

Summer fished around in her cupboard. She had to find her new hot red bikini before she left for the beach! "Ah-ha! Found you!" she cried when she finally got hold of it.

"Your friends are here, Summer!" her father shouted from downstairs. Summer threw the bikini into her shoulder bag along with her shades and sunscreen and ran downstairs to the front door. Jen was standing there, wearing a shimmering green bikini top and matching wraparound skirt.

"Ready now," Summer said, slipping on her white sandals which matched her spaghetti-strap dress. She waved to her parents and walked with Jen to the car.

Rosita was sitting at the wheel of the convertible. Sapphire sat in the passenger seat and Mandy was in the back. Jen opened the door and she and Summer got in.

"Glad you could make it!" Mandy said warmly. She flicked her hair back. "The guys are meeting us there,".

After a short drive, the girls arrived at the coast. Rosita parked and the girls got out and headed onto the beach. It was mid afternoon by now but it was still pretty hot.

"Dwayne!" Mandy cried, spotting her boyfriend and running into his arms. He was with several other hot guys, Summer especially liked the tall one with black hair and a sexy smile.

"Hey Mandy! Great to see you. And this is..." Dwayne looked at Summer.

"Summer," Mandy informed him. "She moved her from New York,".

Dwayne smiled at her. "I saw you at school today, welcome to Ruskin!".

Summer returned his smile. "Thanks,".

Sapphire was staring at the hot guy Summer had noticed. Jen and Rosita were also looking at him, then exchanging glance. "Um, Danny," Rosita said to him, tapping his arm. "Sapphire is learning to surf and we were wondering if...".

The guy laughed. "Sure, sure, babes. I'll give the girl a lesson!". He laughed and took Sapphire's hand. "Come on, babe. I'll get you the stuff,". The two of them walked off to a hut where the equipment was stored.

"That was the Danny Joyce," Mandy whispered.

For the second time that day, Summer's heart sunk. First the guy she likes is the class dork, then the next hot guy she likes is highly out of her league and sort after by Sapphire!

The girls found a spot by the ocean and lay down to catch the last rays of sunlight of the afternoon. Summer was hoping to work on her tan. They watched as Sapphire wobbled about on her surfboard and they laughed when she fell off. Summer gazed at the gorgeous Danny. He was one of the best looking guys she had ever seen. Only the BSB were better looking!

"I wanna buy a soda, anyone coming?" Summer said after a while, getting up and adjusting her bikini.

The girls shook their heads. "Sorry," said Mandy "But me and Dwayne have to talk,". The blond went up and approached her boyfriend. Summer went off to the refreshments, knowing the other three girls would not come.

"Ooops, I'm sorry!" Summer had been too busy staring at the hot surfers and had bumped into somebody on her way along the beach!

"It's OK!" the person replied.

Summer nearly gasped when she saw who it was. Nick, the class loser! "Uh, hi again," she said, half smiling at him. He still was kinda cute...

When Nick saw Summer, his blue eyes lit up! "Hi Summer!" he said, smiling. "Sorry about that...".

"That's OK," replied Summer. "So, um, what are you doing here? Do you surf too?".

Nick shook his head. "No, erm that's not my thing really. I come here to sketch the ocean. I go scuba diving sometimes too,". He looked away shyly, blushing as he spoke to her.

"Oh, that's cool," Summer replied, not knowing whether to stay and chat with Nick or go off to find her friends. He was an interesting person, but she feared that her friends wouldn't like her hanging with the class loser.

Nick looked at the ground, not knowing what to say. It was obvious to Summer that he liked her. "Um, where is the refreshments hut?" Summer asked him, breaking the silence.

Nick looked at her, brushing a strand of reddish brown hair out of his eyes. Summer could now see his eyes clearly; they were the most beautiful blue she had ever seen, they reminded her of the ocean behind her. "I'll show you," he said. He and Summer walked further up the beach then Nick lead them around a corner to the hut.

Summer bought a can of Diet Coke and a bag of potato chips. "Want one?" she asked Nick, offering Nick a chip.

He took one and smiled at her. "Thanks," he said quietly in a shy voice. They then walked back along the beach.

"So," Summer said. "What do you do when you're not at the beach?".

"I love video games," Nick answered. "And I play the drums too. I'd love to start a band. I auditioned for one once but I had to turn it down as...".

Nick was interrupted by a group of surfer guys pushing him out of the way as they passed.

"OK, don't say sorry!" Summer muttered at them, annoyed at their rudeness. She turned back to Nick. "I gotta get back to my friends, see ya around Nick!".

Nick looked disappointed that she had to go but still smiled at her. "OK, see ya Summer,".

Summer went back to the girls, with Nick still on her mind. She felt attracted to him yet was determined to keep up the cool act she didn't want to get involved with him.


Summer looked up and saw Rosita, Mandy and Jen sunbathing on the sand, Sapphire still surfing with the hot hunk Danny.

"Was that dorky Nick you were talking with?" Rosita asked, a horrified look on her face. "Really Summer, don't talk with that loser, he's not worth any time. He's not cool,".

