
Isabella is at the airport waiting to board her plane. "You be very careful." Carlotta tells her.

"Mother I may be your little girl but I'm not a little girl anymore."

"I know. You'll understand when you're a mother."

"Then I won't understand for a while. I need a husband and a job first."

"Marry one of those rich Backstreet Boys and you won't need a job." says her cousin Kali.

"I don't care how much money my man has I have wanted to be a nurse all my life and I'm not going to give that up."

"Good girl! Be independent." says Carlotta.

"Flight 302 to Orlando now boarding."

"Well I'd better go."

Everyone says their goodbyes and Isabella heads for the gate.


Two hours later she is in Orlando. She gets her bags and makes her way through the crowd. She sees a man in a chauffer's uniform holding a sign with her name on it. "I'm Isabella."

"Hello. I'm here to take you to the Backstreet Boys." They go to a stretch limo and head for the hotel.

Once there she is escorted by a bodyguard into a conference hall where the Boys are. "Hi." they all say each giving her a hug. Something doesn't seem right when Nick hugs her.

"Hi." she replies.

"How was your flight?" asks Kevin.

"Fine. I'd never flown before so I was nervous but it was cool."

"So this is your first time in Florida?" Brian asks.

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to the tour because I've only been to very few places in my life."

"We don't to the chance to go sight seeing to often." states AJ.

"But maybe you can since you won't be having to prepare for the shows and do interviews like we do, except for that one on MTV at the end of the tour." adds Howie.

"Good that gives me eight weeks to prepare." She looks at Nick waiting for him to say something. His eyes are so sad and lifeless.

"Have you ever been to a BSB show?" he asks.

"No, tonight will be my first one."

"A lot of firsts for you. First flight, first time in Florida, BSB show. I hope you enjoy yourself."

"I'm sure I will. I'm going to be on the bus with you guys right?"

"Right." answers Kev. "AJ's mom is with us so you won't be the only woman."

"I'm used to it. The majority of my relatives are male." She looks at a pale Nick. "Nick are you okay?"

He's quiet for a second then says, "I think I'm coming down with the flu."

"He's been throwing up a lot lately." announces Brian.

"I don't think she wanted to know that Frick."

"Actually I'm studying to be a registered nurse so maybe I can help out if someone gets sick or hurt."

"Yeah, maybe." replies Nick weakly.

She looks him over. "He is so thin and frail. Something is wrong." she thinks.


That night Isabella steps on the bus. Nick is on the phone. She over hears him. "No." he says. "I promise. I...I've only said a couple of sentences to her. Yeah, I hugged her, I have to be friendly. I barely touched her. I have to go get ready for the show. Talk to you later." Hesitantly he mutters, "Love you too."

Isabella's heart sinks, she wants to help Nick but doesn't know how. She feels a hand on her shoulder and turns around. It's Kevin, he tells her, "I don't think there's anything anyone can do. We've all tried. Now he's cut himself off from his family, he hasn't talked to them in weeks."

"How has she been toward him lately?" she asks.

"Nick doesn't talk about it a lot. If anyone knows something it's Brian. I do know that Nick IS NOT happy."

Isabella sighs. "Kev I think there may be..."

"Hey! What's up?" she is cut off by Nick.

"I just came to get my camera." states Isabella.

"And I just came to give Izzy her backstage passes. I don't want you getting hassled by security."

"Thanks." she says taking the passes from him.

Kev steps off the bus. Isabella goes to get her camera. "What were you talking about?" asks Nick.

"Nothing." she lies.

"Were you listening while I was on the phone?"

"Yes." she confesses.

"Everyone else gives me a piece of their mind. What have you got to say?"

"Only that I want what's best for you Nick." with that she leaves the room.


The Boys are ready to go onstage. Nick looks weak, it took him a while to get ready. "Nick are you okay?" Isabella asks.

"Yes Nurse I'm fine. You better get to your seat if you want to see our entrance."

She knows he's not fine but doesn't want to push. She goes to her seat. In her mind she says, "What can I do to help him? What's wrong? He has problems that started before Mitzi, she's just making things worse."

Just then the venue grows dark and "Larger Than Life" starts playing. The guys come out on their surfboards. Nick is right above her, he gives a faint smile. During "All I Have To Give" she sings along changing the lyrics to make the song from a girl to a guy watching Nick the whole time. She does the same with "I'll Never Break Your Heart".


After the show everyone is backstage. "You guys were great."

"Thanks." they all reply.

They go over to the catering table. Nick gets plate of food and chows down hurriedly. "Whoa Nicky! You hungry Big Boy?" asks AJ.

Isabella jumps to Nick's defense. "Leave him alone!" she snaps. "He's not fat I have yet to figure out where people got that idea."

"Izzy I was just playing with him." insists AJ.

"Well it's not funny."

AJ walks back to the other guys. "What's her problem?"

"Thanks." says Nick. "But I'm used to it and I know he was playing."

"Those kind of jokes aren't funny. And do you really know they're jokes or do you take them to heart.?"

"They're jokes." Nick claims.

"So why isn't Mitzi here?"

"She's working on her album."

"I've only heard the chorus of the song she has on that soundtrack. Her voice is okay but I hate the song. Maybe she'll have something I'll like."


She reaches out and moves a strand of hair from his eye. He is startled by her action and looks up at her. The other guys walk up. "We'd better get on the bus." says Kevin. Isabella looks at him then back at Nick. She wants
desperately to help him.


Isabella is in her bunk when Nick walks up. "Hey." he says.


"Bella mind if I ask you something?"

"No. What?"

"Why did you jump to my defense tonight?"

"Like I said I don't think those kind of jokes are funny. I would have done it for anyone."

"Oh so I'm not special."

"Oh Nicky you have no idea how special you are. I think everyone's special in some way. People are people. Nick Carter or John Doe, Backstreet Boy or
busbiy you're no better than anyone else is. And you are definitely NOT BENEATH ANYONE." She cups his face in her hands and looks deep into his eyes. "Don't ever let anyone make you feel small because you're not, you are a wonderful MAN." She sees tears in his eyes and she kisses his cheek.

He slides his arms around her and blinks back the tears. He kisses the top of her head. "Thank you. That means a lot to know there is someone who sees me as human."

"I'm not the only one who thinks that Nick. I spend a lot of time on the Internet and there are so many fans who care about YOU. I think for every crazy fan there are ten normal ones. You can be fanatical and not go over board."

He chuckles. "How many pictures do you have of me on your walls?"

"Four." she admits with a laugh.

Nick smiles. "I was watching MTV when Carson called you. He asked who your fave is and you said you like us all but there's something about me you can't explain. What's that about?"

"I get vibes from people. Some people I like for no apparent reason, some people I can't stand."

"So what kind of vibes do you get from me?"

"Nick I know you're human and you're not perfect but I think you're a great person. I really admire you."

He turns from her as a few tears fall down his cheeks. "Good night Isabella." he says climbing into the bunk below hers. Once inside he closes the curtain and sobs quietly.

"Good night Nick." She prays, "God please take care of him."


