
The next morning they stop at McDonald's for breakfast. "We're in Atlanta right?" asks Isabella.

"Right." answers Brian.

"I've been at this for less than twenty-four hours and I already feel for you guys."

"It's not as glamorous as people think." says AJ.

"I never thought it was but I didn't realize just how exhausting it was."

"You get used to it." says Howie.

"You have to make sacrifices to acheive your dreams." proclaims Kev.

Nick is sitting between Kev and Isabella with her on the end. He turns to her, "Would you let me out please? I need to go to the restroom."

She gets up. "Are you alright?"

"My stomach's bothering again." he insists.

After everyone's back on the bus Isabella goes to the back where Nick is setting up his Play Station. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah." His eyes are so lifeless and sad.

"If it was the flu I think it'd be worse. Doesn't your dad has stomach problems?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Maybe you inherited it."

"Maybe. So how'd you decide to become a nurse?"

"I don't know just a feeling. I think it's what I'm meant to do. Also my mom's a nurse so I've grown up around it."

"I think you'll be good at it."

"Thanks." She looks at the Play Station. "Think you can teach me to play? I'm really bad but I think video games are cool."

Nick laughs. "Yeah, sure." He hands her the control and tells her what buttons to push when.

"I WON! I can't believe it I won!"

"Wow, beginners luck. I challenge you."

"Okay." They play another game and Isabella wins. "YES! Ha ha I beat you."

"I let you win."


"Oh I'll make you think liar." He starts tickling her.

She screams, "Nick stop! Aah! Stop it." She laughs hysterically. "I cant' breath, stop." Suddenly he stops. Isabella looks up at him wanting to kiss him so badly knowing she can't.

Brian enters the room. "Nick, Mitzi's on the phone."

Nick curses under his breath, gets off Isabella, and leaves the room.

"Did I interrupt something?" Brian asks Isabella.

"Why can't he get away from her?"

"I don't know Izzy. We've all tried to help him. She's no good for him and he knows it."

"Is everything that has been said true?"

"Yes. I don't understand. I want to help him but..."

"No one can until he's ready to help himself."

"What did Mitzi have to say?" Isabella asks Nick.

"She'll meet up with me when we get to Tennessee."

"You don't seem too happy about that. Do you really want to see her?"

"Of course I do." he snaps. "Why wouldn't I want to see her? She's my girlfriend." He goes to his bunk and pulls a box of Swiss Cake Rolls from a bag. After he eats he heads for the bathroom.

"Nick you need to see a doctor." insists Brian. "I heard you throwing up again."

"I'm fine." says Nick.

Brian looks closely at his friend's face. "Have you been crying?"

"Leave me alone okay Brian." Nick goes to his bunk and falls asleep.

A few hours later Isabella shakes him. "Nick wake up."

He groans, "What?"

"Kevin sent me to get you. It's time for sound check and dance rehearsal."

"I'm so tired." He gets up and staggers.

Isabella grabs his arm to steady him. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just got up too fast."

During rehearsal Nick messes up several dance steps. "Nicky get it together." asserts AJ.

"I'm sorry guys, I've just got a lot on my mind."

"Nick we know that but please we've got a job to do." says Kevin.

Nick storms off stage. He hops on the bus and storms past Isabella who is sitting on the sofa. Once he reaches the bunk area he slams the door and locks it. Isabella walks up to the door. "Nick if you want to talk I'm here."

"Just leave me alone." he grumbles. Isabella leaves the bus and goes into the venue. As soon as he's sure she's gone Nick goes to the kitchen and grabs a bag of potato chips. He scarfs down the chips, he just wants something to fill the empty void within him. After the stuffs himself he begins to cry and heads toward the bathroom. He lifts the toilet seat, gets on his knees, and sticks his finger down his throat. He cries while he vomits. He doesn't know why he hurts himself like he does. Afterwards he flushes the toilet and brushes his teeth. He splashes water on his tear-stained face and goes back to the venue.

"Nick what's wrong?" asks Isabella.

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to help you. Please let me."

"I don't need any help Bella." He heads to the stage. He thinks to himself, "I can't let anybody find out. No one can know what I'm doing."

That night Nick is changing on the bus, for some reason he doesn't want to be in the dressing room with the others. Isabella has gotten bored with the opening act and gone back to the bus to wait for the Boys' set to start. She spots Nick. His shirt is over his head but his torso is fully exposed to her. She gasps not only because Nick is frighteningly thin but there are small cuts and bruises in various places on his chest and abdomen.

Nick pulls his shirt down. "Oh hey." he says.

"What have you done to yourself? she asks in a whisper.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he insists.

She jerks up his shirt exposing the cuts and bruises. "THIS! What is this Nick?!"

He pulls his shirt down. "None of your business now leave me alone." he starts to walk away from her but she grabs his arm.

"Is it Mitzi? No it can't be. Those wounds are recent, some look as resent as today."

"It's my life Isabella just stay out it."

"I can't Nick not if you're endangering it."

"I'm not." he insists.

"I'm telling the guys." She starts to leave but Nick stops her.

"Isabella please no." he pleads. "Please don't say anything. I promise I won't do it anymore."

"I don't believe you Nick."

Nick's grip on her arm tightens. He looks at her intensely and says through gritted teeth. "If you say anything I swear I'll have you sent home so fast it'll make your head spin."

She knows he can do it. She also knows that she won't be able to help him from home but she has a chance to get through to him if she's around.

"Okay, I won't tell anybody."

He lets go of her. "I appreciate your trying to help but there's nothing you can do." He goes to the venue.

"That can't be true, there has to be something I can do to help him."

Isabella says to herself. She sees Nick's bags. "I know I shouldn't do this but I have to." She goes through his things until she finds his shaving kit.

Inside she finds a small razor blade, she can see trances of blood on it.

"This is what he's been using. Well he won't again." She puts his things back the way they were and heads for the venue. She tosses the razor into a trashcan and goes to meet up with the guys.

She hears Brian say, "Nick Man we want to help you. Please!"

"I don't need any help. What is it that you think is wrong?"

"Nick you're depressed all the time." states Howie. "And you're aloof from everyone."

"You say you want to be alone Kaos but that's the last thing you need." proclaims AJ.

"You all don't know what I need!" snaps Nick. "No one does."

"Not even you Nick." states Isabella entering the room.

"Don't you dare say anything." he mouths to her.

"It's time to go on." announces Kevin.

For the rest of the night everyone speaks very little.


