

It was that day when I had to say good bye and fly to Belgrade. AJ and the boys where there as well as Justin and Allyiah. I felt like my heart was gonna fall out. But stayed firm. The good byes were what hurt the most, especially when I had to say good bye to AJ.

"I have to go now."

"You take care Marianne, you know I love you."

"I love you too." I looked up. "It'll only be a month."

He nodded and leaned forward to kiss me. The I grabbed my bag and walked away. I remembered my dad telling me never too look back, so I didn't and kept on walking.

As I walked out to the cold night in Belgrade, suddenly I realized how lonely I felt. And no matter where I was, it would always be me alone. Now that I had found AJ I had to be apart from him. I was alone, for the 3 time in my life.
