

"Hey Danny come rub some suntan lotion on my back!" Sapphire called out, motioning the hot Danny Joyce over with a sexy smile.

Danny sauntered over casually to the girl's spot on the beach and reached for the lotion bottle. "Gladly, Sapphire! Now get comfortable...".

It was a few weeks later and the September Ball was only the next evening. Summer had gotten several offers from some nice guys but she was undecided who to chose yet. Since the incident with him, Summer had tried to avoid Nick, not knowing what to say to him. If she was to pass him on the corridor he would turn away, looking upset. Summer wanted to try and make amends but couldn't figure out how, without her friends knowing.

"Sapphire, I have to go now, I have an appointment at the salon," Rosita said, rummaging around in her bag for her car keys. "I totally forgot to tell you guys, I'm sooo sorry. I won't be able to give any of you a ride home unless you come now,".

Sapphire rolled her eyes and tutted. "NOW you tell us! OK, girl, I'll come now. I have to call round and see someone tonight anyways so I'll go now,".

"I'll take you three home," Danny's friend Luca said, smiling at Jen, Mandy and Summer.

Jen batted her eyelids at him and grinned. "Thanks Luca! That's sooo sweet!".

"Well I'll see you tomorrow, Danny," Sapphire said as she stood up. "You'll pick me up before the dance, yeah?".

Danny nodded. "Sure thing, babe! Bye!".

Summer tried to hide her disappointment. Danny was really hot, the most popular of the surfer crowd. Summer would give anything to go to the dance with him. But he had asked Sapphire a few days ago and she had been thrilled and accepted.

Sapphire and Rosita left, leaving Mandy, Jen and Summer on the beach with Danny, Luca, and their other friends Sarah, Liza, Sofie, Nadie, Iain, Matt and Kevin. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and messing around on the sand. The conditions that afternoon weren't good for surfing so everybody stayed on the sand.

"Hey dudes!" said another of the surfers called Josh, joining the crowd. "There's a fight going on by the lifeguard stand!".

Everybody wanted to know who was fighting so they swarmed over to the lifeguard stand. There, two guys who looked like they had been drinking, were brawling, swinging punches and swearing at each other.

Summer stood at the back, not wanting to watch. She hated violence.

"This is boring, isn't it," as sexy voice whispered in Summer's ear.

She looked up and was amazed. Danny Joyce was smiling back at her. He put his hand on her shoulder and walked her back, away from the crowd. "Why don't we go somewhere alone..?".

Summer couldn't believe it! Danny was interested in her! "Oh, yeah sure!" she squeaked, surprised, her heart racing.

Danny and Summer crept away from the crowd and he led her to an abandoned surfboard hut along the beach. Once inside, he leant forwards and kissed Summer, her kissing him back. For those few moments, Summer thought she was in heaven. Her heart fluttered and she drifted off into a dream world.

Finally, Danny pulled back, then stared into Summer's eyes. "You're so pretty, Summer. Say you'll go to the dance with me,".

"But you're going with Sapphire!" Summer exclaimed nervously, shocked at what he had just said.

Danny laughed and waved his hand in the air. "Nah, I'd rather go with you, babe! Leave me to deal with that hoe Sapphire, I'll dump her next time I see her,".

Summer felt guilty, as she was Sapphire's friend, but as soon as Danny leant forwards and gave her another kiss, her heart melted and any thoughts of Sapphire left her head.

"Well we better get back or someone will suspect us!" Danny said, leading Summer out of the hut. "Let's keep this as our little secret for now, hey?".

Summer nodded. "Yeah... Danny you're such a good kisser!".

Danny and Summer slipped back into the crowd unnoticed... or so they thought. Jen frowned as she saw the couple exchange secret glances. She knew... and intended to tell Sapphire!


