Chapter Two


Destiny looked over her son. She stood by the enchanted pool. The water was crystal clear and cold. She looked up as someone came to her.

"Hello Destiny" a voice as sweet as honeysuckle replied.

Destiny turned to face the young girl; she bowed her head in honor. "Hello Princess." The woman whispered.


"What are you doing may I ask." she said as Destiny's eyes returned to hers.

Destiny motioned towards the enchanted pool. "Watching my son."

Emma Star gracefully moved towards the pool. "When shall he come?" the young 16-year-old asked.

Destiny smiled. "He will be coming in about an Earth month." replied the woman.

"I want to take the throne soon. Is there any problems?" she asked gracefully folding her hands in her lap.

"Just one, I'm afraid he will not leave the ones he loves.". Destiny gazed at the boy as he moved through the house. Emma star watched as well. They were both fantasized by the love he felt for these people.

"There shall be a way, right?" Emma asked quietly.

Destiny smiled lovingly. Emma had watched Nick grow up, whether he knew it or not, she was always there for him. Except the four years he lived in the enchanted forest. "You love him." Destiny replied simply.

Emma blushed. "Yes, I do, and I hate to see him with that girl, Jo." she said harshly as the girl made her way into Nick's house.

Destiny turned and watched the fairy princess. Destiny had been Emma Star's nurse for almost 15 years. Emma Star was not at all Nick's... replacement as her child, she was like a child to destiny true, but Nick was her flesh and blood.

She looked over the girl. She was wearing her normal outfit, the silver body dress, the skirt looked like sharp petals, and the top looked like a tank top. Her legs were long and tan like she had been to the beach, but there was no beach in the enchanted forest. She wore shoes that looked like ballet slippers and her wings glittered in silver. A small silver crown set up on her shoulder length bleach blonde hair.

Nick looked out at the ocean. Something he loved to do. He squeezed Jo's hand tighter. "Nick don't" she scolded.

He quietly apologized and continued to shuffle his feet through the cool sand. "Why are we here? You know how much I hate the ocean." she said dully.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I just thought that some fresh air might do you some good." he replied quietly. He was falling in love with Jo Harley, but the way it seemed she was falling out of love with him. "Jo... How do you feel about me? Honestly I mean." he asked as they climbed into the black Durango he had gotten for his 18th birthday.

"Honestly Nick, its hard being your girlfriend. You're famous, and I have to deal with it all. All the twelve year old girls asking me if we've ever had sex, and if I tell them the truth they call me a liar and throw rocks at me, and if I tell them a lie, they yell at me and throw rocks at me, so either way I lose. It's actually depressing Nick, whenever you're home, all we do is go to the beach or you sleep. I don't think I can handle it anymore." she said returning to her quietness.

Nick swallowed and looked at her sad brown eyes. "Are you saying we should break up?" he whispered as they stopped at a red light.

"No Nick, well, I don't know. I guess what I am saying is we lost the touch, we lost what we had in the beginning. So yeah in a way I want to break up.". She continued to look out the window.

Nick fought the tears that were beginning to show. "Jo, please, don't make this goodbye, I'm falling in love with you, I want to marry you Jo. This can't end, not now." he begged.

Jo looked at his sad eyes. "Will you tell the world about me? Tell them you have a girlfriend?" she asked.

Nick looked at her with a worried glance. "No Jo, you know I can't they said I can't" he replied.

Jo looked angry. "Fine, it's over Nick, take me home." she demanded.

Instead of going straight on Johnson, Nick made a left on Robin. Down three houses on the right. The big brick house with swings and a garden in the front yard. He knew her house off by heart, he could draw a detailed map of it for anyone.

"Please Jo, not right now, please don't leave me." he begged. She turned around to look at him, she gave him an angry glare and slammed the door. Nick drove home only listening to one song, Boys to Men's 'I'll Make Love To You' Jo claimed it as their song the moment she heard it. It was the song they listened to before going all the way on Nick's birthday January 28th two and a half years ago. Nick felt his heart aching. He looked at the clock and realized he had been driving around town for almost four hours. He made one more round, pulled onto Houston, made a left at periwinkle and a right on Jackson, down seven houses, into the private road Duffel and down two more houses on the left.

Footballs, baseballs, basket balls, roller skates and inner tubes graced the front and back yard. He smiled sadly, what else could a yard look like with five kids. He climbed out of the truck and felt the warm breeze go through his hair. Suddenly he felt a cool chill go across his right cheek. "Mom?" he whispered. He was confused, why did he say that? He knew perfectly well his mother was alive and at a press conference with Aaron. But the picture of the woman, the one with dark blonde hair and emerald green eyes flashed in his mind when he heard the word mother.

He shook it off and went to bed. He had a big concert at Disney in the morning.


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