

The next morning Brian pounds on Nick's door and calls his name. Kevin, Howie, and AJ walk up to him. "What's up Cuz?" asks Kev.

"I don't know." says Brian. "Nick won't answer the door." They see the maid coming door the hall. "Ma'am will you please let us in this room?" I think something's wrong with my friend."

The maid let's them in. "Where could Nick be?" asks Howie.

"Yo guys look at this." says AJ.

They follow his gaze to the bloody sheets." Oh God what happened?" Kevin asks.

"Maybe Isabella knows." suggests Howie.

Brian pounds on the adjoining door. "Izzy! Isabella!"

Isabella wakes to Brian's yelling and knocking. She looks at Nick who is still sound asleep on her shoulder. She eases him onto the pillow without waking him and goes to the door. "Will you quiet down?" she asks Brian.

"Sorry. Have you seen Nick?"

She opens the door back so the guys can see the bed. "She beat him up. I cleaned him up and let him stay here."

The guys step inside and go over to the bed. "We have to do something." says AJ. "We can't let her do this again."

"You don't have to worry. She dumped him in the process of doing this." Isabella says pointing to Nick's bruised face. "She said some horrible things to him."

Nick wakes up and sees everyone staring at him. "Hey guys."

"Hey Buddy. How you feeling?" asks Howie.

"How do I look?"

"Not so hot." says Kevin.

"I don't feel so hot."

"You look better than you did last night." Isabella assures him. "The swelling's gone down. Any trouble seeing out of that eye?"

"No. I think I'll be okay. You all don't have to worry about me now. I'm safe since Mitzi left."

"You're our little brother Frack. We're always gonna worry about you." insists Brian.

Nick chuckles and looks at Isabella. "What about you? What reason do you have to worry about me?"

She's quiet for a moment. "I just care about you Nick. I only want you to be safe and happy."

He smiles and hugs her. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"You're welcome."

"Well I'm hungry." He looks at the door to his room and takes a deep breath.

"I'll go get ready and we can go get something." He gets up and goes to the door. He hesitates, the memories of last night come flooding back.

"Nick I'll get your stuff and you can clean up in my room." says Brian.

"Thanks! I appreciate it Frick."


In Brian's room Nick looks at himself in the mirror. "You think Angie will be able to cover this up." he asks Brian.

The black eye, yeah. Not that busted lip. What are you going to do Nick?"

"What do you mean?"

"We have that interview in a few hours. Are you going to go public?"

"What will it help? I mean I think the only reason she wanted me back when I broke up with her is because I made that announcement about her abusing me before. She knew it would ruin her career."

"It's your decision."

"What would you do?"

"I honestly don't know. I'm going to head downstairs."

"I'll be down after I shower."


After his shower Nick heads to the lobby to meet the others. "Feel any better?" asks Isabella.

He gives a faint smile. "Yeah."

She lightly runs her thumb over his busted lip. "I just made things worse by attacking her didn't I?"

"Bella don't blame yourself. You saw her throw that drink in my face, she would have beaten me anyway."

"But maybe not as badly. I just snapped when I saw what she did. And going off on you wasn't the best thing either."

"You were right though."

She smiles wearily. "I'm starved, let's go."


Before the interview Angie covers up Nick's black eye and makes it completely unnoticeable but the busted lip is very prominent. During the interview the reporter asks, "What happened to your lip Nick?"

He hesitates, he hadn't planned on what to say. Brian rescues him. "We were playing basketball last night and I accidently hit him with the ball. I know this is like the hundredth time I've said it but I'm sorry Buddy."

Nick laughs. "Quit apologizing, it was an accident."

After the reporter leaves Isabella says, "That was quick thinking Brian."

"I'll say." claims Nick. "Thanks Man."

"No problem." insists Brian.


That afternoon at the venue everyone orders pizzas for dinner. Isabella and the guys sit on the stage and eat, as they do Kevin asks, "Nick have you considered going to see you folks while we're in California?"

"I hadn't thought about it. I can't face them like this anyway."

"They love you Kaos. They want to be in your life." states AJ.

"I know." insists Nick with tears in his voice. He grows quiet and devours several pieces of pizza. After he finishes he quietly says, "Excuse me." and heads backstage.

Isabella follows him. He goes to a restroom, as the door is closing she can see him stick his finger down his throat and gag himself. She sobs as she
hears him vomit. She goes in and strokes his hair. He flushes the toilet and turns around. Without looking at her he wraps his arms around her, buries his face in her shoulder and weeps. She rocks him and they both cry.

"It'll be okay Sweetie." she whispers.

"It hurts so much. I just want to stop hurting." he sobs.

"I know Honey." For a long time she continues to soothe him.


