

"What the hell?" Nick mumbled as the phone in his hotel room sounded. He looked at the clock. "It's 8:00 and I already have phone calls," he gumbled. "Hello?"

"Nick, hi, it's Leslie."

He quickly came to. "Leslie, what is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need you to tell AJ and Karen thank you for the St.Bernard."

"They got you a St.Bernard?"

"Not a real one. Just tell them thanks. Seeing that when I got home made me feel a lot better."

"Well, that's great, sis. I'll tell them."

"How's Karen doing?"

"Terrific. She's very talented."

"Yeah, she is," Leslie agreed. "Is she still filming her video while you're in Tennessee?"


"Yup. For her single 'Sweet Endings'. They're filming it at the producer's house in Memphis, because his house has eight rooms, and he has two acres of land."

"Are they on a tight budget?"

"Very tight."

"Do they have any ideas for it yet?"

"I don't know, maybe, you should ask her."

Nick changed the subject. "So, how are you doing?"

"A lot better. I'm a little tired and sore, but other that, I'm all right."

"How's the rest of the clan?"

"Pretty good. Aaron's learning some new dance moves along with Angel and BJ is always talking about her boyfriend. Nothing new."

"And Mom and Dad?"

"They're good. Happy to be home. Just like me." Leslie paused. "Well, I gotta' go. Mom says you need your sleep."

"Okay, sweetie, you be sure to rest up. I'll see 'ya in a couple of weeks."

"Okay, love 'ya, Nick."

"I love 'ya, too, sis." He hung up the phone. "Might as well get up and get movin'."

Nick got ready to start the day and headed to the hotel's restaurant. There he ran into Pollyanna. He noticed her sitting alone rumaging through a pile of papers. "Hello."

"Oh, good morning, Nick."

"Good morning. What are you doing?"

Pollyanna took a sip of coffee. "Looking through ideas, plots and budgets for Karen's video. Care to join me?"

"Sure." Nick said taking a seat. "You seem troubled."

"Well," she sighed. "I really like Karen's idea, but I doubt we have funding for it."

"What's the idea?"

"You see the theme of the song is a girl thinking of her crush, and she's liked him since she was a little girl. And she's about to give up hope, then love strikes quote 'Sweet Endings.' So, Karen wants the video to start with a best friend type character to whom she reveals a secret crush on her brother. Then have flashbacks showing the crush grow."

Nick nodded. "I think it sounds nice, why won't it work?"

"The budget. Flashbacks are a bit expensive, in order to do that along with special lighting-- . We couldn't possibly afford to pay two actors or get costumes."

"What if I found two actors for free? Karen could use her own outfits or--- I know I'll have AJ take her to a thrift shop."

Pollyanna seemed unsure. "Where would you find two actors for free?"

"Well, my sister BJ is an actress and she's never done an American music video. She'd do it for the exposure alone."

"What about a male?"

Nick grinned. "How about me?"


"Yeah, I'll do it, no problem."

Pollyanna gleamed with happiness. "Oh, Nick, thank you so much."

"No problem, Pollyanna." He thought to himself. "It gives me another reason to kiss Karen."

(That Night)

"Hey," Nick whispered as he hugged Karen from behind.

"Hi," she whispered with a smile.

"Did Polly tell you the news?"

"Yup. Thank you so much. I'll thank BJ when I see her. This is just so sweet."

"You're more than welcome, Karen, I'll do all I can to help."

"Is BJ meeting us in Memphis tomorrow?"

"Yeah, she'll be there in the morning. She's flying up with my aunt tonight. She'll meet us on set."

Karen took a seat backstage. "It's gonna' be really, really rough."

"Whataya' mean?" Nick asked.

" We get on the bus at 11 pm. We drive straight to Tennessee tonight. I get off the bus at 5:00 am. In order to be ready to shoot at 6:30 am. Then I shoot until 5:30. Do the opening routine for BSB. Then head back to the shoot and start filming 7-10. In order to be back on the bus at 11pm to head out."

Nick stroked her cheek. "Man, you're gonna' have a rough time, honey."

"Oh, well, it'll be worth it," she assured him. She sat down.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just tired. I guess I'm not adjusting to the tour."

"You sure?"


Nick kissed her cheek. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll make a terrific video."

"Thanks." Karen's intro started. "I'll see you in the morning." She kissed his cheek. "Bye."

