Chapter Seven


A few days later Nick was released from the hospital. "We need you to sign this Mr. Carter.". A nurse smiled at Nick and handed him a clipboard.

Nick signed the papers while his sister waited impatiently. "Are you ready all mighty one?" BJ said impatiently.

"Hey be nice to me, I almost died." Nick laughed as she rolled her eyes at him and helped him to her convertible.

They mostly drove in silence. "What did you see?" BJ asked quietly.

"What?". He looked at his sister.

"Well, I just wanted to know what you seen while you were in the coma.". She shrugged.

Nick felt a pain in his heart and a lump in his throat. "You would believe me even if I did tell you." he whispered smiling sadly as his sister looked at him. There was that uncomfortable silence again. Nick chewed on his lip. They pulled onto the private road and pulled into their large steel gates, a couple fans trying to follow them. The gates closed and Nick got out of the car. He missed Emma and Destiny already. He slipped inside the house and up the stairs without being heard. When he was in closed in the darkness of his room he stood quietly.

"Mom? Emma?".

Nothing. He felt like crap. Slowly he lay on his bed. Maybe if he slept he would see them again.

Nick slept for a while and nothing happened. He slowly pulled himself out of his bed. Nick looked at his mirror, his hair was fluffy and dark circles were underneath his eyes. He sighed and crept down the stairs. The downstairs was dark and cold, except the kitchen. The kitchen was flooded with light. Slowly he walked towards it to find his father sitting alone drinking coffee.


"Dad?" he asked sitting across from his father. "What are you doing."

Nick's father looked up at him. "Thinking about the enchanted forest. I was told there wasn't a way back, but there is, there really is.". He chuckled and nibbled at his nails.

Nick's heart jumped. "There is? Dad you have to tell me!". He took his father's hand and pulled himself closer so that his father could see the eager tears in his eyes.

" It's too hard." his father declined.

Nick jumped out of his chair and stood crying in front of his father. "Please Daddy, I love Emma, I got to be with Emma." he cried.

There was a moment of silence. His father sighed. "You have to fake a death. Because once gone, the only way to come back is to be banded. Either fake a death or just disappear without a trace. Then go to the church, St. Joan. The queens first name. Climb to the roof, and just as the rising sun peeks over the horizon whisper 'be with thy magic, be one with thy self, forever forgiven.' Then... you must plunge off of the roof.". His father looked up at his eldest boy. "Just in case disappear." he whispered.

Nick nodded and ran up to his room. He grabbed a duffel and threw some things into it. Pictures mostly. Some clothes and a couple gifts he received from his friends the group and his family. He stood holding his doorknob in his hand, taking one last look at his room. He ran into the guest bedroom and grabbed a note pad and pencil. He scribbled a note to his family.

Dear family, I will miss you all dearly. Maybe one day we will all reunite, but until that day comes I shall leave you all. The pressure of being famous, having all your secrets known to the world is something I myself just can not handle right now. One day perhaps you will all understand but until then remember I love each and every one of you and I will never forget you. Ever. You will always be in my heart and I will think about you each day. Forever yours, Former Backstreet Boy, Nick Carter. PS This is not a suicide note!!!

Nick looked at his watch, he only had and hour and a half until sunrise and it took an hour to get to the church. He put the note onto his pillow and left the house driving his Durango.

About an hour later he was at the church. A cliff was behind it and he couldn't let on that he had come here. "My car, my poor car, I love you baby." he whispered as he put the car on cruise control and started to drive.

As he neared the ledge he jumped out and watched as the vehicle fell into the rocks below.

He looked at his watch, "10 minutes to go..." he whispered. Nick felt bad breaking into the church but he needed Emma. He ran to the top and stood on the roof with 8 minutes to spare.

Nick stood looking over the cannon, he hoped this worked, cause if it didn't he would be flatter than a damn pancake.

The first rays of light began to peek over the edge. He looked at his watch, "Right on time... here I come Emma." he whispered. He took a deep breath and began to recite the words his father said. "Be with thy magic, be one with thy self, forever forgiven." He took a deep breath picked up his bag and jumped. The world was coming closer to Nick, he wasn't going to make it.

Suddenly he was pulled into a baby blue bubble; silver was circling through it. He slowed down and touched ground a moment later. As he peeled his eyes open he was standing in front of the castle. He ran up to the first servant he seen. "Where is Princess Lucy and Princess Emma?" he asked urgently.

"Why, the garden sir." the woman bowed.

Nick smiled and thanked her, then he ran off towards the garden. He made his way through the maze and found them at their normal spot. He snuck up behind Emma and slipped beside her. But before she knew what was happening he kissed her cheek. She turned to face him shocked.

"I'm back, I wanted to be with you. Forever with you Emma. Please forgive all the wrong I've done and make it right with just one kiss." He whispered into her ear. "Shakespeare?" she asked.

"No, it's my heart that spoke. Not the words of the great writer.".

Emma Star smiled, she watched him as he leaned forward and kissed her. The kiss was so intense she had to close her eyes, and wrap her arms around his neck to keep from fainting.

Lucy smiled to herself. She saw a spark of silver come from between them, the sign of true love. She giggled and got up. One last look, then she flew away... to the mortal world to teach.


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