



After the few revelations tonight, Brian, Nick, Kevin and I headed back to our beds. It was scary that Nick's sight seemed to wax and wane so quickly. It was only a few minutes before that Kevin had to lead him to his own room. A few minutes later, he could see as clearly as a hawk and walk to the kitchen, only to overhear the conversation between Brian and I.

I gazed at Nick's sleeping form from my bedroom which was adjacent to his and felt an overwhelming sense of shame. I don't know why but I willed myself to see through the wall just to watch his body under the covers. Sometimes, when I'm bad, I can see through his clothes. It wasn't my intention. Nobody in our world had as many inhibitions as the people on Earth. In fact, it was only once we crossed the boundaries to Earth that shame became a constant nagging emotion.

I thought about Brian's and Kevin's anger towards me. I could still sense their rage burning inside of them, but they managed to cover its intensity from me. I was 12, young, and daring then. I couldn't help those feelings of admiration and the desire to impress the one I loved. What scared me more was that the feelings were for an Earthling. Yet, he was so cute with his silky blond hair. I didn't know what it was about his face, but the energy just soared through my whole body every time I glanced at him. I had told Noel and Cloud about these feelings and they laughed it off while also threatening me of the consequences.

They told me of the dangers of letting Earthlings know of our world, of our power. Even though we possess mystical powers, the majority of our people have been cynical of our world. Brian, Kevin and I were actually one of the more liberal ones, believing that not all Earthlings were bad, but unfortunately, most of our people didn't see that so they created the law that we were to never reveal to an Earthling our magical abilities. Otherwise, that Earthling would die.

I didn't want Nick to die. I wanted to have him for myself. He was mine to own. My infatuation has gotten to the point that Brian and Kevin were scared for Nick. Originally, they brought me to Earth because they thought I could use a little fun. Whenever they were bored, they would always cross the borders of our magical world to get onto Earth and just go around, playing tricks on everyone. But as they spent more time on Earth, they became addicted. They loved it. And so did I.

But what really secured our hearts was meeting Nick. Well, I could only speak for myself. What got Kevin and Brian hooked was the hordes of girls that they were able to rule over. They just bathed themselves in glory. The funniest thing was that no matter how much magic they used to their own advantage, Nick, a mere Earthling, would always end up with more girls than they did. It sickened them. I thought it was funny.

Sometimes they would veil Nick's charms or beauty. Other times, they would use their magic to humiliate him in front of the girls. I thought it was hilarious how Nick would take it like a boy-cussing and screaming at them. But none of their tricks really shifted the charm from Nick to them. In the end, Nick got the girls. The funny thing was, Nick got Kevin's and Brian's heart as well. Kevin and Brian loved to tease him and play with him. They would use their magic and bully him around, but Nick never screamed at them for more than a few minutes. Soon enough, he would come around and ask them to play Nintendo with him. He was simply alluring. Kevin and Brian never focused on anything for more than a few days, but Nick (and the girls) managed to keep them on Earth for years now.

My thoughts focused back to the present. I thought about Nick's impending blindness. Since I played around with Nick's mind six years ago, I had grown and matured a lot. I had learned to control my powers better and more accurately. I'm pretty sure that I can undo what I did. Brian and Kevin couldn't because they spent way too much time on Earth having fun rather than polishing their magic skills. But I have spent all this time practising. Some of the other girls at our high school of magic were jealous of my progress, but I didn't care. I was naturally talented. I couldn't help it if I were superior to them.

I continued gazing through the walls at Nick's bed. I laughed as I once again saw through the blankets and through his clothes. He looked so cuddly under all those layers. I wondered how it felt to touch his skin. Without giving it a second thought, I teleported myself next to Nick. I lay on the bed beside him, but he couldn't feel me. I was light as a feather. My hand slipped right through the blankets and through his clothes to feel his skin.

To my delight, it was cool to the touch. I stared at him and laughed. His whole face was under the blankets. I had known that he was afraid of gremlins biting his toes, but I didn't know that he was also afraid of them pulling at his hair. His whole head was buried under the blankets.

I sighed, thinking about Brian's and Kevin's demand that I restore Nick's vision. I wonder what was so bad about him losing his vision. At least if he were blind, he would never look at another girl again. He would be mine to keep. I was powerful, but not powerful enough to control his heart.

I took my hands of his bare skin and decided to play a prank on him. I concentrated really hard and created a gremlin doll. I first visualized it and then made it concrete. When done, I stared at it. It looked hilarious with its red eyes and disproportionate body. Then I let it float towards Nick's head. I brushed the blankets off of Nick's head and used my magic to lift a few strands of that beautiful silky hair. Slowly, I lowered the gremlin doll down with my mind and let its hands clutch the few strands of Nick's hair.

I laughed at myself. Nick was going to die from shock when he woke up in the morning. With that, I willed my body back to my bedroom and fell asleep, never once noticing the shadow that was hiding in the corner of Nick's room.






