
Isabella Spencer sits at her computer looking up information about her favorite man on earth, Nick Cater. She is a huge Backstreet Boys fan. She likes them all but there is something about Nick, she doesn't know what it is but she does know that she is IN LOVE with him, HIM not what he does. She knows that some of the things on the Internet are just rumors but she finds hard proof that Nick has returned to his ex-girlfriend Mitzi. Isabella bursts into tears. "Nick how can you do this to yourself?" she cries. It has been confirmed by Nick and others close to him that Mitzi was extremely jealous and physically abusive toward him. This is why he broke up with her for a few months. But why would he put himself through that again?

Isabella thinks she knows. She is like Nick in a lot of ways. Both had to grow early. Neither was popular in school. Isabella had self-esteem issues. She didn't feel worthy of love but she learned the key, a person has to love her/himself before they can know what love really is. She's never had a boyfriend mainly because the guys she likes are either celebrities or have girlfriends or both. She lives in a small town with a lot of nice guys but they're friends, big brothers to her. She's seen too many people she cares about in bad relationships to settle for just anything. Who she wants, NEEDS, who she thinks she's good for is Nick. She believes that what happened to him is that because he wasn't popular in school when this girl showed interest in him, not the fact he's a BSB he became awe struck. But she is only interested in his fame. She wants to be a singer/actress and she needs Nick's help to do it. Since they've been back together she's been sweet but wait until the tour starts back. Even if she doesn't show her true colors again her sweetness is only an act. Nick needs the real thing.

Oh Isabella can be a scrappy little thing too but only when someone messes with her and especially when they mess with the people she loves, this includes Nick.

She surfs over to MTV.com and her heart races when she discovers they are having a contest. "One lucky BSB fan can win the chance to tour with the Boys around the country this summer."

"Oh God please." she prays. She reads the rules and discovers that there are several ways to enter and that you can enter as many times as you like. The more times you enter the bigger your chances to win. She goes and tells her mom about the contest. "If I win I can go right?"

"You're twenty years old I can't stop you."

"But I live under your roof. We don't have to worry about money. It's all paid for. They even give you 5,000 dollars spending money. You know me, I don't want a lot I'll probably come home with most of it."

"You better go and start entering."

She loses count of how many times she enters. She prays, "God you have a reason for giving me these feelings toward Nick. Help me find out that reason. Please let him wake up and realize this girl is no good for him. He deserves better. Maybe I'm not the one for him either, I don't know but I do know that she isn't."


A few weeks later she is doing homework on a Thursday afternoon. The TV is playing TRL in the background. She hears Carson Daly say, "I'm about to call a lucky Backstreet Boys fan to tell them they will be touring with the Boys this summer."

Her phone rings. Her heart stops. "Don't get your hopes up." she tells herself. She turns the TV down and answers the phone on the second ring. "Hello?"

"May I speak with Isabella?" asks a male voice.

"This is Isabella."

"Hi Isabella. This is Carson from MTV."

"Oh my gosh."

"You remember that BSB contest you entered?"


"Guess what? You won, you're going on tour with the Backstreet Boys this summer."

"I've been praying to win this." she says with tears streaming down her face.

"Well looks like your prayers were answered. Are you crying?"

"Yes." She laughs.

"They're tears of joy right?"

"Oh definitely."

"That's good. Anything you wanna say to anybody?"

"I'm sorry to the people who didn't win, and to the Boys I can't wait to meet you."

"Who's your favorite?" ask Carson.

"I like them all but there's something about Nick that I can't explain."

"Hang on the line to get details about your trip." he tells her. "Here they are at number one again today everybody the Backstreet Boys."

The video for "Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely" begins playing. Isabella thinks, "Nick give me a chance and you'll never be lonely again...and neither will I." She discovers she's leaving for Orlando two weeks from Friday. This gives her plenty of time to get ready. She only has to take two finals and they're both on Monday.


