


'So, you guys got used to the "sleeping in the hallway thing" yet?' Howie asked as they where on their way back to the hotel.

'Yeah. I guess.' Nick smirked and yawned. He tried his best to get drunk but still, he felt he hadn't succeeded.

'Yeah me too.' AJ added.

'Bone, you're not sleeping in the hallway with us!' Kyle commanded.

'Like you're gonna make me sleep in my bed...' AJ said.

'Yes he will. And if that doesn't work, I'll give him a hand.' Nick said.

AJ just smiled sheepishly.

They where overwhelmed by fans the very second that the car pulled up the hotel entrance.

'I think this means autograph time guys...' Trey snickered.

'Can't we just skip this part and go to bed?' Howie whined.

'No D. We can't.' Kevin said, forced a smile on his face and got out of the car. 'Hello everybody. What are you guys doin' here at this time of night?!' The girls didn't reply, of course, they just screamed.

'Here goes nothing guys...' AJ sighed and followed Kevin. 'Hey there!'

'After you Nick.' Howie said and moved aside to let Nick pass.

'You are such a jerk D!' Nick said as he stepped out. 'Straight to my room Kyle.'

'You're the boss.' Kyle smirked and followed without comments.




Where's Kyle when you need him? She asked herself. Always gone when you need him the most...

She had been mobbed by fans, twice! And she was now starting to loose her temper.

'Are we there yet?' she asked the driver.

'I'm doin' my best miss, but it's kinda crowded out there.' He replied.

'Alright. Just try the best you can.' Angela said and fell back into her seat. She closed her eyes and replayed the events from that evening. She won a totally unexpected award, she danced with Matt Damon and if that wasn't enough... she was kissed and hugged by Nick Carter! Angela's day could not be ruined anymore... so she thought.

'We're here miss. But, like I said, it's still kinda crowed out there.' The driver said.

'Thank you sir, but I think I can manage.' Angela said, paid the driver and got out of the cab...

There she got mobbed for the 3rd time that night... luckily a "lost doorman" helped her get inside.

'Sir, I'm forever in your depts.' She sighed and smiled at him, little did she know that this was Trey D, head security guard for the Backstreet Boys...

'That's okay. I'm glad to help a woman in distress.' He smiled. 'Trey D's the name.'

'And saving woman is the game?' Angela added. Trey snickered.

'I like my women spicy.' He said.

'The I guess I'm the one.' She said and shook his hand. 'Angela, Angela Claiborne.' Trey smirked.

'As in "the Angela Claiborne"?' he repeated. Angela nodded.

'Why?' she wondered. Trey shook his head.

'No reason.' He replied with a grin. 'Go to bed Angela. You must be tired.'

'Yes, I am very.' Angela got ready to walk away when Trey stopped her with a question.

'Did you like performing on stage tonight?' he asked. Angela turned around.

'Yes of course, I loved it.' She replied. 'But if you would excuse me. I need to get some sleep.'

'Alright. I'll leave you alone.' Trey said. Angela said goodbye and headed towards the elevator.

'Angie, one more thing... what went through your mind... when Nick said it felt good to hold you?' Angela dropped dead in her tracks. There was something really odd about this man. He couldn't have known that Nick said something to her... right? Angela raised her hand and walked away.

'Goodnight to you too miss Claiborne.' Trey smirked and went on his way.


'Would you stop moving Carter!' Kyle begged. 'I'm trying to sleep here.'

'What do you I'm trying to do here Kyle?' Nick asked. 'I am so tired I could...'

'Could what?'

'Sleep all day if they would only let me...' Nick added. Kyle smiled.

'That tired huh?'

'Yeah. The alcohol drained me but left no permanent effect... no comforting dizzy feeling. Just incredible tiredness...' Nick sighed and shifted.

'We will get through this night, you do realize that right?' Kyle said.

'Oh yeah. Of course. And I also realize that in the morning... I'll be the first to get my massages.'

'You are so funny.' Kyle snickered and turned around.

'I am kinda charming, aren't I?' Nick figured.

'If I answer this question with a yes... will you then please shut up?!' Kyle wondered. Nick took a deep breath.

'Neh, don't count on it...' he replied with a smirk. Kyle ripped the pillow from underneath Nick's head and placed it onto his face.

'Will you shut up?!' Kyle asked again.

'Yeah, yeah. I'll shut up. I promise...' Nick smirked and gasped when Kyle released the pillow.


'Geez Kyle. What's with you?' Nick growled.

'How dare you ask...'

'Never mind, forget it. Don't even bother to answer that... I'm talking to myself again... aren't I... yeah, I figured that...'




Now where's my room? Angela asked herself. She was getting pretty worried. The hallway light where dimmed and she was unable to locate her room.

