


'Thank you Angela...' Nick whispered as he sat down on her bed.

'Thank you! For what?' Angela asked. 'I attacked you with pepper spray, remember...'

'Thank you...' Nick repeated.

'For what?!' Angela asked again.

'Thank you... for walking into my life...' Nick said as he took her hands in his own.

Angela smiled shyly. 'And thank you for taking care of me, after you messed up my eyes...'

'Aha, very funny.' Angela smiled. 'Now lay back and hold on tight. This might sting a little.'

Nick nodded and laid back onto the bed. Angela sat down next to him and slowly started to squeeze the washcloth, making water drip into Nick's eyes. He cried out when the first drop fell.

'Shhhh baby. It will be over before you know it.' Angela whispered as she carefully squeezed again.

'Please Angela... stop... it hurts so much... please...' Nick begged as he made fists in the sheets. Angela stopped and looked at him.

'It's okay baby... I'll stop if you want me to.' She smiled. 'I'm so sorry, for putting you in this mess. I hope you don't have anything important to do tomorrow. 'Cuz that eye will be swollen for a while...'

'Oh... well, whatever. I'm not goin' out with this eye anyway.' Nick smirked, trying his best to comfort Angela, who was shifting uncomfortably in her chair. 'What's the matter?'

'The matter?' she repeated. 'Nothing's the matter.'

'You seem... distracted... nervous... maybe even a bit scared... I don't bite ya know.' Nick whispered. 'Come sit next to me...' He was sitting against the bed's headboard, while she sat on a chair next to him.

'I don't thi...' Angela said but Nick cut her off.

'Please... sit with me... it's the least you owe me.' He said in defense. 'I mean... you did blind my eye. And I could press charges... but I won't... if you sit with me...'

'That's unfair...' she mocked when she got up.

'Wait. Wait just a minute... I don't want you to sit with me unless...'

'Unless what?' Angela wondered.

'Unless... you want to...' Nick added. Angela smiled sweetly as she sat down next to him.

'I want to...' she whispered as she cuddled up next to him. Nick smiled and closed his eyes.

'Nick...' Angela whispered after a while.

'Yes...' he replied.

'Can I... hold you?' she asked and sat up. Nick smiled and spread his arms.

She returned the smile and nestled into his strong arms. They just sat there in silence for a while. Enjoying the moment.

'You know...' Angela said. 'It feels good... to hold you.'

'Yes baby.' Nick whispered. 'I know...'

'G'night Nick.' Angela said as she covered the both of them up with the blankets.

'G'night sweetheart.' Nick replied, kissed her forehead, killed the lights and closed his eyes.




Kyle stirred a little before he woke up completely. He opened his eyes, expecting to see a sleeping Nick... but there was nobody. He was all alone!

'What the...' he cried. 'The little bastard left me! I can't believe he actually left me!'

'G'morning b...' Kevin said as he walked into the hallway. 'Hey! Where did Carter go?!'

'A very good question.' Kyle growled. 'When I woke up he was gone...'

'I am gonna kill 'em when he turns up.' Kevin promised.

'I totally second that.' Howie smirked.

'G'morning D. Slept well I hope?' Kyle asked. Howie nodded.

'I slept like an angel...' he replied. 'Speaking of angel's... where's our private little angel flown off to?'

'I honestly have got no logical explanation for that question.' Kevin said.

'He seems to have vanished into thin air.'

'I sec...' Kyle said.

'Yea, we know. You second that.' Kevin added with a grin. 'How's your back?'

'Pretty good.' Kyle replied as he stretched.

'Cool. 'Cuz we forget to set another appointment at the fitness hall. That guy, Devon, he works magic with those hands.' Howie sighed.

'Stop it D!' AJ cried as he walked into the hallway. 'Anybody else, who didn't know better, would have thought you where GAY!'

'Yeah, maybe he is g...' Kyle added. Howie shot him overheated looks.

'Guess not...'

'You bet your ass I'm not! I am so damn straight...that a gay-man would freak out, with just a look from me.' Howie said.

'Yep. I totally second that. One look at you can make guys like us... throw up right here and now.' John said. Howie turned around to face him.

'John. I didn't hear you come in... out.' He stuttered.

'John, baby.' AJ cried. 'Give us a kiss sweetheart.'

'Hey-ya J. How's it hanging?' John snickered.

'Wouldn't you like to know!' AJ replied. Kyle observed them with a confused look on his face.

'Oh, Kyle. We should introduce you.' Kevin smirked. 'This is John, our -very gay- stage master.'

'Hi. John Queens. Nice to meat ya.' John said and shook Kyle's hand.

'Hey, the name's Kyle. Kyle Robinson.' A slight smile crossed Kyle's lips. A smile that both startled and frightened Kevin, who happened to be looking at Kyle.

What the fuck?! Kyle isn't gay, is he? Neh, I don't think so... then what's that scary look for?! Kevin wondered as he observed John and Kyle talking and laughing like it was the most common thing in the world.




