

Denise went in and sat down by Brian. Brian was Cassie's favorite Backstreet Boy. She didn't want to see him like this. She was crying hard. Nicole sat down and was looking as if she was thinking about something. Denise held Brian's hand. "Denise?" Brian asked.

"Yes, Brian? What is it?" Denise answered.

"Will you go out with me?"

"Aren't you going out with Leigh?"

"No, we broke up two weeks ago. So, will you?"

"Sure, I will!" "I love ya!"

"I love ya too. Now, get to sleep. You'll feel better when you do. Okay?" "Okay."

Denise kissed Brian on the head. She rubbed his head and then left. Nick stayed there with Brian. Nick was really upset. Nick thought Brian was gonna die. " Brian? Are you still awake?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, why?" Brian replied softly.

"Do you know why you are in here?"

"No. I am waiting for someone to tell me."

"I'm gonna tell you. Brian, you have severe mononucleosis. It's a kissing disease. You probably got it from Leigh. I know you didn't get it from Denise. Unless you are kissing her."

"No, it was Leigh. How couldn't she have known? I mean, she should have told me or something. If it's mono, then why am I in the hospital?"

"Because it isn't the only thing you have."

"What else is there?"

"You had a mild stroke. Brian, I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier. We didn't know how to tell you."

"Why didn't the doctor tell me?"

"You were sleeping. He didn't want to wake you up because you are supposed to sleep. Then, AJ said that we'll tell you."

Brian sighed. He tried to stand up. He had Nick help him walk to the window. Brian looked out the window and saw Denise and her friends walk with Kevin to his car. Denise looked to the window and saw Brian. Brian gave her the heart sign. Denise gave it back. Brian watched her leave. He walked back to the bed and sat up. Nick put the television on for him. His favorite show, Sports Center, was on.

The next day, Denise came to visit Brian early in the morning. She took Kevin's car without his permission. She drove to the hospital to see Nick crying. "Nick, what happened?" Denise asked. Nick didn't answer. "Nick, what happened?" He still didn't answer. " Nick! Tell me what's wrong!"

"He got worse overnight. The doctor's don't think he's gonna live. Denise, Brian doesn't only have mono. He had a mild stroke also. The doctor's don't even think he has mono." Nick said.

Denise collapsed into a seat. " Nick, why didn't you call me? I do have the right to know what is wrong with my boyfriend."

"I did call you. Nicole answered the phone and said you weren't home. She told me you took Kevin's car. I didn't know if you had your cell phone on you or not. Neither did she. I'm sorry."

"What about this about the doctor's not thinking he has mono? They just said he did yesterday! Nick, this hospital is screwed up."

"They thought it was mono, but it isn't. I mean, okay, I'm lying. I lied to you and my best friend. Brian is really sick. The doctor's don't know what is wrong with him. This is the first time this case was ever discovered. There is no cure, no name, nothing. All the doctors can do is wait it out. They are monitoring him every hour. Denise, I'm really sorry I lied. We had to tell you something."


