

" Denise told me what happened to her family. She was right. They did move away. They moved to Florida. Didn't you hear her crying? Nick, I want to help her." Brian said.

" I know you want to help her. You are helping her! You're opening your own home to her!"

" I don't think that's enough. She said she loved me like a brother."

" Brian, I don't know what kind of mess you got yourself into, and I know that I cannot help you get out of it."

" I know. I have to do this myself. I just don't know how."

" Where is she now?"

" Sleeping in my bunk. She feel asleep in my arms."

" Oh my. Does Leigh know about this?"

" I was giving her a hug! Jeez!"

" Okay. Jeez, don't go postal on me or anything. So, when do we get to the hotel?"

" In a few minutes. I better wake her up."

" Nah, let her sleep. I can carry her in. I'm strong enough." Nick flexed his muscles. Brian laughed loudly.

" We are here!" AJ yelled.

" Well, Nick, time to use those so-called muscles." Brian said.

Nick went over and picked Denise up. He almost hit her head on the rim, but he missed it. He walked out the door. He went to the front desk and checked in. He had told the lady that he had forgotten to make a reservation for her because he didn't know if she was coming or not, so she let him off. Nick went and put her in her room and put her on the bed. She was still sleeping. Nick walked out.

" Is she still sleeping?" Kevin asked.

" Yeah. I'm gonna go get my stuff." Nick said.

" Okay." Kevin went into his room.

After an hour passed, Denise woke up. She got out of the bed. She figured she was in a hotel. What am I doing in here? Oh yeah! Duh! BSB! How could I forget? Denise thought. She walked out of the room. She saw AJ walking around in the hall.

" Hey little lady." AJ said. " It's past your bedtime! Get your booty back into bed!"

" Hey! I don't have a bedtime. I'm not a little kid. You should have a bedtime. You guys stay up too late." Denise said.

" Well, D and me go clubbing and well you know how that goes." AJ laughed.

" Well, what do I have to do to get some food around here?"

" Call room service. You want me to do it for you?"

" Yeah, could you? I'd be so grateful."

" Sure. Lemme in your room and I call the number."

" Okay."

Denise let AJ in her room. He dialed the number and got Denise what she wanted. The food came quick and it was hot. AJ left and Nick knocked on the door. " Come in!" Denise yelled.

" Hey, how are you?" Nick asked.

" Not so hot, but I'll be okay."

" Rok told me about earlier. With the phone, you being right, and telling Bri you loved him. I know it all."

" Nick, don't get me started on that subject again. I don't want to think about it anymore."

" I'm sorry. You want me to leave?"

" No! Stay. I can use the company."

" Lonely?"

" Yeah."

" So, what do you wanna do?"

" I don't know. Want to watch a movie?"

" Yeah! What you got?"

" I have Titanic, Blair Witch, and I got your All Access video that has A Night Out on it too."

" You pick one."

" Okay." Denise put a video in. She didn't tell Nick which one it was. She wanted to surprise him. Se put in the All Access video.

Once Nick found out what it was, he sighed. " Well, I'm gonna be embarrassed here."

" There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It isn't like you act stupid or anything. Brian is the one that acts stupid."

" It's in his blood."

" Just don't tell him I said that. Yeah, I guess it is in his blood. He does act too funny sometimes. You know?"

" Yeah, I know."

There was a knock on the door. " Denise? Are you awake?" Brian asked.

" Yeah! Come on in!"

Brian walked in. " Oh, I didn't know you had company. I'll leave." Brian said putting his hand on the doorknob.

" No! Stay. We are watching a movie. You can watch."

" What are we watching?"

" Guess." Nick said.

" Oh! Okay! I know. Denise, um, you never told us how old you are."

" How old do I look?" Denise answered.

" Ah, I'd say about 15 or 16. Nick?"

" Yeah, about that." Nick said.

" No, I'm only 13."

" 13? You're only 13? Denise, I'm so sorry." Brian said.

" No, it's okay. Really. Don't be sorry."

" Okay, as you wish."

" You aren't a genie. You don't have to respect my wishes. I'm fine with anything you want to do for me to help me. I'm grateful for that. But please, please don't try to help me get back home. I know when and where I'm not wanted."

" Okay. I understand. Nick?"

" Yeah, me too. I understand completely. What about Kevin? He wasn't the genie but he made a good Aladdin."

" Well, I guess we'll just have to tell him. Nick, um, I know you want to watch this but we had better get to sleep We have a show tomorrow."

" Yeah. Okay. Bye Denise." Nick said giving Denise a small kiss on the cheek.

" Bye." Denise replied.

" Bye kiddo." Brian repeated Nick's actions.

Denise stopped the tape. She wasn't tired since she had already slept. She grabbed her stuff and went out the door. She left out the front doors and got on the bus. There was no one else there, and it was cold. She got on her bunk and started to cry. I can't believe they would just blow me off like that. Some family. Denise said to herself.

The next day, around noon, Kevin was walking around waiting for Denise to come out of her room. She never did. He got up the nerve and walked in. There was no one in there. " Oh crap." He said. He ran out the door and knocked on Brian's loudly. " Brian! Get out here!"

Brian opened the door. " What?" Brian asked.

" She's gone!"

" Who's gone?"

" Denise! She's gone! No note, nothing! She took everything! Oh my God."

" Okay. Let's take this seriously and not get carried away. Where could she have gone?"

" I don't know!"

" I'll get the others and look for her. Take your cell in case someone finds her."

" Okay. Yeah, okay."

Kevin ran out the door. He had already had his cell. He took off looking around the main part of the city. He took a taxi. Brian had gotten the others and they split up.

Denise was still on the bus. She was sitting on the little couch in the front of the bus. She was writing on a piece of paper that she had found in AJ's bunk. She was writing more of her story.

After an hour, Nick came running on the bus. He found Denise sitting in the back. " Oh my God! Denise! Are you okay?" Nick asked running to where Denise was sitting.

" Yeah, I'm fine." Denise said.

" Hold on a minute. I gotta call the other guys Brian, I found her. She's on the bus. Yeah, I know. Okay, we'll be here."

" What was that all about?"

" Let's just say that you are in big trouble with Kev and Bri."

