

"Yeah, it's pure silk! I got it at the new boutique at the mall... yeah my dress for the ball was from there too!". Summer fingered the smooth fabric of her dress. She had got the mint green slip dress at the weekend and was wearing it at school that day, still feeling dazed about the events the night before. She couldn't wait to go to the dance with Danny that night!

"Did they have it in any other colors?" quizzed Liz, a girl in Summer's History class. "I'd love it in baby blue!".

Summer nodded, tossing a lock of auburn hair over her shoulder. "Yep, and powder pink, hot red and black. Hurry and get it before they run out, as the winter stock will be arriving soon,".

The bell rung and Summer shoved her books into her bag and left the room, still talking fashion with Liz, and her friends Britney and Sam. Back at her old school, girls like Liz, Sam and Britney would laugh at her clothes and not be seen dead talking to her, now they were asking for her advice! Summer loved the change, being popular for once in her life was really cool.

"Hey Sapphire! Jen!" Summer called, spotting the girls going out the doors towards the labs, as it was lunchtime. She hadn't seen them that day until that moment.

Sapphire ignored Summer and Jen just gave her a look.

Summer was puzzled. What was going on?

She followed them out to behind the labs, where Rosita and Mandy were already sitting. "Guys, like my new dress?!" she asked, posing to model it.

Mandy gave Summer a small smile and nodded briefly. Jen and Rosita just stared silently at Summer.

She stepped back, shocked at her friends frosty response. "What's up guys?" she asked.

Sapphire stood up, her cold blue eyes narrowed. "You know what you did Summer! I can't believe you did that!". She stepped towards Summer.

Frightened, Summer opened her mouth to defend herself. Then she remembered what she had done. Kissed Danny. Sapphire's date. How did Sapphire know?! Had Danny dumped her already?

"Stay away from him, he's my boyfriend," Sapphire said quietly, an aggressive tone in her voice.

Summer gulped nervously. She hadn't been this scared since she was back at her last school, being bullied by the tough girls. But this girl was supposed to be Summer's friend! "Sapphire, I'm sorry about Danny... yeah I'll stay away from him...". She glanced over her shoulder hoping a teacher was about to come and help her out of the situation. But there wasn't one.

"Oh I'll make you stay away from him alright! I'll teach you a little lesson!" Sapphire raised her hand and slapped Summer.

She jumped back and held her cheek. It hadn't hurt much but she was frightened. Frightened of what else Sapphire might do. Biting her lip to stop herself from crying, Summer turned and fled, running across the playground.

"Hey Summer!".

Summer looked up and saw Liz and her friends sitting on the wall by the football field. "Hey," she said, giving them a smile.

"Your shoes are so cute!" Britney exclaimed, fluffing her blond curls. "Where did you get them?".

Summer thought back. "Um, it was back in New York in one of the department stores I think,".

The girls got into a conversation about shoes, but all turned around when they heard a girl shouting.

Summer grimaced when she saw Jen, Mandy and Rosita, led by Sapphire, walking through the playground. Summer was sure they would start on her.

"Who's she shouting at now?" Summer thought outloud.

Liz looked puzzled. "I though you and Sapphire were friends!

"Um, not really," Summer replied, her eyes fixed on a certain guy. "Um, is that Nick who just dropped his bag?".

Sam laughed. "Yeah! Oh ha ha! What a dork! He's so clumsy, no wonder no girls want to date him!".

"I'll go and help him pick his stuff up, "Summer said, walking over to him without waiting for the girls to tell her not to.

"Hey Carter! You dropped this!".

Summer was horrified to see Sapphire holding up a crumpled notebook that must have fell from Nick's bag.

Nick tried to snatch it from her. "Give it back!" he said, reaching for it.

Sapphire clung on to it tightly. "Say please!".

"Please," Nick said frustratedly.

The girls laughed and Sapphire passed the book to Rosita. "Uh-uh! We're gonna read it first!".

Nick went red. "Please don't!".

Summer couldn't stand seeing them start on Nick. She ran up to Rosita and snatched the book, handing it to Nick. It was the least she could do after all the trouble she and the girls had put him through.

Nick gave Summer a grateful smile. "Thanks," he said shyly.

Summer nodded. "No problem,". She noticed the evil glint in Sapphire's eye so she turned away. "See you around Nick," she said before walking away alone, into the building. She had a headache, and the girls were only making it worse. She wanted to get away from them all so she went to the medical room and asked if she could go home sick.

Half an hour later, Summer's mother came and picked her up. As they drove pasted the playground, Summer saw Nick, standing talking with his friend Brent. Their eyes met for a second and Summer gave him a little smile and waved.

Nick grinned and waved back.

That smile made Summer feel better already. Nick often seemed sad and lonely, and seeing the genuine happy look on his face was so heartwarming. Maybe... just maybe they could...

"No," Summer said under her breath. That would make her an even easier target for Sapphire and her ex-friends.

The dance Summer was looking forwards to for a long time she was now dreading.


