Chapter Two

Nick woke up to a baby crying. The darkness surrounded him. He looked at the clock on the bed stand and seen it was only 4:00 am. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. But quietly stumbled towards the little nursery. He picked up the toe headed boy. Almost instantly he stopped crying. He rocked him gently.

"Hey Nick, hey buddy. You just don't know how much I want you to be my son. It would show that Zoe and I did at least one thing right,". He smiled and kissed the little child's nose. Little Nick giggled.

"He does have your smile," a soft voice came from behind him. He turned around.

"Zoe you don't have to tell me that. He couldn't possibly be mine,". Nick smiled as he felt Zoe touch his back.

"Only one way to find out. We'll get some tests run tomorrow,". She kissed the baby's hands and took him from Nick. She whispered something into the baby's ear, then laid the child back into it's crib.


Nick brushed his hair and looked over at the little boy. "Time to find out if you're my son," he smiled and picked up the smiling little bundle.

" Nick! Are you ready!" Zoe yelled from outside. Nick laughed.

About an hour later.

"Nick they are going to take a few days," Zoe said trying to cheer up Nick.

"I want to know if Nickolas is my son now Zoe, not four days from now, I mean what if he is Colt's son, or, or I don't know, who was the other one?". Nick became frustrated and Zoe could tell, she rubbed the back of his neck as he drove them home... home... it all hit her so fiercely, so suddenly. Home.

One word was all it took. "Nick..." she whispered taking his hand. "Nick is your son. No matter whose blood he has, he is your son,". Nick looked confused. "What are you saying?" he asked tightening his grip on her hand.

She turned his chin. He laughed, "Zoe I have to drive...".

"I am saying, I forgive you. I love you, I want to forgive and forget, Nick, I want you to always be around. I want you to be around for my... our son. Nickolas Gene Carter Jr.".

Nick was silent for a few minutes. But then he pulled over to the side of the road. With tears in his eyes , he pulled something from under his shirt. The silver locket and the ring. He slipped the ring off the chain, then clipped the necklace back on her neck... where it belonged. "Zoe, this is going to have to do, for the time being,". He took the ring, with their names craved into it, and placed it on her finger. "Will you marry me?" he whispered.

She didn't even say yes, she just leaned into him and kissed him. The taste of him was overwhelming. She mumbled a faded yes into his mouth. She was glad to be home.

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