



Beverly was thrilled about participating in the routine. 'So you're for real?!' she asked again.

'Yeah. I told ya! Kyle said that I could invite you to practice with us.' Angela repeated.

'I can't believe it!' Beverly shouted. 'I'm gonna learn the same routine as the Backstreet Boys! I'm so exited!'

'You should be! You're gonna meet the man of my dreams!' Angela said.

'You're not in love, are ya?' Beverly asked.

'No! What makes you think that?!' she wondered.

'Just a suggestion.the man of your dreams, huh. So he's hansom.' Beverly figured.

'He's beyond just hansom! He's gorgeous!' Angela stated.

Beverly and Kyle both arrived at the same time. Kyle parked his car when Beverly got of her bike.

'Hi. You must be Beverly.' Kyle said and shook her hand.

'Yes. Than you must be.Angie's dance instructor.' Beverly said. She almost said: you must be the man of Angie's dreams! She almost made a complete fool out of her best friend!

'Yes. My name is Kyle. Shall we go inside?' Kyle suggested.

'Yes. Let's do that.' Beverly said smiling. They walked into the studio and stumbled upon a sleeping Angela.

'Shhhh.' Kyle said and sneaked into the studio. He walked up to Angela's chair and carefully tried to wake her up.

'Huh! Wha.no mum! Five more minutes!' she said and covered her eyes.

'Angela Claiborne!' Kyle shouted. 'Get your butt out of bed right now!'

Angela looked up and started at Kyle. Beverly couldn't stop laughing.

'So you think this is funny huh?' Angela said. Beverly nodded.

'Yeah... this is very funny! You thought Kyle was your mum!' Beverly said smirking. 'That's hilarious!'

'I'll show you funny!' Angela said, got up and chased Beverly through the studio.

'Angie! Hold it right there!' Kyle shouted. 'We need to dance! Not run around!'

'Sorry Kyle.' Angela said. Beverly fell down on the floor. She was out of breath.

'See what you did to poor Beverly.' Kyle said and helped her up.

'She's already out of breath!'

'Beverly's just not used to all the exercise.' Angela said and smiled at her best friend.

'Okay ladies. Enough fun for now. We need to get started.' Kyle said and walked over to the stereo. Angela explained to Beverly what the opening position was and the first move.

The girls had a lot of fun practicing together. And they where both doing a good job. 'Okay girls. That's it for today.' Kyle said. Angela and Beverly lay down on the floor.

'I'm exhausted!' Beverly moaned. 'I should have never participated!'

'But Bevy. How can you say that?' Angela asked and looked at her friend.

'You learned a Backstreet Boys dance routine! You should be HAPPY!'

'I AM happy. But I'm also freakin' tired!' Beverly mocked in defense.

'Come on Beverly. We had fun, didn't we?' Kyle said. Beverly nodded.

Although she was tired, she had to admit that she had a lot of fun. Beverly and Angela waved Kyle goodbye.


~*~*~*(Five days later)*~*~*~


'Okay Angie. This is it.' Kyle said. 'You know what to do?' Him and Angela where waiting for their turn at the dance exams.

'Yes Kyle! We've been over this a million times!' Angela said annoyed.

'I know. I just want you to pass.' Kyle admitted. 'We've worked so hard. I don't want to see it go to waste.'

'I know Kyle. And I wanna thank you for teaching me everything. And for being my friend.' Angela said and hugged him tightly. 'I owe you everything.'

'You owe me nothing.' Kyle said. 'I've had a lot of fun teaching you. And I loved to be your friend.'

'You're still my friend.' Angela said. 'We're gonna see each other again. I just know we will.'

'I sure hope so Angie. Otherwise, I'm gonna miss you a lot!'

'Angela.' Susan said. 'It's your turn honey.'

'I'm coming.' Angela said. 'Kyle. Are you coming?' But Kyle shook his head.

'No Angie. I'm not allowed inside.' He explained. 'I would only distract you. And I could help you when you're messin' up. I'm not allowed to help.'

'Oh no! You're not gonna be there to watch me?' Angela repeated. Kyle nodded.

'I'll be watching from behind the window. I'll be thereeventhou you can't see me.' Kyle said and pushed Angela inside.

'Hello Angela.' Susan said. 'Come in.'

'Hello everybody.' Angela said trying not to sound nervous. But they noticed.

'You don't hafta be nervous.' Mark said. 'It's just a test. Nothing mayor.'


'Well. We want you to start with All I have to give.' Mark said.

Angela nodded and took the opening position. The music started and she danced.

Halfway through the song, a tall young man sneaked inside. He was wearing a long black coat, a cap and a pair of dark sunglasses. The young man nodded at the jury and sat down in a chair close to the door. He sat there staring at Angela. But of course, she was too busy to notice him.

After All I have to give, Angela danced her favorite: Don't want you back.

