Chapter Five


The next day, Nick realized he only had two days left to chose. He slowly got out of bed. He dressed in all black and slicked some gel through his hair. When he was done he looked at the dresser, full of his clothes, and hair stuff etc. How did that get there? he thought, but then shrugged it off.

He walked to the garden, where a servant had told him Emma Star and Lucy were. As he reached the entrance he gingerly picked two flowers, both roses, they were a deep red with silver dust across the top. He walked silently through the maze of bushes, flowers and different things Nick never knew about. He saw the girls sitting on a patch of grass talking. He snuck up behind them and handed them the flowers.

"Good morning ladies." he smiled, as they looked shocked.

"Why are you in such a good mood this morning?" Lucy asked hinting back to the night before.

Nick smiled and leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "Thank you. I needed that, and this makes you my new best friend.". Lucy and Nick laughed. Emma star smiled. "How are you enjoying the land of the fairies?" Emma asked sniffing her flower. Nick shrugged. "I like it, but it's missing two things.".

Emma gave him a raised eyebrow. "Really? I thought this place had everything.

"No, it needs an ocean and dolphins, oh and pizza.".

Emma laughed. "You mean you haven't visited the perfect pool?".

Nick looked confused.

"I would have figured that would have been the first place you went to.".

Nick shook his head. "What is it?". He lay down onto the grass and stared up at the sky. It was magnificent! The sun glowed a light yellow and had rings of orange red, purple, pink, blue and green all around it. And they all shaded out into a perfect baby blue sky. Nick wished he had his art stuff right now, just to draw this scene, and Emma. He had to admit she was very pretty.

"Perfect pool is a large pond that has crystal clear warm water. Its like the ocean, it has exotic fish, different kinds of plants, and dolphins. Oh yeah and it has waves too. And Nick, if you wanted pizza, you just could have asked cook." Lucy began to laugh with her sister as Nick lay on the ground with a dumb look on his face.

Emma stood up. Nick didn't notice it before! " Wow!" he exclaimed. He didn't know fairies could dress like normal people. Emma was wearing tight black leather pants, and a cute V-neck white and green tank top. The shirt reminded him of a sunset, dark green at the top and it faded into white at the bottom.

Lucy stood up next. She had on bright neon, he guessed glow in the dark, yellow shorts, and a baby yellow shirt with a black design on it. They looked down at him then pulled him up.

Minutes later they stood in front of a large pond, maybe about a mile long. And 20 to 30 feet deep. Nick seen people in it. He pointed at them. "Are those fairies?" he asked.

Lucy and Emma shook their heads, "No, those are mermaids. We have seven of them in this pond. Janna, Mary, Kailua, Betty, Naomi, Judy and Daphne." Lucy said.

Nick nodded. He continued watching and smiled when a slick dolphin leaped into the air. "Wow this place is..." "...Magical." Emma finished.

He smiled. Lucy stared at the two. She could see straight through Nick. He was in fact, falling in love for her sister. She smiled.

"Well, I promised cook that I'd help her make a lunch. I love cook she is such a sweetheart." Lucy smiled and fluttered her wings.

Nick watched as they lifted her off her feet and took her towards the castle. Nick and Emma stood in an uncomfortable silence just listening to the waves crash below. Nick shifted his feet so that his hand brushed against Emma's. She blushed. "I am sorry, my hand does not deserve your touch. For you are to fair.".

He blushed at his words. Emma smiled. "You speak as if you are Romeo Montigue". She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I've always liked that play." he whispered.

"Well then I insist that your presence be near, and let our hands hold." she said quietly, letting her hand slip into his.

Nick smiled and looked bashful. Yes he was indeed falling in love. Nick and Emma stayed at the perfect pool, until the sun began to set. The colors were beautiful, Green, pink, blue, yellow, strawberry red, orange, purple, and all the colors anyone could think of. Nick and Emma lay underneath the stars.

"Look at them twinkle." Nick sighed.

"Nick, do the stars look like this in your world?" Emma asked leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Only in some places, others are to filled with pollution."

Emma silently formed a plan in her mind. If Nick would not join her in this world, then she would join him in his. "Nick, do you really want to stay here? Or are you just staying because you are made to?" She looked into his blue eyes, they twinkled like the millions of stars above.

Nick was silent for a little but then quietly answered. "I stay because my mother is here, I stay because Lucy is here, and most of all I stay because you are here.". He rolled over onto his side so that he was almost directly on top of her. Then he cupped her face into his hands and gently kissed her. Nothing big... just a peck on the lips. When he pulled away he saw the tears gracing on top of Emma's eyelashes. He quickly moved over. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you, was I too heavy!" He was almost hysterical.

Emma smiled weakly. "No not at all, I was just happy to hear you say those words.". She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Nick if you want to go back you still have that choice.". She rubbed the top of his hand.

"No, I want to be with you." he insisted.

"But what about the mortal children you want, or your family, your career.". She tried to get him to go back. She knew how important all of those were to him.

"Everything I need is here." he whispered. He leaned in to kiss her again, but Emma stood up quickly.

"What about your friends, what about Brian."

Nick was quiet. "This world is making me forget them. I don't want to forget them Emma. I want to see Brian, and AJ, and Sweet D and... God I want to see them all. But I don't want to live with out you.". He stood up and took her hands into his.

"They miss you badly Nick, Brian misses you the most, and your little brother. They cry themselves to sleep Nick. Aaron won't perform. Brian hardly eats or goes out. You've lived with out me before, you can do it again!" she yelled pushing him back and jumping into the air, flying towards the castle.

Emma could hardly see the castle walls she was crying so badly. She knew how much Nick would miss the people he loved. And she had to do it, had to make him want to go back.

Nick walked back to the castle not understanding what had just happened. Everything was going well with Emma, he thought he could learn to love her and in truth he kind of did, well sort of. He still loved Jo. But he had to make himself forget he had to make himself forget all the things he'd left behind. But he missed them so much. He couldn't stand being away any longer. He was going to leave.


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