

Denise was sitting in NYC's Central Park. She had run away from her home in Michigan on a count that no one cared about her. She has been going to Central Park everyday. It was so peaceful there. Denise had written a few stories since she had ran away. She didn't want anyone to read them. To her they were personal and important. She had thought that they would help her get a job by having them published.

One day, she was sitting in Central Park, on her favorite bench, writing one of her best stories yet. It was getting dark, cold, and fewer people were out. It was starting to rain. Denise had no place to go. It had been the first time since she'd been there that it rained. She just sat there and started to cry. She had about ten dollars but that was it.

I hope it stops raining soon. Denise thought. It started to rain hard. She had heard some thunder and saw some lightning. Her bench wasn't under a tree or anything. She didn't want anyone to find her. She knew no one would at that time of night.

At one point in time, a young man came and sat down next to her. Denise was sleeping at the time. He wrapped her in his coat, picked her up, and carried her to a hotel across the street.

He had opened the door to his hotel room and laid her on the bed. She was still asleep. The man found a chair and slumped down into it and dozed off.

The next morning, Denise had heard something move. What in the world was that? She asked herself. She found herself in a bed. She got up and stretched. She looked around to find someone. She heard someone in the bathroom. She waited for them to come out.

" Hey, you're awake," the man said.

" What am I doing here? Who brought me here?" Denise asked.

" I did. You're here because you were sleeping in the rain in the park across the street."

Denise had identified the man as Kevin from the Backstreet Boys. She knew they were in New York, but didn't know where they were staying. She had their tour schedule in her pocket. Denise sat down in disbelief.

" Is there something wrong? Do you want anything? I bet you're hungry. You like eggs and bacon?" Kevin asked.

" I'm kinda hungry. Yeah, I like them. I hadn't had anything to eat in a while."

" Okay. Oh, by the way, I'm Kevin Richardson."

" I know who you are. You're from the BSB. I'm a big fan of yours."

" Oh. I just wanted to make sure you knew who I was. Just so you didn't freak out or anything. Here is your breakfast. Where is you family?"

" I don't have one. Thank you for the food."

" Where did you live?"

" In Michigan. I'm not sure where they live now. They probably forgot about me and blew me off. It don't matter anymore."

" Oh, I'm sorry. You never told me your name. I better know if I want to help you get home."

" No! No one wants me home. Do not send me back there. That's how I got the gash in my arm. Please don't help me get back home. Please!"

Kevin didn't know what to say. He was in disbelief. " Okay. I won't help you get back home. I need to know your name. I'm only gonna tell the other guys so they know who you are when you come on tour with us."

On tour? I'm going on tour? With the BSB? Oh my God! Denise thought to herself. " How can I trust you?"

" Trust me. I swear to God that I won't do anything to get you back home. I will respect any and all of your wishes. Man, forget Aladdin, I feel like the genie."

" Okay. Since you swear to God, my name is Denise. You said something about going on tour?"

" Well, if you want a place to stay, you are gonna have to go on tour with me. I'll have you meet the other guys. We are leaving soon."

" Okay. Oh man, this is weird."

" You don't have any clothes." Kevin thought for a minute. " Come with me."

Kevin took Denise to Brian's room. Kevin knocked on the door. " Come in!" Denise and Kevin heard Brian yell. Brian was Denise's favorite BSB. She was somewhat excited but somewhat not.

" Brian, I need to borrow some of your clothes." Kevin said.

" You?" Brian said coming out of the bathroom with only his boxers on. Denise turned away. "Kevin? Who is this shy young lady?"

" She's Denise. I found her sleeping in the rain on a bench in Central Park. She has no clothes and since she's about your size, she can maybe use yours?"

" Sure she can. Can I take her?" Denise turned around with her eyes closed.

" It's okay. You can look. If you don't want to, it's okay. I'm taking you over here." Brian said as Denise opened her eyes. She sat on the bed. " Here. You can use this." Brian handed her his Kentucky Wildcats jersey.

" But it's your favorite!" Denise said.

