

"Believe what?".

"I could have been a singer. A famous, rich singer. In a band,".

Summer was confused. "Huh? What do you mean?".

Nick shifted position and turn right round to face Summer. "I tried to make it when I was younger. I went to lots of auditions. I had a lot of potential. I got accepted for a band but it was at the same time I got accepted for the Mickey Mouse Club...".

Summer was stunned. "...And you chose the Mickey Mouse Club where you had little success!".

"How did you know?" Nick said, astounded.

"I read it in the BSB Official Biography. So you were nearly a Backstreet Boy! Oh my God!".

Nick nodded sadly. "Yeah. I wish I could turn back time and take their offer..." he trailed off. "...But if I had gone with them, then I would be here with you now, Summer,". He smiled at her and she echoed his grin.

"Nick, that's so amazing! But you know what, I bet being famous is hard. I guess the BSB's sometimes wish they were normal guys and could have a normal life like you do. Anyways, one day you could still make it, you have the talent!".

Nick hugged Summer. "You're sweeter than I thought! Thankyou for being so supportive,".

"Nick, I should be thanking you for still wanting me after all that happened at school...".

"Forget about it, Summer. All I care about is being here with you now... I've always dreamt of taking a girl to this spot one night,".

"It's beautiful," Summer said, looking out into the ocean then at the stars in the sky above that they shared. "But the best sight I can see tonight isn't the ocean, the sky...". Summer gazed into Nick's eyes, starting to breathe heavily.

Nick didn't say anything, he simply leaned forwards and his lips met Summer's...

Summer didn't want the kiss to end. Summer ran her fingers through Nick's hair as she felt Nick hold her tightly. It finally had to end though. She rested her head on Nick's shoulder and closed her eyes, remembering the last few moments.

"Say you'll be my girlfriend," Nick said, his heartmelting voice sending even more chills down Summer's spine.

"Yes Nick. That would make me the happiest girl on Earth,". It was now that Summer realised how much she like Nick. He was really something special.

As Summer and Nick made their way back arm-in-arm to the dance, shouts and swearing could be heard. Summer laughed to herself as at the main doors was Sapphire, a horrified look on her face, holding a broken stiletto-healed shoe with no Danny in sight. Jen and Rosita, along with their dates, were shouting back at Sapphire, then they stomped off leaving Sapphire alone. She ran off with just the one shoe on, nearly in tears.

"Seems like Sapphire's luck is up!" Nick laughed, pulling Summer closer. "Hey, do you want to go back inside, or shall we go somewhere else?".

Summer ruffled Nick's hair. "Um, I don't really want to go back in. Parties are not my thing. Say, my house is empty as no-one is in. How about we go back to mine?" she said in a sexy voice.

Nick's face lit up. "Oh sure! Got any Kettle Chips at your house?".

Summer giggled. "Oh, I think we have. Well what are we waiting for?! I'll go to the phonebox and call up a cab,".

Nick's heart fluttered as he watched Summer making the phonecall. He couldn't remember being this happy before. Summer was every bit the sweet, wonderful, beautiful girl he though she was.

And now she was his.


