

"Argh!" Nick grumbled as he picked himself off the floor. He glared at the suitcase he tripped over. "Man! I'm gonna' be late for Karen's shoot."

"What's wrong?" Brian yawned.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just being clumsy as usual. Now I'm gonna' be late for Karen's video. Sorry to wake you."

"Don't sweat it. Tell your girlfriend I said 'hi'."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Oh, really? She's just a random chick you kiss?" Brian laid down. "Whatever you say, Nick."

"Hey," Karen whispered as she stretched.

Nick massaged her shoulders. "Tired?"

"Yup. I couldn't sleep last night."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Karen replied. "BJ's upstairs with your aunt."

"Guess, I'll go say 'hi.' " BJ appeared behind him.

"Nevermind," he laughed.

BJ hugged him. "Hey, Nick, thanks for getting me this job!"

"No problem. Thank Karen. She came up with the concept."

"Trust me, I've thanked her," BJ assured him.

"How's your family?" Karen asked.

"Okay. Leslie's pretty drained, but otherwise they're good."

Pollyanna joined them. "Hi. Ladies, we're ready for you our scene. Go touch up your makeup and we can start filming."

They started in the bedroom. BJ sat on the bed. While Karen curled up on the floor.

"Action!" Pollyanna yelled.

"What do you want to do?" BJ asked.

"I don't know, let's go see what's in the kitchen."

BJ chuckled. "You just want to go to the kitchen, because my brother's in there. You are SO in love with him."

"I am not."

"Yeah, right," BJ whispered as they exited the bedroom.

"Cut!" Pollyanna hollered. She watched the playback. "Wow. We got it in the first take. Great job, girls." She grabbed her notes. "Okay, we're gonna' set up in the kitchen. That's where Nick enters. You three come with me and I'll give you your blocking."

Pollyanna positioned them. "Okay, Nick you're making a sandwich when the girls enter. BJ you head straight to the fridge, Karen you linger behind at the doorway. And gaze at your crush and start to daydream."

"Got it," Karen replied.

Nick and BJ nodded.

The crew director spoke up. "We're ready to film."

Three hours passed. BJ sat read a magazine, Nick played his gameboy and Karen looked over her scheudle. Pollyanna marked off her list. She faced the cast.

"Okay, we already shot the scene with BJ and Karen, the kitchen, Nick and Karen playing ball, nintendo, playing with the pet." She paused. "BJ, we've got all your shots. You're free to leave if you like."

BJ grabbed her purse. "Thanks, guess I'll go shopping with Aunt Debbie." She hugged Karen. "Thanks, for making me a part of your video."

"Thank you for being a part of it," Karen grinned.

BJ hugged Nick. "Have a great tour. Stay healthy."

"I will," he promised, "see 'ya, sis."

She waved. "Bye, guys!"

Pollyanna read over the scheudle. "We're ready for your dance scene. Then Karen needs to get in her formal for the "fantasy" ballroom scene she dreams up.

