

Howie gave Karen a huge hug when he saw her in the hotel lobby. "You were wonderful!"

"Thank you," she said blushing.

The others entered. Nick lifted Karen into his arms. "You have such a beautiful voice."


Brian nodded. "I agree with Nick."

Nick set her down, so, Kevin could shake her hand. "Great job."

"You've been holding out on us," AJ stated as he kissed her cheek.

Howie checked his watch. "Well, it's only 10. So, I'm gonna' head to the swing club down the street. You guys wanna' come?"

AJ, Kevin and Brian agreed to go. Nick declined. "Sorry, guys. I gotta' be at the hospital in the morning. Leslie has sugery then."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, bud," Brian sighed.

"That's all right. " He turned to Karen. "I was gonna' go watch a movie. Care to join me?"

She grinned. "Sure."

Karen felt her body shaking slightly as she entered Nick's hotel room. He hung up his jacket. "You okay?"


"Want something to drink?"

"No, thank you."

"Have a seat," Nick said motioning to the bed.

"On the bed?" she studdered.

Nick got himself a drink. "That's why you were so nervous," he said sitting down, "Don't worry. I won't try anything."

Karen started laughing. "Would you like to know the real reason why I'm nervous?"


She sat down. "I was nervous because---- I've had a crush on you since I was fifteen."

"You've liked me for two years?"


He handed her a menu. "I feel very honored to have a gal as sweet as you like a goofball like me."

"Really? That's so sweet." She glanced at the menu. "What's this for?"

"You need to eat. You've only eaten once today, and it was only a tiny salad. And that was 10 hours ago."

"I can't afford room service. I'm on a REAL tight budget."

Nick flipped on the tv. "Don't sweat it. I'll flip the bill. You just get some food in you."

"You sound like Kevin, "Karen stated.

"I do?"


Nick pretended to gag. "Oh, I am sorry. But would you please eat something?"

Karen shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

Nick and Karen ordered hot cocoa and rice crispy treats. Nick curled up beside her. "Man! Are we hardcore rock stars or what?"

Karen sipped her cocoa. "We are the hardest!"

Nick scanned through the channels. "Let's see what movies the hotel offers."

He read off the list. 'Titanic,' 'As Good As It Gets', 'The Godfather,' and 'Shakespeare In Love.' "If it's all right with you could we watch 'As Good As It Gets?' "

He laughed. "Oh, my God! A girl who doesn't want to watch 'Titanic?' Amen!"

Karen giggled. She glanced at the clock. "11:00. Maybe you should call your mom. I bet she's up. And find out how Leslie is."

He grabbed the phone. "Good idea."

He dialed the number. "Hi, Mom. Is Leslie up?"

"No, hon. She's sound asleep. Finally."

"Why are you up?"

"Simple. I'm a mother with a sick child. Sleep does not exist."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, your father's here and BJ's with the twins. Everything's going as smooth as possible, I guess."

"But she's okay?"

"Uh-huh. You just get some sleep."

"All right, Mom. I'll see 'ya at seven AM."

"Okay, Nick. Goodnight."

"Night." He hung up the phone. "Well, Karen, she's okay. Ready to watch the movie?" He paused. "Karen?" Nick turned around to see Karen fast asleep. Nick turned down the tv. Then covered her underneath the blankets.