'Angela. That was great.' Susan said and she sounded pleased.

'I do my best.' Angela replied.

'We know you do honey.' Mark said.

'We want you to do That's the way I like it. Now we know that Kyle showed you 2 versions. And he told us that you know both. We would like you to do the new version.' Susan said.

Angela was very thrilled by their decision. She loved the second version.

'But I'm gonna need a companion.' Angela said. Susan smiled.

'We thought of that.'

'Should I ask Kyle to...' Angela started but she was immediately interrupted by Susan.

'We've got our own companion.' She said and glanced into the direction of the mysterious young man. Who got up from his chair, took of his coat, hat and glasses and walked over to the dance floor.

'Hi.' He said and smiled carefully. He had the most beautiful smile Angela had ever seen. They took the opening position and waited for the music to start.

Somebody told me that your not my kind
So have I lost my mind
You keep on doing all the things I like
You've got me hypnotized
But that's the way I like it

Girl you make me wanna move
It's the price I got to pay
For all the things you do but I like it
Gotta listen to the groove
And you gotta listen well
The way it's goin'
That's the way I like it

Everybody now - I like it
Everybody now - that's the way I like it
Everybody come on - I like it
Everybody come on - that's the way I like it

They played the cat and mouse game like Kyle showed her. The young man was great. His dancing was amazing and he kept whispering the words during the song.

Strange guy. He knows this song very well, Angela said to herself. But he's cute thou!

She's amazing! Her dancingshe compensates my every move. She's a true star. The young man said to himself.

That's the way I like it

'Guys! You where great! Both of you!' Susan said.

The young man walked over to the chair. But before Angela could thank him for accompanying her... he had left the room.

Who was that guy? She asked herself. But she didn't get an answer. She asked Susan and Mark the same question.

'That's not important.' Susan said.

'But I want to thank him.' Angela uttered in defense.

'We'll tell him.' Mark promised.

'Why are you acting so mysterious about him? Who is he? What's his name?'

All sorts of questions popped into Angela's head. She was dying to know who he was and determined to find out.

'Angela.' Mark started and placed his hands on her shoulders. 'The young man... he...'

'It's better for the both of you that you don't meet. We prefer to keep his identity a mystery.' Susan said.

'But...' Angela said.

'Angela. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you!' Susan said angrily.

'Your not allowed to see that boy again. Don't even try to contact him. Are you listening? Stay away from me.' What's wrong with him? Angela wondered.

She promised Susan not to bother him... but she was so curious! Angela couldn't stop thinking about him. His touch, the way he looked and even his smell was captured in her mind as well as in her heart. Susan and Mark where talking to her but Angela didn't hear them. She was in dreams talking to Mister Mysterious. Am I in love, she asked herself. Could I be after only one dance?

'Angela.' Mark and tapped her on the shoulder.

'Huh? Wha?' Angela asked and glanced around.

'You passed the test.' Mark said and handed her a piece of paper stating her achievement.

'Thank you.' Angela managed to say as she started at the paper.

'Your new dance instructor will arrive tomorrow.' Susan explained. Angela listened, occasionally nodded and smiled once in a while.

'That's all for today.' Mark stated and shook Angela's hand.

'Goodbye Angela. See you in 2 weeks.'

'Yes. Goodbye Mark, Susan. See you later.' Angela shook everybody's hand and then walked out. She went straight passed Kyle who was waiting for her.

'Angie! Wait up!' he shouted and ran out after her. 'What's wrong?'

Angela looked at him in complete amazement. She felt angry and confused. 'I passed the stupid test.' She finally said and she pushed the paper in his hands.

'That's fantastic!' Kyle shouted. 'Let's go out to celebrate! I know this great place...'

'NO Kyle!' Angela interrupted him. 'Take me home.'

'What happened Angie?' Kyle asked, figuring something was wrong. Angela looked at him.

'You can't help me.' she snapped.

'Let me at least try.' Kyle pleaded.

'Sure.' Angela said. 'The guy I danced with' Kyle stared outside as if he already knew the question. 'I want his name. Do you know him?'

'Angela.' He started and tried to smile. 'I'm afraidI can't tell you...'

'You don't know 'em?' Angela figured. Kyle shook his head.

'I can't lie. Not to you. Susan told me to'

'Oh god! Her again!' Angela shouted.

'She ordered me not to tell you anything.' Kyle admitted. 'I'm really sorry Angie. I am.'

'Yeah. Whatever! Take me home!' she said and looked outside. Kyle brought her home. Both of them didn't say a word through the whole ride.

Angela stepped out of the car and walked up to the house. Suddenly she turned around and came back.

'Kyle.' She said. 'Will you tell himI said thank you? Please'

'I promise Angie. See ya.' Kyle said and drove off.

'Bye Kyle.'


