

Brian grabbed the window seat as the group entered the plane. Nick sat beside him with Karen at his left side. Nick put up their luggage. "Thanks for taking for the window seat, Rok."

Brian flipped through a magazine. "No prob, figured I'd save you the vomit."

Karen stared out the small window. "Hey, Brian, if the plane goes down-- what are our changes of surival?"

"Relax, Karen, nothing will happen."

"That's what you say now. While we're still alive."

"And I'll say it tomorrow, because we'll still be alive."

Nick took her hand. "I don't like flying either. I understand where you're coming from."

Brian skimmed through his article. "Here's my advice: try to sleep through the flight."

Pollyanna, Howie, AJ and Kevin entered and sat infront of them.

"Kare, your video was terrific. It even made Nick look good," Kevin commented.

Pollyanna turned to Karen. "Were you happy with the finished product?"

"I was delighted," Karen smiled.

"Good!" Pollyanna said with a sigh of relief.

Howie looked through his cds. "The audience really seemed to enjoy it."

"It's a great song to start your career with," AJ replied.

Brian grinned. "I'm sure you'll have a big hit, Kare-Bear."

Karen smiled and thanked him.

"So, what are everyone's plans for New York?" Pollyanna asked.

"Brian and I are meeting up with our ladies," Kevin answered gesturing to his cousin.

"We're all going out to lunch, since we have a half-day off," Brian explained.

"Polly and I are going to see 'Footloose' on Broadway."

AJ leant back in his seat. "SHOPPING!"

"What else is new," Howie laughed.

"I'm shopping with Conrad, our driver. He needs some style."

"How about you?" Pollyanna asked pointing to Nick and Karen.

"I think I'll just rest, if that's okay with you, Nick."

"Sure, whatever you want, sweetie."

The pilot came on announcing their take off. "I hate this part," Nick groaned.

Karen massaged her stomach in agreement.

Howie checked the batteries in his walkman. "You okay, Kare?"

"Yeah, just a little queasy."

"Your air-sick bag is right infront of you," Brian reminded her.

"Yes, I know," Karen said rolling her eyes. "I'm not gonna' puke." She cleared her throat. "Although, I might feel better if I did."

Pollyanna noticed Karen's ghostly resemblence. She took her icy hand. "Come on, sweetie, why don't we take a trip to the little girls' room?"

Kevin read a new edition of 'Spin'. "I think it's safe to say she hates flying."

"Oh yeah," AJ chuckled.

Nick re-started his Gameboy. "Well, I can't say that I blame her. I hope she's okay."

Howie adjusted his earphones. "I'm sure she will be."

Pollyanna and Karen returned. The redhead sank into her seat giving way to a sigh.

"Better?" Nick asked.

"My stomach- yes. My head- no." She massaged her temples. "I'm so dizzy."

Howie faced her. "Why don't you try to get some sleep?"

"I think I will," she mumbled.

Nick handed her a pillow and a blanket. "Here. Maybe you can TRY to get comfy."

"Good luck," Brian replied.

Karen rested her head against the pillow and shut her eyes.

The next time she opened her eyes she saw Nick loading up his stuff. He handed Karen her purse. "Hey."

"Are we in New York?"

"Yup. Come on, we're heading to the Plaza."

"All right," she yawned.


