

They return to California. They pick up their car and head home. "Nick this isn't the way home."

"Yes it is."

It seems like he's been driving forever when he finally pull into the driveway of a big house virtually in the middle of nowhere yet right on the beach. "Nick what have you done?" Rachel asks with tears in her eyes.

"Baby please don't cry. You described your dream home to me. I drew the plans and had it built. Of course I had to be close to the ocean so I bought this property. Our moms and sisters decorated it in blue since that's your
favorite color."

"I'm married to the greatest man on earth." He blushes, she kisses him. "And the most modest."

Nick gets out of the car and goes around to the other side. He opens the door and lifts Rae out. He carries her inside the house. "We're home."

She practically jumps out of his arms and starts running from room to room inspecting everything. "Oh I love it. Honey it's incredible."

Nick gets a devilish grin on his face and slides his arms around her. "I've got an idea."

"What?" she asks smiling almost knowing what he's thinking.

"How about we christen every room?"

"Oh you naughty boy, but that's just one of the many things I love about you."


A couple of months later the Backstreet Boys have some business meetings in Orlando. "Darlin' why aren't you packed?" Nick asks Rachel.

"I'm not going."

"What? Why not?"

"I've got some things I have to do."

"What sort of things? She just smiles. "Rae come on. I want you to go with me."

"I can't. You're only going to be gone for a week."

Nick whines. "Oh okay. I'm going to miss you. You know I've got a little while before I have to go to the airport." he says smiling seductively.

Rachel giggles. "Won't that make you miss me more?"

"I'll risk it."


When Nick returns home Rachel meets him at the door. "Hey Baby, I've missed you." she says hugging him.

He kisses her. "I've missed you too. So what did you do while I was gone?"

"Come on I'll show you."

Inside he finds that the living room, pool-room, and master bedroom have been redone in green. "Oh Honey you didn't have to do this."

"And you didn't have to have this house built. I only did your favorite rooms, and I kept traces of blue in here (They're in the bedroom). Do you like it?"

"I love it, and I love you." He takes her in his arms and kisses her. "Remember on our wedding night you made me promise we'd always be as happy as we were then?"


"Well we're not."

"I know, we're happier."

"And every day gets better and better."


