Chapter Ten


I woke up at 5, the photo shoots were at 6 in the beach, for Sports Illustrated. I got ready and went where everybody was.

"Now we can start" the photographer said. I had to look happy and cheerful, but I wasn't, it was hard to concentrate, but I managed myself to do it perfect. It was a really hard day. The photos finished at 5 pm, so I went to my room and try to sleep. When I got there I found this extra huge box. I opened it, there were over 74 red roses and only one white, and in the middle there was a card.

"Karla, red roses for the days you were gone but one for the day you came back to my life. Nick

PS: Meet me tonight at the lobby. 8:00 pm."

"What does he want? I'm not gonna take him back. He hurt me very much. But I still love him. I don't know if I'll show up" I said to myself. And actually I didn't show up. I felt really bad, but I didn't want my heart broken again.

The next morning I woke up with a headache from all the crying and thinking I did last night. I took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes, I was going to the beach to get a little tan, but my first stop was the dining room to eat some breakfast.

I sat on a table eating, when a boy brought a white rose and put it in my table, then he came and put another one and another and another until I had a dozen of white roses and I knew from whom they were coming from. Minutes later Nick sat with me in the table staring in my eyes.

"You didn't show up last night" I could feel he was hurt "I waited for you until 2 am, you know?".

"Sorry, but I was really tired and I didn't feel like going out" I replied.

"I understand. Karla we have to talk" he said.

"About what?" I asked.

"Us" he said looking straight to my eyes.

"What about us? There's nothing to talk about" I said.

"Yes, there is. I love you" he said grabbing my hands.

"Nick, please don't lie again. You're just saying that you love me because you're in love with my looks, like you were when I lived in your house. Don't say it again, because you don't love me" I said.

"Yes, I do. You wanna know why? Because all the time you were gone the only thing I could think about was you. I was going to marry the wrong woman, but I realized it was you I wanted but you weren't there anymore and my life turned hell without you" he said.

"Nick, and you don't realize how I felt when I heard you say that you were going to get married? My heart ripped into million pieces, you said you loved me, but then I realized I was only your sex toy!!! That's how you pretend to love me???!?! I'm sorry but I don't want my heart to get broken by you again, I won't be able to handle it" I said trying to hold tears, it was so hard to say no to him.

"Please, give me another chance to prove that I really love you. I want to make it up to you" he said. He sounded like he was saying the truth.

"Nick" I started to say but he didn't let me finish, because he gave me the sweetest kiss ever.

"Please, Karla" he said "Tonight, 8:00 pm, right here. Please come" and he left me there.


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