



I sat silently watching the game with Nick by my side. I would have to thank my cousins, Brian and Kevin for this night. A nagging feeling was tugging at my conscience. The thought that Nick didn't remember me was discomforting, but I was the only to blame for it. He couldn't help it that he totally forgot about me. So I acted like it was no big deal.

Time passed quickly as I thoughts of the past whirled in my mind. When I finally looked up, I realized that the game was over.

"Jordayn you ready to leave? Brian and Kevin want me to bring you back to the tour bus. They're waiting for you there." Nick smiled the heart melting smile that I remembered so well. I followed Nick to his car.

"What about my car? How about I just follow you." I suggested.

Nick smiled " No way. We will just come back for it."

I groaned but followed him to his Durango. Nick and I were chatting a little bit back and forth. We were really enjoying our ride home from the game so much that we didn't even see the railroad tracks or hear or see the lights and sirens starting to go off, warning us that a train was coming. We were too close and couldn't slow down.

So I had to do it...I had to use my powers to pull the train back so that Nick had enough time to drive across the tracks safely to the other said. And to Nick's relief, the train slowed and let us cross safely. "Wow...that was fun," I commented nervous. "How did they stop so quick? We were right there, ready to be hit!" "I have no idea!" I said trying to cover up the flush in my face. I had a hard time lying, and it always showed.

Nick took a couple of breaths and closed his eyes, leaning back into his seat.

"I think we are all right. We'd better get going so Brian and Kevin don't worry," I said.

Nick opened his eyes and forced himself to smile, even when the near-disaster was weighing down his heart. " You're right." We drove in silence the rest of the way.

About a half an hour later Nick and I pulled up into an empty lot with just a large silver bus parked near the end of it. I got out of the car and ran up the three steps inside into the bus. I smiled as I walked right into my cousin "Hey shorty! It's been like 6 years, right?" Kevin greeted me." Yep, that's about right."

I laughed nervously. "Is Brian still upset about you know?" I lowered my voice so that Nick couldn't hear.

Kevin looked down. "Of course he is... but maybe he is ready to face you. I mean, he did talk to you already."

I looked into Kevin's eyes. He was keeping something from me. I know he was. But I couldn't read his mind... His powers kept it too well blocked from access.

"So where is he?"

Kevin nodded towards the back of the bus. Slowly I walked back and opened a curtain. With out even looking in his direction, I knew Brian knew that I was there. Our powers were just a part of our whole family. And each of us could sense the other's presence pretty well.

"Hi Brian..." I smiled weakly as his blue eyes shifted to look at me.

"Hi Jordayn. Long time no see." He seemed as nervous as I was.

"Have you forgiven me already?" I asked trying to make a joke out of it.

Brian's face dropped and it seemed like he was upset. "I want to J but it's hard. I mean it's hard. Nick doesn't remember anything-the way we used to be signing of the contract. He doesn't even remember meeting you in the past. It's just that so much has been lost and gone with his memory-so much of the love and friendship that we used to share before we became a band."

Then why am I here? I thought. "Then Brian if you still don't forgive me, what am I doing here?" I asked the tears almost coming. " Because whatever you did to wipe out Nick's memory is now affecting his vision. You're the only one who can fix it. Neither Kevin or I have the power to heal something like this. But you... you do." Brian's voice was almost a whimper now.

Nick's losing his vision? I freaked as I racked my mind, searching for the memories of that night. What did I do that night? I panicked. I thought that the only thing I did was destroy his memory, but how . . . how can it destroy his vision? And why now, six years after he had lost his memory, is he losing his eye sight.

And how did Brian know that Nick was losing his vision? He seemed perfectly fine tonight. Heck, he could even tell I was a girl. So his vision must not be that bad, right?

But my mind began to freak out as I thought back to the night of the "incident" What was it that I hit that first affected his memory, and then years later, affected his vision as well?




It was the night of the congratulations party for the new group BSB. My two cousins Brian and Kevin were signed to be singers with three others. AJ McLean, Howie Dorough and Nick Carter. At the time Nick was about 14 years old. They started when he was 12 but they didn't make it real big until he hit 14.

I liked him... I liked him a lot. And I wanted to impress him really badly. I was a two years younger than he was.

My brother Cloud and my sister Noel were with me that night. I remember them playing in the backyard, fooling around with their powers. I was scared stiff. We didn't openly display our magic, especially not to mortals. The whole night I was trying to veil them from the mortals view.

But it wasn't that difficult. Many of the people in that party were of our kind, even Brian and Kevin. Cloud and Brian were closest to age so their powers of moving objects were pretty advanced. Noel was a year and a half older than Brian, and she had the power of reading minds. Well with me being the baby, I had a combination of all the powers-object moving, mind reading, healing and blocking thoughts.

I knew a perfect way to get Nick to notice me. I knew I shouldn't have done it. My powers weren't quite advanced enough because I had started to develop them not even a month ago. But I wanted to impress Nick so I pushed all my my parents', Cloud's, Noel's, Kevin's and even my favorite cousin's warnings out of my mind. I remembered walking up to him and him smiling at me and giving me a hug.

"Thanks for coming Jordayn. It's great to see you again." I had fallen for that smile two years earlier.

Suddenly, this crazy impulse flashed through my mind. "Hey Nick, let's go somewhere. I bet you I can read your mind."

Nick had raised his eye brows and chuckled. "Oh really miss psychic?"

