Chapter Four

The Pact


When dinner was done, all the teenagers were excused. Tonight, the Rochester children were to stay at Daniel Brooks' house. They thought it would be fun to just sit around and chat a little more-and to delve a little deeper into their newfound guest's life, which they believed had a good story line to.

As for Daniel Brooks, he decided he too wanted to talk to Nick to get to know a little more about this precocious boy he was dealing with. So after he sent Rob and his wife on their way, he walked into his work room, where he had told Nick to wait for him.

When Daniel stepped into the room, he noticed that Nick wasn't sitting. Rather, Daniel saw the boy's tall, full figure standing beside one of his book cases, staring at something intently. He slowly walked to where Nick stood.

Before he said anything, Nick's voice rang through. It was no longer quiet, but now sounded firm and lilting. "What do you want to accomplish tonight, Uncle?"

Daniel was disappointed. He had hoped Nick would say something on a more personal note. But why? He knew that Nick was sent to him on a mission. Nick was like an employee. Why did Daniel desire to know more about Nick's personal story? Maybe he found Nick's character to be fascinating and mysterious. Or maybe he felt like he must help the boy out. But what kind of help did Nick need? He seemed self-sufficient. He had a job and a future.

Daniel broke out of his reverie to find Nick sitting on a chair in front of his desk, waiting patiently. He too walked behind his desk and sat down to face Nick. Nick's eyes looked locked and focused, just like anyone would look when they concentrate on doing their work. Daniel gazed at the youthful face, only to feel more pity for the boy.

He couldn't imagine any 19-year-old out working 24 hours a day and not even having time to celebrate Christmas. At least, he couldn't picture his own children being that dedicated. He wondered what Nick's parents were thinking letting such youth walk around, uncared for. As for himself, Daniel would never let his own children spend their lives like that. Even if Nick's parents had aspirations for him, shouldn't they at least spend the most special time of the year together with such a hard-working and lovely son?

Daniel shrugged. Every family was different so he couldn't judge Nick's family. He focused back on Nick and realized that he had not answered Nick's question yet. Nick didn't seem to mind though. He had remained quiet while Daniel ruminated. "I'd thought we would get to know each other a little more. It is, after all, Christmas eve. Every man needs a little rest." As Daniel said this, he observed Nick's face.

The boy looked extremely tired. Daniel could tell by the eye bags that were skillfully covered with make-up. If Daniel guessed right, the boy hadn't slept for quite a few days. Daniel also saw that Nick's walking was slightly labored as well.

Nick felt the intensity of Daniel's gaze on him and tensed up. He had never felt so vulnerable in front of anyone before. It felt strange-a feeling he had not gotten since he had been framed for his adopted father's murder. He was not accustomed to attention. "That's not necessary. I do not celebrate Christmas." His voice was soulless.

"Then what do you celebrate?" Daniel challenged. As much as he pitied the boy, he also felt the urge to pull Nick into a confrontation. Although Urgof had called Nick his 'best man', Daniel still wanted full control over the course of Nick's stay. And since Nick was so young, Daniel felt less confidence in putting his family's safety in the boy's hands, especially in someone who seemed so uncaring and cold.

Nick did not back down when he heard Daniel's slightly hostile tone. "Celebration is merely an artificial feeling you place on an artificial object or event." Though he knew that Urgof would kill him for his irreverence to Daniel Brooks, Nick did not mind. This was as true as he could be and he believed that these words would mean more to this respected man than a meaningless, but pleasant lie.

Daniel tried to look calm at Nick's grim reply. "You do know feel the joy of cracking a case or the satisfaction of throwing a criminal behind bars? You do not find it worthwhile to help a person in distress or to give hope and happiness to those in need?" Daniel wanted to avoid this question, but with Nick's pessimistic attitude, he had to make sure. From what he heard so far, he didn't know if he could entrust his family's well-being to one who did not have high morals or values.

Nick sensed the distrust in Daniel's tone and knew immediately that the man began to have doubts. "If I were as easily touched by those situations, then I wouldn't be here." Nick paused.

Daniel looked shocked at those words, trying to make sense of them. "You're telling me that cold-bloodedness is a virtue?"

Nick felt cold all of a sudden. The way Daniel talked about him made him feel evil. Why did Daniel's words sting his soul? "I do not find pleasure in murder or in crime. I simply am numb to it. If you call that cold-bloodedness, then I have no words that could chasten your view of me."

Daniel backed off a bit, realizing that his words had been rather harsh. It wasn't as if Nick were here to hurt his family. He was summoned to protect them. But Daniel was not a man to apologize so easily. "Judging from your tone, I believe that you don't give a damn about my views."

Nick was slightly surprised by Daniel's choice of words. Such harshness coming from a well-bred, loved public figure was rather astonishing and he too decided to soften his words. But he was not one to apologize either. "I don't believe my tone suggested anything but the fact that I am not a sadist. And neither do I believe that you are concerned with my opinions. If you are upset, you may replace me."

This case was looking less thrilling as the seconds passed, Nick thought. Nobody had ever questioned Nick's work before, especially not his work ethics. He never thought of himself as cold-blooded, but from the way Daniel talked, Nick felt convinced that he was. The thought frightened Nick a bit, but he ignored it.

Daniel didn't back off when he heard those lines. The thought of replacing Nick did actually cross his mind. "Are you threatening me? Do you think you are so important that I'm afraid to replace you? Look, my family is more important to me than your foolish ideas will ever be to me. I do not want to endanger them by placing their safety in the hands of someone so oblivious to the living world."

The look on Nick's face answered Daniel's question. Nick's expression was one of confusion, of rejection, the same expression he had seen in the boy's face when he had mentioned Nick's parents earlier. Daniel was caught off guard. He remained silent, waiting for Nick to answer to that. He did not know how it got this heated.

Nick's expression quickly changed to one of indifference and his next words came out slowly. "I see." He looked at Daniel one more time before he slowly walked towards the door, eyes glued to the ground. "I'll let Urgof know your concerns and he'll send a better individual to serve you."

"No!" Daniel raised his voice. "We'll call him now. I don't like boys with an attitude. And I don't like boys like you who think they're the center of the universe. At first I thought it was amusing, but now, it's downright rude. I want the people who work for me to do things my way, not take things into their own hands." With that said, Daniel picked up his cell phone.

