




~*~*~*(Outside the hotel, on a bench in the park)*~*~*~


Why did he do this to me?! Angela wondered. I love him so much... why didn't he just shut up completely?! Why?!

A door opened and Brody came outside. He looked around, spotted Angela and came towards her.

'Angie!' Brody said. Angela looked up, her eyes where red of crying.

'Oh baby. Are you okay?'

'No, I'm not okay.' Angela whispered. Brody sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

'It's okay baby. I'm here now.' Brody whispered into her ear. 'We're goin' home. The conference is over.' Angela looked up and stared at Brody.

'It's over? But it's not even 15.00 yet?'

'Yes, I dunno what went wrong.' Brody explained. 'But from one moment into the other, Nick got up, said that he had to go, and then he left the room.'

'He just got up and left!' Angela cried.

'Yeah, really weird. You should have seen the look on everybody's faces! Cool!'

'Let's go home Brody.' Angela requested. Brody nodded, they walked over to the car and left.


~*~*~*(Inside the hotel, in his room)*~*~*~


Nick was pacing around in his room. He messed up everything! Nick picked up the phone and dialed the o-so-familiar number.

'Leigh Ann Wallace speaking.' A female voice said.

'Hi Leigh. It's Nick.' Nick said.

'Oh hi babe. How are ya?' Leigh Ann asked.

'Not so good Leigh. Is Brian there?' Nick asked.

'Yeah sure, hold on a minute.'

'Brian here.'

'Hey Rocky. It's me.'

'Hi Nick-ma-man! How are ya? How did the press conference go??' Brian asked.

'Oh man! I fucked it up completely!' Nick exclaimed.

'Why?! What did ya do?' Brian wondered. Nick took a deep breath and explained everything.

'You walked out of the conference?! Oh man! Management is gonna be so pissed when they hear about that!' Brian figured. 'Why?'

'I dunno. I knew that they where gonna ask me more question about the girl, Angela. So I left. I couldn't take it anymore.' Nick explained.

'So, did you run after her or something? What did ya do next?!'

'I ran outside to see if her and that DJ-guy where still there. But they where gone already. So I went back inside, faced management -Jeffrey and Michael where there- I got punished and now... they... kinda... grounded me...'

'Can they do that?' Brian wondered.

'Believe me, they can. I'm living proof...' Nick admitted. 'And I know... it was stupid of me to walk out but... it seemed like the only way! One things for sure; I am never doin' a press conference without you guys there! It is so incredibly lonely up there all by yourself. Everybody staring at ya. It freaked me out.' Nick explained. 'And that Carson Daily-guy.'

'Yeah, what about 'em?'

'He was there. We got into an argument... But eh, we've got it all on tape. I'll be home tomorrow. Drop by and I'll show it to ya, k?'

'Sure. Sounds good. Is she on it?' Brian asked.

'I dunno. Haven't checked yet. But I guess so... I hope so.'

Brian and Nick talked for hours until Leigh Ann ordered Brian to get of the phone.

'Sorry Nick. The misses wants me.' Brian said. Nick smirked.

'She's got a lit on you man! Be careful, you don't wanna end up like Kev.'

'Ya know Nick, maybe I do... See ya!' Brian said and hung up.

'Oh God! He's gonna ask her to marry him!' Nick cried and fell on the bed laughing.


~*~*~*(In Angela's bedroom)*~*~*~


Angela fell on her bed and cried for all she was worth. Her heart was broken by a man she'd only seen twice. Why did she fall in love with him? What makes him so special? Oh, she could write a book on how special he was. She just loved 'em, end of discussion.

'Angie. Come down honey.' Ann called. 'You've got company.'

'I'm not interested!' Angela cried back. A few minutes later there was a short knock on the door. Angela stood up and unlocked it. Standing in front of her was Kyle.

'Hey Angie. How are ya baby girl.' He said smiling. Angela looked at him and fell into his arms crying.

'Oh god Kyle.' She cried. Kyle picked her up and laid her down on her bed. He sat down next to her as he stroke her hair.

'It's okay Angie. I'm here. Tell me what happened...' Kyle pleaded.

Angela took a deep breath and explained Kyle what had happened at the conference. 'And then I just ran outside crying. I couldn't take it anymore...' Angela added.

'That's not very nice of him.' Kyle figured. 'But Angela, look at me. You know why he did what he did? The damn kid loves you so much that he'd do anythin' to protect you. He didn't want you to get hurt... It happened anyway, but not on purpose.'

He has a point. Angela thought. But I'm still hurt... I love Nick, but... it's just never gonna work between us. We're too... different.

'Do you still... like him, Nick?' Kyle wondered.

'Like him?' Angela repeated. 'I'm absolutely crazy 'bout the guy!'

'Then I guess it's okay to tell you.' Kyle figured.

'Tell me what?' Angela wondered.

'Well, a few days after the exams... I went over to the studio where the Boys where at. I immediately noticed that somethin' was wrong with Nick. We talked and he told me that he had a enormous crush on a girl he had just met a few days earlier.' Kyle explained, making Angela smile. 'He was just so out of it. The others told me that he was distracted, he messed up his routines and -according to Howie- he was a mayor pain in the ass!'

'So he was just as... full of me as I was of him?' Angela figured. Kyle nodded.

'He loves you Angie, eventhou he's only seen you... once, no twice. He's crazy 'bout ya girly!'

'Yeah, I guess you're right.'

So he does love me. It wasn't just a phase he had to go through! Angela said to herself. He really truly loves me... Wow!

'What are ya gonna do 'bout it?' Kyle wondered.

'Right now?' Angela said. 'Nothin'.'


'Yeah! I've got my next dance exams to concentrate on. And school's about to start again so... I basically have no time to do somethin' 'bout my crush. Too bad really, I would have loved to see him more often. But eh, he doesn't know my name. Well, he knows I exist. That one thing... but he doesn't know anythin' 'bout me! It's neva gonna work. Case closed, you're all free to go home. The battle's over!' Angela blurred.

'Oh, so you're just gonna give up like that?' Kyle figured. 'Without a fight?!'

'Yes, I have no time to fight! Brian is a slave-driver! I work my butt off every day! I make miracles happen... to please him! I'd be glad when those 2 weeks are over! Back to normal is the way da go.' Angela explained.

'If that's how you feel... then I guess... who am I to judge you?' Kyle noted.

'You just remember; Nick's not gonna give up on you without a fight. He's gonna find you and when he doesWill you be there to love him? Or will you be in the studio, working your butt off?' With that, Kyle stood up and left.

'Kyle please...' Angela begged, but Kyle just kept going. He had nothing to say to Angela.

Good job girl! You've done it this time! You've not only lost the man of your heart, you've also lost your best friend! Great, just great! Angela thought as she closed her eyes.


