

"Hey Summer, come quick! The Backstreet Boys are on TV!".

Seventeen year old Summer rushed into the living room where her parents were sitting and sighed happily to herself when she saw her favourite band on the TV. It was 1997 and the hot group had recently become popular in the states and their song "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" was now a huge hit

"Thanks for telling me Mom! Wow, they can sing live so well!". Summer perched herself on the couch and watched as the BSB sung their hit. Summer thought all four guys were hot. AJ was cool and funky; Howie was sweet and charming; Brian was funny and cute; and well, Kevin was a total hunk!

"Looking forwards to starting at your new school tomorrow?" Summer's father asked.

Summer stared at the TV, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Summer. Summer, did you hear me?!?".

Summer looked up and smiled at her father. "Sorry dad! What did you say?".

Her father laughed. "Oh you are really falling for those guys, aren't you?!? I said, are you looking forwards to starting at your new school tomorrow?".

Summer frowned. She didn't want to think about school! "Uh, I don't know. I wonder what the kids will be like...".

Summer's mother smiled warmly at her daughter. "I'm sure you will make new friends! Ruskin is a friendly town!"

Summer nodded. "Yeah, but I'd rather be in Orlando where the Backstreet Boys are!".

The BSB finished singing Quit Playing Games and another guest came on the TV show. Summer stood up and excused herself from the room. She went upstairs and into her bedroom, which was covered in BSB posters.

Summer lay down on her bed and looked at the pictures that were plastered all over her walls. She wished she could meet them. Her dream come true would be to date one of them. She didn't mind which, as they were all lovely guys.

Summer sat up and brushed her wavy reddish brown locks. She wanted to look good tomorrow, as it would be her first day at her new school and she wanted to make a good impression. She had previously lived in New York, and she had been far from popular, because she wasn't into the same things as the other kids and was known as the class dork. She had had very few friends, which had hurt Summer because she was a very sweet, sensitive girl.

Summer was glad that her family had moved to Florida. The weather was lovely for a start! Her father had had a job transfer offer and her parents knew that Summer was unhappy at school so they had accepted and moved to Ruskin. Summer was determined to make a fresh start and become popular, she never wanted to be the class loser again...

Summer looked at her watch. It had gotten pretty late and it was time she was in bed. She put on her nightdress and got into her bed, pulling out her favourite book to read before she turned out the lights.

Summer flicked through the book which was "Backstreet Boys- Official Biography" and got to the chapter she was at. The book had been a going away present from her only friend in New York, Maidie. Both Summer and Maidie had became big BSB fans in June when Quit Playing Games was released in the states.

Summer read with interest. She read how the band formed way back in 1993, and that two other guys had also been members at one point, but dropped out, and that many guys auditioned but had been turned down. Summer sighed as she read of how one guy, who was only 12 at the time, was given the choice between the Backstreet Boys and the Mickey Mouse Club and that her had chosen the Mickey Mouse Club, where he had very little success and fame.

"Poor Guy," Summer said sadly to herself. She had tried to get into showbusiness herself a few years back and she had failed too.

"Summer, are you in bed yet?" her mother shouted upstairs.

Summer put her book down and shouted back. "Yeah, I'm turning my light out now, mom!".

Summer took one last look around at her posters and flicked the lightswitch. She was tired and dropped off to sleep pretty fast. The last thought on her mind was... BSB.


