

I was in a bad mood even before I turned off the engine.

"This is it, 586 Willowdale drive." Justin said "Nice place"

"It's the Jive records building." I said.

"Cool, I'll keep my eyes peeled for Britney."

"Trent, gimme a break."

He laughed and got out of the car.

The moment I walked into the offices I started to shrink into a peanut. It turned out I was the only girl on the security team. There was this old lady but she didn't look like a fed to me. Great I muttered to myself and walked to an empty chair. 20 eyeballs followed my every move.

"Ok, great everybody's here." A bearded man said. "I think it's time for introductions and assigning the you know." 5 heads nodded.

"Umm I think there's a problem here...umm Ms.?" he said looking at me.

"Yeah?" I asked coolly.

"Are you an FBI agent in training?"

I got the picture before he finished the sentence. So I opened my big mouth and stood up.

"Look mister I don't know what the problem is with me being a women. Haven't you ever had a women on your security team?" I said. Justin just started grinning.

"No." The man answered, I knew he was onto me.

"Well then there's a first time for everything. And if you don't like it then you're gonna have to talk with agent Catham." I said glaring at him. This was one battle I wasn't gonna lose.

He gritted his teeth and bit his lip, just then a dude (which I suppose was a Backstreet Boys) stood up. " Look Eric, I see no inconvenience with agent..."

"Rodriguez" I answered.

"Err yeah, with agent Rodriguez being on security." He went on.

The guy named Eric closed his fist. "Well I do. Women always get in the way."

"HEY!" Justin stood up. I sat him down again.

"Look whatever your name is, I'm not keepin' quiet, it's not something I do especially when somebody disses me. Let me give you a piece of my mind..." I was about to start when the lady stood up and gave me the "be quiet I'll handle this" look.

"Mr. Stephen I'm very sorry but if you don't like it then sayonara." She said.

He gaped at me, then at the lady. He stood up and walked to the door, before leaving he shouted. "You're going down bitch!"

I stood up furiously and shouted "Not before you, you little stinking piece of shit!" I was determined in following him and running him down, or at least giving him the finger but the guy who had stood up for me earlier stopped me.

"Stop it's not worth it." He said letting me go. I shrugged off and slumped into my seat again.

"Wellthat pretty much started intros." A guy said. Everybody kept quiet.

"Ok, ok," the lady said. " Now that we have one loser out, let's start." She said grinning at me. "Why don't you start? And we'll work ourselves around the table?" I nodded and stood up.

"My name is Marianne Rodriguez, I have a degree in Biological medicine from the University of Hawaii and I'm 20."

That's the way it went, and the Backstreet Boys introduced themselves. I found out the dude that had held me back was AJ McLean and the lady was his mom, Denise McLean. We were assigned each a boy. I got stuck with AJ. Well at least I got along with him.
