

I got Nick a drink and myself one as well. We left Brian and Crystal and sat on the deck looking out towards the ocean.

"So.... today was your last day of school?"

"Yeah only one more year than off to college."

"You're so lucky you know?"

"You tell me that all the time. And your right I am but that's not the only because I'm going to college."

Nick tilted his head. "Why else?"

"Because I have you to tell me so."

I tapped my finger on his nose and moved through his hair running my fingers through. He closed his eyes as I did this.

"You cut it?" he opened his eyes.

"Yeah why you don't like it?"

"No I love it It's just weird to see you with short hair." (The last time she saw him his hair was like in 'All I have to give' now it's like 'I Want It that Way')

"Oh. Well you cut your too."

He placed his hand on my cheek moving into my hair.

"And do YOU like it?"

"Yeah. You look beautiful."

I blushed as he played with my hair.

"So tell me about the tour." he took his hands out of my hair and placed them on my knees.

"Well we went all over. Ya know London, France, ya know where we usally go. We went to Germany but it wasn't that much fun like it used to be."

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Becasue teh only time we were allowed to leave the hotel was to get to the arenas otherwise the place was swarmed with fans."

"Oh sorry."

"It's ok. It's not your fault."

I smiled. "Did you enjoy anywhere else?"




I blushed again.

"I missed you."

"I know I missed you too." I smiled at him and we stared at each other for awhile. Brian and Crystal come outside to find us.

"Hey do you guys want to go out for dinner tonight? Crystal said there was a new restruant in town."

"Uh, well my mom said that she'd be home by 7:00 so if we could go after that, it would ok I guess."

I looked at Nick. "Yeah sounds great."

"OK I'm going to run home to get changed."

"Bri drop me off too."


"Bye Crystal call me when you get home. Bye Brian."

I gave them both hugs and they let themselves out of the house. Me and Nick went back inside.


"Oh do you want me to leave too?"

He turned toward the door.

"NO! I mean unless you want to."

"Well you know I dont want to."

I grinned. "So what has my Nickels been up to?"

"Nothing I swear I've been a good boy while I was away. The question is have YOU been a good girl while I was away?"

"Yes Nicky I've been a very good girl."

"Good that's what I like ot hear." He grinned. It sent chills down my spine.

"So Nick do you still play basketball?"

"Hell ya I haven't been away that long."

"Ok just making sure. C'mon I'll take you one on one."

"You got it Babe."

I smiled he called me babe now I know that he didn't forget. Not basketball us.
We played basketball for an hour but it was mid-afternooon meaning it as
extremly hot out.

"Well Nick I'm hot and tired let's call it a tie and re-match when it gets cooler?"

"Good cause I'm too hott to continue." He dropped to the lawn.

Laying on his back with one hand on his chest and the other on the ground.

"Ang, lemme ask you something."

I walked over and sat on his stomach straddiling his hips.


"When did you get so damn good??"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I dunno. Why Nick did I make you tired?"

"Not really."

"Yaah I did."

"No it's just I've never seen you play that way."

He put his legs up so I could lean up against them.

"Oh well now you know what your in for next time."

I stuck my tounge out. He started tickling me.

"Stop...PLease...Im sorry..."

"No you were asking for it."

I laughed until I was in tears and had no oxygen left in my lungs. He rolled off of me and helped me up.

"Thank you."


We walked into the house heading straight to the kitchen.

"So Angela what's up? Tell me EVERYTHING!"

"Everything?" My heart pounded in my chest as if it were about to explode. Tell him everything like I love him everything, I wrote a 3 page eassay on him, everything or that I still dream about him everything??

"Yeah everything you know school and stuff." He took a sip of his soda and placed it on the counter and stared at me. I let out a huge sigh.

"WellI wasn't sure I should tell you because I don't want you to get upset or anything but I'm on the School's Varsity Basketball team and was named most valuble player. I got a plaque and everything but along with the perfect season.."

I hesitated. "I got a scholorship too."

His jaw dropped. "Why wouldn't you want to tell me? That's great!"

He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It would have been nice if we were so sweaty. "Ok Nick I feel BEYOND gross so I'm going to run upstairs to take a shower."

"OK I'll be right up."

I looked at him.

"Yeah right."

"I was only joking."

I laughed.

"You're crazy Nickels!"

"I know crazy for you. Uh I guess I should go run back to my house too. Come by when you're done ok?"

"OK See ya Nick."


He left my house and I ran up to the shower.


