

Nick spun Karen into his arms. Her black train following gracefully behind them. They stopped and gazed into each other's eyes. "Cut!" Pollyanna glanced at her watch. "Goodness, it's already noon. You two take a half hour lunch break."

"Well, I better go change," Karen said lifting up her formal.

Nick grabbed her hand. "Could you wait just a moment?"

"Sure. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanna' ask you a question."

She sat down. "Go right ahead."

"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

Nick took a deep breath. "I mean, are we friends who kiss or are we more than that?"

"Personally, I thought we were more than that," Karen whispered.

Nick grinned. "I was hoping you'd say that." He looked into her brown eyes. "Would you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to," Karen replied as she kissed his cheek. "But I've gotta' go get out of this dress."

"Want some help?" Nick snickered.

When Karen returned she saw Pollyanna and Nick in the middle of a conversation. The director faced Karen. "Hey, sweetie, I'm really sorry, but could we shoot one more shot before lunch?"


"Okay, it's simple. You're teaching him how to dance. You do a waltz, then two turns. Stop gaze at each other and kiss. Nick'll guide you through the blocking."

"All right, let's shoot it."

"Action!" Karen and Nick held hands and entered the living room. They stepped together for 3 counts, then spun around. Coming to a gentle stop. The couple stared at each other lovingly. Nick leaned into to Karen and placed his lips to hers. Karen's heart skipped a beat at his touch.

Pollyanna watched the playback. "Oh, darn. Guys, I'm sorry, but I need you to do the scene over."

Nick wrapped his arms around Karen. "Another reason to kiss."

They ran the scene again and got a good take. Pollyanna looked over the footage as the couple ate lunch. She joined them. "Nick, we've got all the footage we need of you. You're free to go."

Nick turned to Karen. "I could stay, if you want."

"No, why don't you page BJ," she suggested. "You have a rare chance to spend time with a relative. Don't let it pass you by."

Nick kissed her forehead. "Okay. I'll see 'ya at the show."

"It's 5:00. Karen performs at 6:00. Odd that she's not here," Howie commented as he stretched.

Brian browsed through the paper. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be here."

As Brian finished speaking Karen burst through the door. "Sorry, I'm late. We were having difficulties."

"Did you get it worked out?" Nick asked.


AJ sipped his water. "How's the shoot?"

"Tiring." She took a shaky deep breath. "Very tiring."

Kevin felt her forehead. "Are you all right? You look very pale."

"I'm always pale," Karen assured him. "Excuse me. I gotta' go warm up." She hugged Nick and hurried out.

AJ glanced at Nick. "I think Karen's getting tour-itis."

"Tour-itis?" Nick laughed.

Brian set down his paper. "'Ya know it. We've all had it."

Howie cleared his throat, then delivered the definition. "Tour-itis- your first tour and the illness that comes with it."

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard to handle your first tour. Your body just gives out. Like our first tour- Brian had the flu," AJ remembered.

Brian nodded. "Yup. And Kev had strep."

"Howie got the stomach flu," Kev said patting him on the back.

"AJ caught the flu from Brian," Howie stated.

Nick held his stomach. "And I caught the bug from Howie. How could I forget?"

AJ sat up. "All we're sayin' is keep an eye on your girl. Cause if you sit up with her she needs you, she'll love 'ya for it."

"Help her to the restroom, if she's weak," Howie suggested.

Kevin spoke up. "And most important: if she throws up on you, do not act grossed out."

"Sleepless nights, dragging her to the toilet and getting puked on. Real romantic," Nick sighed.

AJ shrugged. "Hey, it's all part of being a good boyfriend."

"What do I do? I mean, I don't wanna' bug. Is there anyway to keep an eye on her, but be romantic at the same time?"

Brian stretched his legs. "If you want romance go ask the Latin Lover."

"Okay." Nick took a seat beside Howie. "What should I do?"

"Okay, what time will Karen be loading the bus?"


"And she'll be very tired. Right?"


"So, the minute you see her take her bags, escort her to the bus. Once you're on put away her luggage. Turn on some romantic music. Then offer her a massage."

"What about Pollyanna?"

AJ rolled his eyes. "As long as you're not trying to do something besides rub her back, Pollyanna won't care."

"Oh yeah," Nick said blushing. "Wait... I still have one problem,"

"You have more than one problem," AJ mumbled.

Howie ignored AJ. "What's that, Nick?"

Nick chuckled. "I don't have any romantic music. The only cds I brought were: Nirvana, Notorious B.I.G and Chris Cornell. Not exactly romantic."

"You didn't bring your 'Journey' cd?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, but I left it with Leslie while she was at the hospital."

"Don't worry, Nick," Brian said covering for his friend. "You can borrow my Brian McKnight cd."

"Come on, guys," Kevin said. "Let's go through warm ups."