Angela opened her eyes and looked around and that's when she saw the sleeping man next to her.

'Who's this?' she mumbled. Just then, Nick stirred and turned his sleeping face towards Angela. That's when all the piece fell into place. Angela remembered last night with a smile. She observed and admired Nick as he lay asleep next to her. He looked truly happy and so peaceful.

Angela sat up slowly without waking up Nick... and she succeeded. She got out of the bed without waking prince charming... or so she thought...

'Where do you think you're going?' Nick whispered when he opened his eyes and saw Angela standing at the door.

'I was ehm... I didn't know you where awake.' She replied and turned around.

'Come here.'

'Did you sleep well my prince?' she asked. Nick nodded and stretched.

'I slept like an... ehm...'


'Yea, the word angel is right in it's place.' He smirked and pulled Angela into his arms. 'How was your night?'

'Excellent. Only now, I have the feeling a steam locomotive ran over my head.' Angela replied.

'Wow, a steamer.' Nick repeated. 'That's a pretty heavy thing. You sure you're okay?'

'Yes dummy! It's an expression!' Angela smirked, grabbed a pillow and send it flying towards Nick's head. He caught it right before impact and returned the favor.

'I ain't no dummy missy.' He grinned and trapped Angela in a corner.

'No!' Angela screamed. 'Don't! Please! No! Don't!'

'I'm not gonna hurt you...' Nick grinned as he came closer.

'NO!' Angela yelled again.




'What was that?' Kyle wondered.

'I dunno.' Howie said.

'Sounded like someone screaming.' AJ said.

'A lady? In distress!' Kevin figured.

'Let's go help her!' John suggested.

'Of course. We can't just stand here and do nothing.' AJ mentioned.

'This is so Carter-like. When something interesting is about to happen, Carter is no-where in sight.'

'He has a special cyber-kinda sense for things like this.' Howie smirked.

'He'll turn up. I just know he will...'




'Just stand still Angie. I won't hurt ya... much... ' Nick snickered as he drove her into a corner.

'NO!' Angela cried again. 'PLEASE DON'T!'

'Shhh...was if someone hears you...what would they think?'

'AHHHHHH!' Angela screamed when Nick inched closer.

'I'm gonna get you!' Nick snickered.

Just when Nick managed to get Angela in a corner, when he was about to give her a vicious tick-death... the door flew open and 4 men tumbled inside.

AJ jumped Nick from behind sending him to the floor. Kevin rushed over to Angela who was now laughing her butt off.

'Why are you laughing?' Howie asked. Angela dried her laughing-tears.

'AJ. I suggest you get of him before he kicks your butt...' she suggested.

'But aren't you in distress?' AJ asked. Angela shook her head.

'We where just playing.' She replied.

'Then who's that?' John wondered.

'Ya'll know him I believe... I call him brat. But his real name is Nick Carter.' She said, emphasizing Nick.

'Told ya he'd show up sooner or later.' Howie snickered.

'Uh-oh...' AJ mumbled as he felt the heap of man move underneath him.

'I'm dead...'

'Oh yes you are Boner!' Nick growled as he threw him off. 'You're toast!'

'Not as toasty as you thou Carter.' Kyle added.

'Wha? Why?' Nick asked.

'Well, we had a dare... remember? Me and you... sleeping in the hallway?' Kyle explained.

'Kyle finished his task.' Kevin said. 'You up for a new one?'

'A new one??' Nick repeated.

'Yeah. You fucked up the last one, which means we get to decide on a new one...' Howie explained.

'Give us a while to think this through.' AJ said.

'In the mean time you can get dressed and packed. We'll meat you in the lobby downstairs.' John said and walked out. 'Oh yes. Miss Claiborne. It was very nice meeting you.'

'The pleasure is all mine.' Angela smirked.

'Bye Angie. See ya around girl.' Kevin said, hugged her and followed John.

'Yeah Angie. Sorry if we interrupted your daily ritual...' AJ snickered.

'That's okay AJ. I was getting ready to take a shower anyway.' She replied.

'So if you guys would be so kind to excuse me... I've got more to do.'

'Of course. See ya later.' Howie said, hugged Angela and walked out.

'Wasn't that funny?' Nick asked when they where all gone.

'So, you sleeping in the hallway was a dare?' Angela figured, arms crossed.

'Yeah, kinda... You're not mad at me are ya?'

'Let me think about that for a while... Got any spare time left today?' she asked. Nick raised his shoulders.

'Got no idea. Don't know what the guys want me to do next so... If you ask Kyle, he'll be able to tell you.' Nick replied.

'Yeah well... I'll be in the shower if you need me.' Angela said and walked into the bathroom.

'Alright. Then at least I know where to find you...' Nick smirked and lay down on the bed. 'You're not getting rid of me that easy... I'm not losing you again...'