Jen agreed. "Yup, you're lucky Sapphire didn't see you mixing with that dweeb. She'd want nothing to do with you!".

"Oh, OK," gulped Summer, half annoyed at the girls for being mean about Nick, half annoyed at herself for nearly ruining her so-far good reputation. "I won't talk to him again,".

Mandy smiled. "You won't need to, there are other, cooler guys that want to know you!". As she said that, four hot surfer guys walked past checking out the girls.

"Hey cutie," one said to Summer. "You're new, am I right? Come with me, I'll teach you to ride the waves!".

Summer giggled, feeling flattered. "I'd love to...".

"Um, hey Brad! You promised me a splash about," Jen interrupted. "Let's go now!".

Summer watched in disappointment as her co called 'friend' walked of with the hot guy she had nearly gotten for herself. She was annoyed!

Rosita turned to Summer. "Well he did promise her some time, it's true," she said, her mouth twisted into a strange smile. Summer noticed Jen looking back over her shoulder and winking at Rosita, while Brad's arms hugged her tightly.

The girls spent the next hour or two catching the last of the afternoon's sunshine and chatting. Summer enjoyed herself and liked being in the girls company. Although they seemed strange at times mainly they were nice to her.

Summer looked into the ocean but couldn't see Sapphire and Danny. Jen and Brad were making out on the sand a little way up ahead. Mandy was flicking through a magazine and Rosita was filing her nails while talking with a hot guy who was passing.

"Bye Summer, see you at school,".

Summer turned around and saw Nick passing by, looking shy and lonely. "Oh, bye Nick," she said quietly, giving him a brief smile, hoping the girls would not hear her. She remembered their warning. And Sapphire could be back any minute!

Rosita shot Summer a look then went back to her conversation. Nick walked on along the beach, alone with his head down. Summer wished she could go keep him company, but it would be too awkward for her.

At that moment, Sapphire returned, her arm loosely around Danny's wet body. Summer had to stop herself from licking her lips, he was a gorgeous hunk! Tall and well-built with a great tan, Danny was the envy of all the guys. His eyes were a deep shining brown and his hair was black and glossy, always in perfect condition. His smile could win any girl.

"Danny!" Mandy said as the pair sat on the beach towel next to the others. "How was Sapphire's lesson?".

Danny grinned, as Summer began to melt. "She's a natural! Not only a natural surfer but a natural beauty too!".

Sapphire smiled smugly. "Oh Danny you are such a flatterer!".

Danny caught Summer's eye and looked at her. "So who's this new babe?" he said, raising his eyebrow in an oh-so-sexy way.

"This is Summer, she moved here from New York," Jen informed Danny as she rejoined them with Brad.

"Summer..." he mustered. "Pretty name. And a pretty face too!".

Summer blushed and Danny gave her a private wink which the others didn't see.

"So when are you seeing Sapphire again?" Rosita butted in, stopping Summer and Danny's conversation.

Sapphire gave Danny a huge smile and fluttered her eyelashes, then secretly giving Summer an annoyed look.

"Oh soon, she's a real sweetie," Danny said. grinning at Sapphire. "Well sorry babes but I gotta go,". He stood up. "See you around! And you Summer, you're a real cool chick!".

Summer said goodbye and waved as Danny went over to a crowd of guys who had finished their surfing for the day.

Sapphire's fixed smile disappeared and she scratched the air with her nails, clawed out like a cat. "Ooooh, I must get Danny Joyce to go to the dance with me! You girls are gonna work extra hard to help me, OK?".

The other three nodded instantly, then Summer nodded too, not knowing quite how she could help Sapphire get Danny. He seemed to like her anyways so would she really need help..?

Jen stood up, wiping sand from her scantily dressed body. "We better get going now," she said.

Mandy nodded. "Yup, I have a date at the movies with Dwayne in half an hour!".

On the drive home, the girls were really quiet. Sapphire looked like something was bothering her. Rosita drove and Mandy looked in a dream world. Summer wondered if she was thinking about her boyfriend Dwayne, or Brian from the BSB!

Ahhh, they were on the radio! The heavy rock song ended and Quit Playin' Games came on. Summer and Mandy exchanged brief smiles so the other two would not see.

Rosita wrinkled her nose. "Eeeew, that stupid new band,". She turned the dial and found another station.

Summer was disappointed. She wanted to hear her boys!

Rosita stopped at Summer's house first. "See ya tomorrow," Mandy said with a smile. Rosita and Jen waved at Summer as she got out but Sapphire didn't look up.

"Bye girls!" Summer shouted as she walked up the path and to her door. As soon as she got in she ran to the radio and found the station. Quit Playin' Games was nearly over now.

Summer sang along with the song then went into the TV room to join her family.

"Nice time at the beach?" Summer's mother quizzed her.

Summer nodded. "Yup, the girls are really nice, I'm so glad I made some friends!". Summer smiled to herself. "The guys are hot too!". She then remembered Nick and frowned slightly. She liked him, she couldn't deny that. But how could she solve the problem? If she asked him out, her friends would drop her, but if she didn't she would drive herself crazy!


