

Leslie stood backstage watching the crowd. Karen joined her. "Hey, Les. You okay?"

"Yeah, just got the jitters."

Karen gave her a hug. "You'll be great. Don't worry."

The music began. Leslie grinned. "Come on, girl, let's go wow 'em!"

After the show Karen and Leslie returned to their tour bus. Leslie sprawled out on a beanbag chair while Karen curled up in the top bunk. "Leslie, may I tell you a secret?"


"I'm a huge BSB fan. I mean, I always have been. I have 324 pictures, 11 cds, 23 books, 3 keychains, 7 videos---"

"Whoa!" Leslie sighed. "I would have never guessed. I mean you were so calm."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm an actress.'


"Leslie, I don't wanna' embrass myself."

"You won't," Leslie grinned,"trust me. But Nick might."

Karen laughed. "I doubt it. The guy is flawless."

"Flawless. Wait 'til you see him in the morning."

"Seeing him in the morning is a sight worth getting up for."

Leslie moved to the bottom bunk."Whatever you say, Karen."

There was a knock on the side of the bus. Then the girls heard Nick's voice. "Hey, ladies! May I come in?"

"I guess." Leslie shouted.

Nick entered. "Hey!"

Leslie sat up. "Hi, Nick. Do you know where Mom is?"

"She's in the arena with the rest of the clan."

"Oh, joy. Family bonding. I guess I better go check with them. Considering I won't see them for the next two months."

"I already said my goodbyes," Nick stated.

Leslie stood up. "Well, you can stay here and keep Karen company then."

"My pleasure."

"Be back in a jiffy," Leslie said as she rushed out.

Karen glanced down at the ground. She was so nervous. She was actually alone with THE Nick Carter.