I slowly squirmed in my bed, stretching the limbs lazily. Suddenly, I froze. I felt something clinging on to my head. I was ready to faint right there. With a wave of courage, I reached up, feeling around. It was cold and slimy, like the skin of a reptile. A lump formed in my throat. I was too scared to scream. I tugged at the thing and it released its grip from my hair. Slowly, I lifted it to my face.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at the sight of the horrendous thing.

In a second, Kevin, Brian and Jordayn were in my room. Jordayn started to laugh hysterically while Brian and Kevin were quiet. I couldn't really see what was going on, but I knew it had to be Jordayn.

"Where did you find that disgusting, horrendous . . . thing!" I shrieked. I pulled out the slimy gremlin. Suddenly, I felt my vision clearing and I saw the green beast with red piercing eyes. I could have sworn it looked so real.




I laughed and laughed and laughed even harder. Using the little energy that was left in me, I cleared Nick's sight for a while to see the gremlin I had created just for him. He screamed even harder.

I looked over to Brian and Kevin, who were looking at me disapprovingly. "Aw come on, it was only a joke!"

Kevin walked over to me and pulled me out of the room while Brian walked over to give Nick some solace and try his best to calm Nick down.

Even as Kevin led me out the room, I could use my third eye to see Nick. I laughed even harder. Kevin nudged be, disgruntled. I ignored him. He didn't have the powers to match mine. All he could do was complain.

Before long, Brian led a disconcerted Nick out of his room down to the kitchen. All the while, Nick glared at me. It was amazing. This was the angriest I had seen him ever. Hid beautiful blue eyes were full of a fury I have never seen. I suddenly didn't feel happy anymore. Brian gave me a warning glance.

Before I had a chance to say anything else to Nick, he ran out the kitchen. Kevin quickly said, "Go after him!"

I jumped out of my seat and followed him. Nick didn't even see as I flew through the door. He was too busy getting away from me. In my panic, I made a big mistake. I willed his feet to stop. Before I could take back my wish, Nick's feet stopped. I released my mental grip on Nick and he fell forward.

"Nick!" I shouted at him, catching up to him. "Are you okay?"

Nick looked at me, confused. I could see that he was completely disoriented. "I . . . I think so."

Before he said anything else, I grabbed his hands and brushed them against my cheeks. "I'm sorry. I think my heads have been up in the clouds. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

I thought it would take me at least half an hour to convince Nick, but to my delight, he had a very gentle heart. He smiled shyly at me. "I was just a little scared. It's not that I can't take a joke."

At that moment, I didn't know what possessed me. I moved forward to kiss him. It felt strangely blissful. I had never done this before. I lingered on the kiss. About ten seconds into it, I knew it. I knew that I had his heart because he returned the kiss.

"Nick?" I whispered into his ears.

"Yes?" Nick answered.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked, very sure of myself. He couldn't have fought against my charms. Besides, I had my magic to back me up.

To my surprise, he didn't reply. I looked at him. He had a horrified look on his face. "Those last words that you said. You didn't move your lips. But I heard them so clearly in my head."

I stared in shock at him. "I . . . I . . . uh . . . You must be seeing things." I cursed in my mind. How did I let that slip? It was Nick. He had that effect on me. I would start being careless when I was with him. Strangely, I couldn't control my magic powers when a was around him. I had this urge to shroud his vision at that moment so that he couldn't see anything.

And I did. I used my mind to cloud his vision. But to my surprise, some force was blocking me. It wasn't Kevin. It wasn't Brian. It felt dark and cold, and it was pushing my powers away from Nick. I scanned the room, desperately searching for the evil force.

Nick's voice dissipated my focus. "I guess I was just a little delusional there. I'm sorry. Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

I looked at him and smiled. "Really?" I hugged him really tightly. I felt the power surge within me and love began to take over me. I nuzzled his neck a little and pulled him up from the floor. I wanted him so bad. I don't care what our people think. This Earthling was too alluring. I didn't care if he wasn't of our kind.

By then, Brian and Kevin ran into the room. I saw the terror on their faces and didn't know how to interpret it. I reached into their minds to read their thoughts. When they realized what I was doing, they revealed their thoughts to me.

"We feel some force in this room. It feels so evil!" Brian's mind cried out to me.

"Yeah," Kevin agreed. "Something's not right. We ran here as soon as we felt it. Surprisingly, we also felt it in Nick's room. Apparently, one of our people has been in that room with Nick all night. We felt it. It felt dreadful, cold, cruel." As I read these thoughts of Kevin's, my worry escalated.

My heart began to pound. Since I was hugging Nick, our heads were facing different directions. I looked down at his neck. That was when I first noticed a mark on the back of his neck. It stood out from his fair skin so conspicuously. It was metallic-colored, of a material that was only found in our world.

One of our kind had placed it on Nick in his sleep. I felt a shudder. Even though I knew that the mark was not dangerous, I knew it was a warning from someone from our world. The message was too clear. I'd better watch my back, or else.


