


Another chapter of Unleashed by Linda. OK, I want to share my great news! Last month I got tickets to a show in London called Party in the Park. It's a huge event with over 30 acts. All 100,000 tickets sold out real fast and I managed to get some. Well this morning BSB were announced as the lastest act to be added, so I will be seeing them in 11 days! I'm really excited, as they haven't been here in over a year. Anyone else who is going, please email me.



Chapter 23 of Sweet Endings. Also, check out the banners at the bottom of the main page.



An excellent new story by Linda called Unleashed, a couple of new Links and part three of Ali's story A Pair for Life. I will have more of my new story Change the World soon, I already have a cool idea for my next story after that! I'm not sure yet if I'll write the two stories at the same time or wait until Change The World is finished. I announced Story of the Week today too.



The last two chapters of Less is More.



OK, I have the beginning of my new story up. It's called Change the World and is kinda different to my usual stories. Check it out! I'd love some feedback on it so let me know what you think.

I have made a start on a new story, which is a kinda furturistic story involving time-travel. It's pretty different from my usual stories, I hope to have the start of it posted tonight or tomorrow. Right now, there's part two os Ali's story A Pair For Life.



I've had two ideas for new stories so once I've chosen which one to do, I'll start on it soon. Today I have a new story by Ali called A Pair For Life, more from her coming soon. Also, more of Less is More.



I'm hoping to start on a new story sometime this week or next week. Today I announced the Stories of the Week, and added a new chapter to hosted story Sweet Endings.



Would you beleive it? I finished Darkness to Light in just three days! Can you tell I've got too much time on my hands?! Also, new chapters to Sweet Endings and Less is More.



Two more chapters of Darkness to Light! I didn't think I'd have any more done until tomorrow, but there it is!

New chapters of Less is More, Sweet Endings and My New Life. Yesterday I put up six chapters of my new story, so it's already halfway through and I've only been writing it for two days! Can you tell I've been bored?! It looks like the story will be finished by the end of next week, more coming tomorrow.



My second (and last) BSB concert is a year ago today. It's gone so quickly! Anyways, new from me today is the start of a new story I began yesterday called Darkness to Light. There are three chapters so far so check it out! I updated the Story Notes.



Two new chapters of Heinous Deeds, and new chapters of Sweet Endings and Less Is More.



Another chapter of Sweet Endings and a new story by Nicky called My New Life. I have now started planning my new story so chapter one will be up within a few days.



Today is one year since my first BSB concert! OK, a new hosted story by Sam called The Perfect Fan. I've had some ideas for a new story so I'll start that pretty soon.



Two more chapters of Amy's story Less is More.



Story of the Week announced and a new story by Nicky called The Enchanted. Check it out!



New chapter of the excellent story by Linda: Heinous Deeds. Rest of Lights! Camera! Action! added.



Another chapter of Sweet Endings! Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I haven't started on a new story yet but I will within the next couple of weeks. Until then I will carry on with the hosted updates most days.



New chapter of Less is More.



Put up the rest of Deadly Love and another chapter of Lights! Camera! Action!.



More added to Sweet Endings, Less is More and Lights! Camera! Action!. I'll be starting my next story within the next week or two, I don't know what it will be yet.



I changed the format of the Hosted Stories page and added more to Amy's Sweet Endings.



Today I added the rest of Ali's story Betrayal of Trust, and added more to Heinous Deeds, Less is More ,Lights! Camera! Action! , Sweet Endings and Love Comes from Hate. I also updated my Story Notes and About Me.



I've had a few problems with Angelfire so some pages and graphics might not show up, I'm sorry. I'm trying to fix the problems. I could not get into Angelfire at all yeasterday, this is actually yesterday's update. Anyways, I have finished the follow-up to Wishing! Check it out, it's called Lucky. Please send me feedback on the story, I'd love to know what you all think of it! 



A couple of hosted updates... Sweet Endings has been updated and I have another new story by Amy called Lights! Camera! Action!. Just to let you guys know, I'm almost done with the sequel to Wishing, which I have named Lucky. I hope to have it up and finished by the weekend. I'm working on a humor site so once I have that up and running I'll link it with this site. Oh and I hope y'all like the new main page layout!

I won my first award! Thanks to Cleen's Favorite Guys Website.



Today a couple of hosted updates- more to Sweet Endings and a new story by Amy called Less is More.



Finished Don't Want You Back! I put up some hosted updats too: the rest of His Own Well-Being, more of Betrayal of Trust and new hosted story called Wish Upon a Star.



Second-to-last chapter of Don't Want You Back is up, enjoy!

New stories today! There's a new story by Ali called Betrayal of Trust and a really sad short story about Brian by BSBkrazy called I'll Never Forget You. I also updated the Hosted Story Notes. I'm currently writing chapter ten of Don't Want You Back so I should have the whole story finished by the weekend! Then after that the sequel to Wishing will be almost finished and ready to put up.



I added the rest of Nicky's story The Kidnapper. I also added the start to a new story by her called Deadly Love. There's a new chapter to His Own-Well Being today. In my next update I hope to add a brand new hosted story and soon finish Don't Want You Back.



More of Don't Want You Back.

OK, today I have updated the Hosted Story Notes and About the Hosted Authors pages, as well as adding more to Sweet Endings, His Own Well-Being and The Kidnapper. I have some more updates from Nicky to add later plus the start of a new story by her. She's a little stuck for story ideas and would appreciate any suggestions! You can email her at PrincessBaby1214@aol.com. More updates later, including some of Don't Want You Back. Announced the Stories of the Week.



I've been out all day so I haven't finished all of today's updates yet. More coming later. So far, I have updated About the Hosted Authors and the Hosted Story Notes.



A couple of things first... wow it's a year since Millennium came out! I still love that CD, I never get bored of it. Also, since I got a counter two weeks ago I've had like, a thousand hits! Thanks to everybody who has visited my page, I hope you enjoy my stories. OK, to today's updates. I updated the page About the Hosted Authors and updated the Links. There's two more chapters to His Own Well-Being and one more of Sweet Endings.



Two new sections started today: About the Hosted Authors and Hosted Story Notes.



Gosh, it's so hot! You guys might think it always rains in England but the past few days here have been real hot! Anyways, today I have another chapter of Don't Want You Back and two more chapters of Nicky's story The Kidnapper



Small update today- two more chapters of His Own Well-Being and updated the page About Me.



(Second update) Chapter Seven of Don't Want You Back.

Quite a few updates today. There's the follow-up to Nicky's Lost Affection called Rekindled and more of her story Rich Boy, Bad Girl, plus the start of her new story The Kidnapper. And two other updates- there are one more chapter added to both His Own Well Being and Sweet Endings.



