "Rachel I want to thank you. You've been great for my brother. He's never been so happy. One of my favorite things about you is that you always make sure he's there for the family. If he can't figure out how to schedule time for both you do it for him."


"BJ I'll never take Nick from you guys. He's your brother, I want you to consider me another sister. And if I'm ever as so stupid as to hurt him promise me that you, your parents, Leslie, and the twins will hang me because I'll deserve it."


BJ laughs. "It's a deal. I love that dress."


Rachel is wearing a long white gown made of satin and lace. It has a full skirt, puffy shoulders, and a long train. "Thanks."


"Now the final touch." Lydia says as she places a tiara of pearls with a long veil on Rae's head. "Let's get you married already."

"Do you Nick take Rachel to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live."


"I do." says Nick lightly squeezing Rae's hand.


"Do you Rachel take Nick to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live."


"I do." she says smiling at Nick.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."


Nick raises Rachel's veil and kisses her then whispers in her ear, "I love you."


She looks up at him and mouths, "I love you too."


"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Gene Carter." announces the minister.

At the reception everyone eats, drinks, and dances. "Baby I've got something for you." says Nick then he steps onto a small stage with the rest of BSB.


They perform "No One Else Comes Close." Nick takes Rae's hand in his and sings, "And when I wake up to the touch of your head on my shoulder you're my dream come true. Oh yeah. Girl you know I'll always treasure every kiss and every day. I love you girl in every way and I always will 'cause in my eyes, ooh baby, no one else comes close to you, no one makes me feel the way you day. You're so special girl to me and you'll always be eternally."


After the song Nick and Rachel kiss. "I love you so much Mr. Carter."


"I love you more Mrs. Carter. Now let's change and get to the airport."


"Tell me where we're going for our honeymoon."


"No, and don't try to make me." She pouts. "It's not gonna work just give up."


They are doused with birdseed as they make their way to the car. "Aloha everyone." says Nick.


Rachel gives a delightful squeal. "WE'RE GOING TO HAWAII!"


"And you call me a big kid."