Brian was putting his pants on. " No, go ahead and use it. Trust me. Oh, you might want to wear a shirt on under that. Here." Brian tossed her a white shirt of his.

Denise went into the huge bathroom and changed. Oh my gosh! I'm wearing Brian's clothes! Denise said to herself. She came out of the bathroom. " So? How do I look?"

Kevin chuckled. " You look like Brian on a date." Brian shot him a glare. " Oh, sorry. You look great."

" Well, you fit in them. You are lucky Kev found you when he did. Otherwise, you'd be sick." Brian said.

" I'm used to it. When are we leaving?" Denise said.

" In a few minutes. Oh, Brian, I said that she could come on tour with us. She has no place to live. I know it isn't my choice but if I didn't have her come, she would be sick and have no place to live." Kevin said.

" No, Kevin, you don't have to explain it to me. I know. I would have done the same thing." Brian said.

" Well, we better get ready. Don't wanna be late now do you?" Kevin said.

" Yeah."

Everyone exited he room. Kevin went to get his stuff out of his room. Denise and Brian got onto the elevator that led to the lobby. They talked until the elevator stopped. Brian let Denise off first. " So, who's this young lady?" AJ asked kissing her hand.

" Her name is Denise. She's going on tour with us. It was Kevin's idea; he'll explain it to you later. Then, Denise has to explain something to all of us because me and Kevin have no idea what happened." Brian explained.

" Why is she wearing your clothes, Rok?" Nick asked.

" She has none."

" You found her naked?"

" No! She has been wearing the same clothes for I don't know how long."

" A month." Denise said.

" For a month and they were dirty and ripped. I offered some clothes."

" Oh. Nice to meet you Denise." Howie said.

" Nice to meet you too."

" I'm Howard but people call me,"

" I know. They call you Howie. You're AJ, and you're Nick."

" You know who we are? Why aren't you going crazy? Most fans do that." AJ said.

" I'm not like that. If you had been sitting in a park for a month writing stories, you lose sense of what to like and who you like and how to act."

" You sat in a park for a month?" Nick asked.

" Yeah. The park across the street."

" Man, what is taking Kevin so long?"

" Don't know. I'll go check." Brian said. Brian walked over to the elevator and pushed the button. When the elevator opened, Kevin was walking out of it. " We're waiting for you."

" Oh, sorry." Kevin said.

On the bus, Denise saw three sets of bunks in which the boys slept when on the road. " Denise, you can have this bunk." Brian said pointing to the on above his.

" Are you sure you guys want me on tour? I can be a pain." Denise said nervously.

" So is Nick and AJ. Of course we want you! Why wouldn't we?" Kevin said.

" Nevermind. Forget I said anything." Denise got up on the bunk. She couldn't get up so Brian helped. " Thank you."

" No problem." Brian said.

Denise lay on the bed for a while and fell asleep.

" Kevin, do you know why she was in the park anyway? I mean, she had to be there for a reason." AJ said.

" Well, I was walking in the park and I sat down next to her. I found out she was asleep. So, I wrapped her in my coat since it was raining." Kevin started.

" What are you doing walking in the rain anyway?"

" Let me finish. I brought her up to my room and put her on the bed. She was sleeping the whole night. I woke up and then asked her who she was, where she lived, and if she was hungry. Then, I noticed she had only the clothes on her back and I figured she was the same size as Brian. Then, I took her to Brian's room, and Brian gave her some clothes. I had suggested that she went on tour since she had no place to stay. She agreed and here she is."

" Wow. It's cool with me. What about management? Are they okay with this? They cool with it?" Nick said.

" Nope. It was my decision. I think I did the right thing."

" Yeah, you did. You're a good man, Kevin. A good man. Now, I'm gonna get some sleep. I'm tired." Brian said.

" Yeah. Okay."

A few hours later, Denise woke up to someone pounding on a glass door. She went to see whom it was. Everyone was outside of the bus. They were locked out. They had stopped at a Burger King for what she identified was dinner. She let them in. Denise went to the table at the back of the bus and sat down.

" I hope you like what we got you. You weren't awake so we didn't want to wake you up so we bought you a Whopper meal." Brian said.

