

It had been on instinct...I fired at the guy, just then the lights came on and Reese came barreling into the room along with Ewen and Justin.

"Oh dear God..." I heard Reese pronounce. I looked down and saw a guy in a ski mask lying dead on the ground. I winced and turned away. Justin held out his hand, but AJ turned me around and hugged me first.

"We got him." Justin whispered. "We got the bastard."

I still stayed in AJ's arms, it was so different from how I imagined it would've have been different. But killing a person, even if it's self-defense, doesn't make you feel good. I felt really BAD.

"It's ok, Marianne, it's ok." I heard AJ, but still didn't want to turn around.

"Marianne, you listen to me." Justin said pulling me away from AJ. "This fella over here was a slut, he did not deserve to live. You know how many people he had killed?"

I nodded silently.

"You finished the nightmare ok? It's over...we can go home now. But understand this, nothing that you have done here is wrong. Is that clear?"

I nodded and gave him a faint smile. "Good." He said and gave me pat in the back.
