
I huffed down the last mile of the daily run in a local park of Tampa. Justin Trent tagged along.

"I thought you said you were in your college track team," he said.

"Nope, I was in my high school track team. In college I was in the Wahine Volleyball," I said speeding up.


"Wahine, means women in Hawaiian."


"Beat you!" I said smirking as I reached the finish line. I looked back and realized I was the first one there.

"You're fast," he said catching his breath.

"Thanks, you don't stay behind."

He smiled and bent down. It had been almost a month since I arrived and was having a great time at the academy. Just as I was squirting water on myself to cool down, Agent Catham came jogging down.

"Rodriguez! I need to talk to youand to Trent," he said looking at me mystified. Well had he never seen a person squirt water on herself?

"Shoot," Justin said.

"Well I've got good news, remember that we told you that if you were doing good in your first month here you would be assigned something?"

I nodded.

"Well you, Trent, Osorio, Nicks, and Hacking have been assigned as security."

"Security to what?" Justin and I asked in unison. I know we were thinking in holding pinkies, but kept quiet.

"You'll be security to a group," he said staring at our blank faces. I think he got the message and explained.

"You'll serve as bodyguards to a few people."

"Wait." I said "This is NOT the secret service." There goes my big mouth.

"I know, this is security for a music group. It'll serve as practice, you know sharp shooting, velocity"

"Got it." Justin cut in sounding annoyed. "Just who exactly is this group that needs 5 FBI agents in training to watch their backs?" Well I see I'm not the only one with a big mouth.

"The Backstreet Boys." Catham answered

THUD. That was my heart sinking. I don't have anything personal against the Backstreet Boys, but I prefer other music.

"Great. Why them?" I said whining.

"There guys need time off, besides they've been receiving several threats and came to us. I personally thought this up."


"Don't you like them?" Justin said teasingly.

"I prefer other music." I snapped and stuck out my tongue.

"Sorry guys, you have to be in 586 Willowdale drive in an hour." He said and left.

"Well I'll be damned." I thought out loud.

"Why?" Justin asked

"We've got to drive all the way to Orlando!"


"Willowdale drive is in Orlando, I live 3 blocks away. C'mon slowpoke." I said staring to jog.

Justin smiled "You're calling me slowpoke?"

"Yeah! SLOWPOKE! I bet 20 bucks I'll beat you to the car."

"You're on." Justin said grinning, we both ran. Luckily I won. Dig that.
