

Avery walked outside to meet BJ. She held her books close to her chest. She seen BJ's pretty hair and walked towards her. "Hi, BJ"

BJ turned towards her surprised then she smiled. "Hey Avery. My brother is picking us up in a few. This is my sister Leslie."

Avery smiled at the girl. Leslie looked shocked. Carefully she pulled her sister away a little bit trying so that Avery didn't notice. Avery pretended she didn't but she did.

"BJ, what are you doing hanging out with her?" Leslie asked in a whispered tone.

"Leslie, look at her, she doesn't have a friend in the world. And I'm sure once I get to know her personality I'll like her even more." BJ returned next to Avery as a green Durango pulled up in front of them.

BJ opened the front door. "Leslie do you want the front?"

Leslie nodded and climbed in. "Okay guys come on, do you want your brother mobbed! Just get in the damn truck!" BJ climbed in and waited for Avery. Avery climbed in quickly and shut the door.

"BJ who is this young lady?" Nick asked taking off his hat and shades.

"Nick this is my new friend Avery Newcastle. Avery this is my older brother Nick."

Avery nodded shyly. "Nice to meet you." She whispered.

Nick laughed. "I'm sorry I'm not really that mean it's just the pressures of fame..."

Avery cut him off. "Fame?" she asked. She wasn't kidding she had no clue who this guy was.

"Yeah... I'm famous." He said.

Avery looked down, feeling even more insecure.

"Oh you didn't know? I'm a famous singer." Nick said looking in the rearview mirror.

"No I didn't know, I... I don't have a radio or anything. My sister keeps the things I have and shouldn't have very limited."

"Oh" Nick said simply.

Once they pulled into the middle school Avery slid over to the middle of the back seat. A little girl opened the door. She stood there arguing with her brother. "Aaron I want to sit here you get the way back."

"No Angel you at there this morning its my turn." The little boy whined.

"Aaron you get the seat, Angel all the way in the back, you had it this morning." Angel stuck her tongue out at her brothers as she climbed over the seat.

"Hey I can always leave you here." The rest of the ride was silent except for the introductions to each other. As they reached the driveway BJ pulled Avery out of the back seat.

"Come on lets go to my room."

Avery stumbled along. As BJ opened her door Avery was amazed. The room was large with creme carpet, she had a big wooden bed that had a blue coverlet on it, with white lacy throw pillows. A couple posters hung on her blue walls. A small white work desk sat almost untouched by her wooden dresser and vanity. On the vanity about twelve tubes of lipstick were scattered, two big cases of eye shadow, three tubes of mascara, about thirteen lip pencils, about four blushes and about sixteen eye pencils. A large radio was set on her nightstand with a few beanie babies laid on top.

"Come on in." BJ directed. Avery walked slowly afraid that if she touched something the whole picture would just be ruined.

"Okay do you want a make over? I saw you looking at my brother" BJ laughed.

Avery blushed. "Okay, but"

It was too late. BJ had pulled off the sweatshirt revealing Avery's light green tank top and most of all her scars.

BJ dropped the sweatshirt. "What happened?" she asked looking at the seven scars on her left arm and the nine scars on her right.

"I... I didn't want to live... I had no friends, my sister hated me, and I was alone. I was going to end it all today but then you came along and became my friend."

BJ was touched; she lifted the frames of Avery's glasses and brushed away a tear. "And you're never going to do it again, because I will always be your friend."

Avery smiled. BJ stood up and handled Avery's limp greasy hair. "How about a wash and a cut."

Avery nodded, "You know how to cut hair?"

BJ smiled and nodded, "Yeah I went to a hair school while I was in modeling school."

BJ flipped Avery's hair over into the tub and washed it. Then when she was done she cut it short, to her shoulders. Avery smiled showing her yellow trimmed braces.

"When are you getting them off?" BJ asked.

"In two days."

BJ smiled. "Good. Avery your last year of high school is going to be your best."

Avery smiled again. "I hope so."

BJ dug in her closet. "We are going shopping and getting you a whole new wardrobe."

"But I don't have the money." Avery said frightened.

"But I do." BJ smiled and gave her an metallic green belly tank top and black flare pants (the kind with no zipper or buttons)

"Oh BJ I couldn't ask you to do that."

"I want to and I am buying you contacts too."

Avery shook her head. "No, not yet, I'm not ready for those."

BJ sighed and smiled. "Okay then nice glasses.

Avery smiled "Okay."

Once Avery was dressed and had make up on there was still something wrong.

"The scars..." Avery looked down ashamed.

"Don't worry I have some stuff that is made for scars. It's kind of like scar vanish." BJ laughed and ran to the bathroom. She dabbed some on her arms.

" Let's go get your glasses."

Avery shook her head. "BJ do you mind if I stay here? It's just... I have never seen the ocean up close and I just realized you guys live on it."

BJ saw her eyes filled with joy. "Okay, just tell me your size and prescription and I'll get it all."

Avery smiled "Thank you BJ" Avery told her and ran down the stairs and out side onto the beach. She let the wind rush at her. As she opened her eyes, she seen underneath a near by tree, BJ's older brother, Nick. It looked like her was crying. Quickly she ran over and kneeled by him.

"Are you okay?" She asked eager to help.

Nick nodded. "Every thing in my life is bad, I'm a famous singer taking care of my four younger siblings trying to create them a future without screwing up. My parents were murdered, my Aunt killed my best friend and why am I telling you this?" he chuckled and wiped some tears off his face.

"It's okay... I just want to help."

Nick looked into her eyes. "You do?" He asked.

Nick was overcame by emotion, he had never been told that before, everyone wanted him for his money or his fame, not for him. This girl, wasn't appealing but she was kind hearted. Nick liked her almost instantly.

Actually she was kind of appeal, if she didn't have the glasses and braces, but that didn't stop him from kissing her.