'I am SO gonna kill KYLE if I ever find him again!' she cursed under her breath. Finally, after a 30 minute walk through the hotel, Angela managed to reach the 4th floor. The floor which -not only- covered her room...

'I found it.' She cheered. While walking down the hall she noticed a figure sitting on the floor against the wall. Angela pierced her eyes to have a better view of the person, who was partly sitting in the dark.

'What the...' she whispered as she slowly came closer. 'But that's... oh god!' Sitting against the wall ­soundly asleep- was Nick Carter. Angela couldn't believe her own eyes! Who would have ever considered them to be in the same hotel, let alone on the same floor. A wave of shock washed over Angela when she saw another figure next to Nick. The person shifted which gave Angela a clear look at his face.

'Kyle!' she shrieked and immediately covered her mouth, afraid she might have waken the two sleeping men. But luckily, they stayed unaware of her presence. Angela knew she wasn't supposed to stare at people but, this was the perfect opportunity to have a closer look at the man she loved. The man she had admired for 4 long years... the man she so desperately wanted to get to know. He was laying asleep in the hallway... oblivious to everything.

He's so sweet and my god, he's so gorgeous. Angela sighed as she placed a picture of sleeping beauty in her memory. What are they doing here? Don't they have rooms of their own?!

While staring at the two men she suddenly realized her own tiredness. Seeing them sleep was a very tiring experience. Angela smiled down at Nick and Kyle as she passed them, continuing her journey towards her own room.




He didn't know what caused it, but suddenly Nick was right awake and staring at the hallway ceiling.

'What am I doing here?' he asked himself. When he tried to get up, his headache began to show. 'Oh god...' With a short bang, Nick fell back against the wall. He smiled at the sight of a sleeping Kyle when suddenly all the missing pieces, one by one, stared to fall into the puzzle. Life all of a sudden made sense again.

That's what I'm doing here! He thought. It was a dare...which I lost... which we lost.




What was that? Angela asked herself in horror as she turned around. She had found her room and was just about to turn the key when she heard a bang behind her. She turned around and stared into the darkness. 'Who's there?'




What was that?! Nick asked himself. Did I just hear a voice... Neh, I'm dreaming... I must be. But then he heard it again. A faint voice asking who was there. The voice sounded scared. And to be honest, Nick was starting to freak out a bit as well. What's that noise coming from down the hall? He wondered. Nick got up and slowly started to walk towards the sound.




At the other end of the hallway, Angela too began to walk towards the sounds. Towards Nick...




He could hear fait footsteps coming his way. The thought of bumping into someone at... 5.30 in the morning wasn't a very appealing thought. But it was Nick's curiosity that moved his feet down the hall.




Angela too could hear footsteps coming closer. She dug into her purse and grabbed the can of pepper spray she kept in there for emergencies... just incase... The person coming closer to her just quickened his pace. He was now coming closer very fast. Angela was scared so she too quickened her pace.




Reflections on the wall made Nick realize that he was up against a woman. And even thou, his fascination for the opposite sex had grown beyond proportions, this once so strong male was now intensely frightened by the possible danger approaching him...




They where only a few steps apart. But the darkness prevented them from getting a close look at one another. If the conditions would have better... nothing would have happened... oh well...

Nick made a sudden move towards Angela, frightening her. Angela grabbed her pepper spray and emptied it's contents in her opponents face. He cried, covered his face and sank to his knees.

'Who are you?!' Angela asked. 'And what do you want?!'

'I want nothing... calm down... ah my eyes... I was just... curious...' the man replied.

Lightning struck Angela's heart. Was she mistaken? Didn't this voice belong to the man she loved? Could it be...

'Nick...' she whispered. Nick looked up in pain.

'That would be me... yeah.' He replied. 'And you are?'

'It's me... Nick...' she replied as she hummed That's the way I like it.

Nick pierced his eyes -which hurt a lot- to look at her face. 'Angela...' he whispered and tried to smile through his pain. 'What... why... ahh...'

'Oh Nick I'm so sorry... I never realized it was you... If I knew where awake, I would have been... oh God I'm so sorry. Are you okay? You're eyes... oh man! What did I do?!' Angela shrieked.

'Calm down Angela.' Nick commanded. 'I'll be fine. And anyway, you couldn't have known it was me.'

'Yes I could...' she whispered.


'I walked by passed you and Kyle... when on my way to my room. I ehm... should have known it was either you or Kyle...' Angela explained.

'You know Kyle?' Nick asked, as if he didn't know already. Angela nodded.

'He was my dance instructor. He basically brought me where I am today.'

'Very cool.' Nick said and rubbed his eyes. A burning feeling shot through them. 'Ah...'

'Come to my room and we'll fix this. I'll fix this...' Angela promised and pulled him to his feet.


