He was as sexy as everyone said. Maybe even more so, Alexandra Stratton adjusted the focus of her zoom lens to center on his face. His brows were furrowed in concern as he glanced behind him, to the left, and then to the right. His privacy insured, He slowly dropped the full-length white towel, and slipped out of his boots, revealing a tall, firm, naked body. Alex's breath caught in her throat. She almost lost her grip as the camera slipped from her hands. It was enough to jolt her into remembering why she was here. She quickly snapped a series of photographs as he eased himself into the bubbling water of the out door hot tub. Eyes closed, a smile altered his features, as the heat seemed to take effect.

She snapped away, then lowered the camera from her face. She felt horrible, but she had to do her job. To report the news as it happened, to capture people secretively, but Nickolas Carter was news. Without another thought she returned the camera to her eyes.

Yet something inside of her curled in distaste for this particular assignment. No matter how much money was involved, No matter how desperately she needed it.

His body shifted in the water. She felt something flutter in her stomach and her knees wobbled a little. This is ridiculous! She'd seen naked men in her line of work before, why was this one any different ? She'd always viewed them objectively.

Public men and private men were always kept at diametrically opposed positions in her mind. The fact that she'd been out of the country for the better part of the last five years could account for her sudden reaction. Lasting relationships were hard to come by in obscure third world countries, and she had never been one for one night stands.

Snapping out of her daze, she snapped a few more shots before he pulled himself out of the water. In an instant, he was gone, off through the door of his adjacent villa nestled in the side of the mountain, behind this exclusive private ski resort in Vermont.


Alex picked up the phone and punched in the numbers. "Joe? Alex, I got the pictures. I'll be home- "

"How many?"

"How many what?"

"How many pictures you got?" Joe asked

"I don't know, half a role maybe."

"Get some more."

"Joe, I'm done. You understand? You'll like what I have. It's enough, believe me." "Yeah ?" Joe said. "Hot stuff?"

"How hot?"

"Nude" Alex whispered

"Damn! Where? In his room?"

"No ,In a hot tub"


"All alone"

"To bad" Joe said. "Any close-ups?"

Alex grimaced. "You'll be satisfied with the shots , I promise."

"What did you say?"

Alex looked around the main room, The brunette at the counter smiled at her. She gave a weak wave and turned around. "I'm not going to shout . I'll talk to you later."

"Okay sweets, you always do good work. I'll take your word for it. But finish the roll."

"Yeah Joe, see ya ."

With that she hung up and began to retreat to her room. Suddenly from the corner of her eye, she spotted Nick. He was climbing on a snow mobile.

She smiled and began to jog towards the guy that handed out the vehicles. "I'd like to rent one please." She smiled.

"Oh really, well there is a big storm coming, unless you're an expert I'd-"

She cut him off, "I'm an expert. " She smiled as he moved away from a green one and handed her the key. She jumped on and sped off towards Nick.

Nick turned around , Someone was following him. "Great" he mumbled. He slowed down and made a wide turn. Hiding behind some trees, hoping that driver would just pass him by.

But no such luck. The person turned the bend sharply and ran right into the tree, knocked them off their snow mobile. Nick jumped off of his vehicle and pulled off his helmet . He ran over to the person, and pulled off her helmet.

She had a pretty bad bruise on her head, which had a nice cut to match. He pulled her up and slung her over his shoulder. He had to find some place to stay. He looked around and seen the huge clouds barreling towards them. He spotted a cabin up the hill. It began to snow before he made it up. Nick kicked open the cabin door just as the wind began to pick up and the skies grew darker. He looked around the cabin and saw a couch. He laid the young woman down and found some paper and a lighter to light the fireplace. Once the fire was light he traveled up the stairs to look for a blanket. A few moments later he covered the lady up with a large warm quilt. He pushed some of her hair out of her face.

"Who are you?" he whispered, more to himself than to the unconscienc woman.

Alex slowly opened hers, letting them adjust to her surroundings. Outside it was already nightfall. She continued to look around the room, her eye lay on a dark figure curled onto the floor in a blanket next to her. The figure moved and when he sat up she could see his features a little more clearly from the light of the fire. "Are you all right?" he asked. His voice was low, raspy and concerned.

"Who are you?" She asked, she knew perfectly well who he was. He was the man who she took pictures of in his natural state.

"The guy who saved your life."

"Saved my life? Is that what you thought you were doing?" Alex tried to put on the 'I'm a little princess' act. Knowing she was succeeding she continued.

"Yeah. What did you think I was trying to do?" He asked.

"Attack me. Kidnap me. Kill me."

Nick made a noise that could have been a laugh, but didn't make it. "Not quite. How do you feel?"


"Not surprising. You passed out." Nick bent his right leg, moving it back and forth as he rubbed the knee. Nick was attractive well if you didn't conclude the day old stubble he was growing. "Are you tired? You had quite a fall." Nick said, she looked up at him almost forgetting he was there.

"Yeah, I am a little woozy " She smiled as he lay back down. Slowly Alex did the same.


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