I nodded eagerly. "I can tell you what your thinking," I said arrogantly.

Nick had crossed his arms... good old skeptical Nick. "Go right ahead, miss Littrell," he teased.

I was pretty confident that I could at least read something. So I took some breaths and opened my mind up. I felt a shock go through me as I took Nick's hand in mine. Then, a surge of energy bolted from me onto him. He looked at me with a confused look. I knew he felt the energy flowing through us. I knew I would receive something-an emotion, a thought-very soon.

But something went wrong. Nick's eyes started to close. I could hear that his breathing had stopped and he fainted. As his unconscious body hit the ground, everyone came rushing out. Brian and Kevin immediately pulled me aside.

"What did you do?!!!!!!" Brian whispered. I felt his heart thumping madly in his chest.

"I-I tried to read his mind, but the energy took a wrong turn I guess... I think... I think I may have destroyed something..."

Brian was wide eyed. " What?"

"What do you think you destroyed?" Kevin said calmly.

I closed my eyes to feel the last microseconds before Nick lost consciousness. " I think I may have taken his memory up until the time he regains consciousness."

Brian looked puzzled. "Kevin, what does that mean?" his voice wavered.

Kevin sighed. "It means he is going to forget everything up until the moment he wakes up in the hospital... and ...is there more?" Kevin asked concerned. He knew that I was keeping something from them.

I nodded. "I think I might have touched his vision as well.








I looked around as I stepped into my living room. My vision slowly blurred until I couldn't make anything out. I groaned. " Kev! can you come here!" I called. By now, Jordayn, Kevin and Brian had gotten reacquainted and we decided to spend the night at my house because they loved how it bordered on the beach.

I sighed, not knowing how many more times I will enjoy looking out at the stars and staring into the sea. Everyone knew about my vision problem. The strangest thing was that it happened out of the blue. Suddenly, one day a little over three months ago, I woke up and couldn't see anything but a blur. We had went to the doctors three months ago, several of them for that matter, but all of them said the same thing.

"You have something called heriufrision (hair-o-fra-sion). This disorder is when the brain loses touch with the eyes, and eventually you might even go blind. This disease is incurable." The doctors couldn't cure me. They did say that it would take about five months until my vision was completely gone. They said that three months ago. I had a month and a half left before I would be completely blind.

But at this point in time, I could see fairly well. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to know that a beautiful girl approached me today during the basketball game today. My mind wandered back to the basketball game and I could feel the sadness sweep through me. I could remember how Jordayn walked up to me and introduced herself. I wish I could memorize that face forever. But it was impossible.

No more basketball games... no more ocean...no more dancing... no more beautiful girls and maybe even no more singing. I knew it was inevitable. I could feel it everyday. I could feel that my vision was deteriorating. I didn't know why it did.

Suddenly, I felt a form walk in front of me. I knew it was Kevin. "Kev, it's gone again. Can you help me to my bed?"

"Sure, come on." I felt for his hand and lifted myself up out of the couch. I stumbled to my bed and laid down. I felt like crying, I wasn't even at the legal age to drink, and I was already losing my sight.

"Thanks Kevin." My voice started to break. I didn't think I could handle all of this being thrown at me. Kevin patted me on the back, and I heard him leave. I closed my eyes letting myself be lost into the darkness. I had better get used to it. But a part of me cursed myself. What was going on? I felt like some force was pulling and tugging at my body. It felt good at times, but evil at others.

And this whole blindness thing was way to strange. Even the doctors had no idea what they were talking about. A heiriufrision? That had to be the most foreign word I have ever heard of. Something strange was going on. I could feel it. I could feel it when Kevin helped me onto my bed. I could feel it whenever I slept in the same room as Brian's. I could feel it when I talked to Jordayn today. But the scariest thing was that I could feel it when I was alone in the dark!




Jordayn and I sat in the kitchen of Nick's beautiful mansion. I stared at my cousin as she was lost in thought. My power allowed me to see her memory as she relived it in her mind. But it was kind of sad and depressing. She looked at me when she could feel my mind imposing on hers. "I'm sorry," I said as we both recaptured those memories of Nick. I suddenly got this urge to get up and wrap my arms around her. She was like my baby sister.

"I am, too," she said and then pulled away. "I never wanted to hurt him Bri... I just wanted to impress him. I wanted him to know the truth." I shook my head.

"No!" the harshness in Brian's voice shocked me. You know what will happen if you tell Nick." Brian's voice had a threatening edge to it.

"Tell me what?" I jumped as the question rang out loud through the kitchen. We were so sure that Nick was asleep. Kevin had just led him to his bed a few minutes earlier. I looked up at Nick who had just entered the room.

Jordayn and I looked at each other. I had to think of something fast. " That... Jordayn likes you a lot." It wasn't a lie, she did like him.

She looked at me, and a smile twitched on my face. I could kill two birds with one stone. I could hook up my cousin and my best friend, and I could cure my best friends sight. I knew it would work. I knew Jordayn had a way to reverse Nick's blindness. Oh was I good. I was just great. Well, this had been my idea since I found out about Nick's loss of vision three months ago.

"Oh really." Nick raised his eye brows. Jordayn smiled and nodded, not even having the will to counter the truth. .

"Oh cool, cause... I like you too..." Nick's sweet words left his lips, leaving Jordayn gaping.

Wow this was going to work better than I thought.


