

" Hey, there are other people in this store. They can find out who's in here or not."

" Yeah, yeah." Denise grabbed three Backstreet shirts. " So, how much are you willing to spend on me?"

" As much as you like. It's not like I don't have money."

" That's $50.48," the cashier said. Brian took out sixty dollars and gave it to the cashier. " Thank you, sir."

Denise and Brian left the store. They next went to JCPenny. " Hey, I like this shirt." Brian said.

" Yeah, me too." Denise said.

" You like blue?"

" I like blue. I like really dark blue. My sheets on my bed used to be blue until."

" Okay, say no more. You don't have to talk about it."

" What if I want to?"

" Then, we can talk about it."

" I'll talk about it later. Right now I'm busy shopping with a famous person's money."

" We better hurry up. There are people giving me a few double takes."

" Okay, I'll hurry. I need like a hundred dollars."

" What? A hundred? You spend just about as much money as Leigh!"

" We girls do cost a lot."

" Yeah, you do." Denise smiled. " Hey, what do you want for lunch? We can talk about 'it' then."

" Doesn't matter. What do you want?"

" Well, I would like macaroni and cheese but I don't think they'd have that here. How about pizza? You like pizza?"

" Yeah."

" Well, pizza it is."

Denise and Brian walked to the food court. " I'll get the food. Stay here." Brian said.

" Okay." Brian went over to the counter and ordered the food. He went and sat back down. "Brian, take off your sunglasses."

" Why?"

" I like your eyes. It's not like you'll be noticed."

Brian took off his sunglasses and smiled. " Happy?"

" Yep."

Brian heard the number of their table called and got up to get the pizza. " Here we are."

" Great."

" So, how long have you been a Backstreet fan?"

" Not very long. I'd say about a year or two."

" Oh."

" Don't feel bad. I feel like I've been a fan since you first started. I feel like I've know you your whole life."

" Well, that's good."

" Yeah, it is." Denise sounded sad.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing."

" Now, the last time you said that, there was something wrong. Now, tell me what it is. Is it my shirt?"

" No, it's not your shirt. Don't be so silly."

" Tell me. I'm your friend."

Denise thought a minute. " Oh man! I gotta call Nicole."

" Here, use my cell."

" No, I couldn't. I have to use a different phone."

" As you wish."

Denise went over to a payphone and called Nicole. " Hey Nicole, what's up?"

" Denise? Hey, so how's it going?" Nicole asked.

" Good. You know how earlier I was telling you that I was with the BSB and stuff?"

" Yeah? Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone."

" Good. I'm at the mall with Brian."

" So?"

" He's buying me stuff! I don't want to use his money but I am."

" That's supposed to be a good thing."

" No, it's not really. It's not my money."

" Don't worry about it. How much did you spend?"

" A lot."

" How much is a lot?"

" One hundred and sixty dollars."

" That's not a lot. Listen, don't worry about it. He probably don't care."

" Yeah, you're right. The man is just so cute though."

" No kidding. Man, look, I have to go. Brother's are getting on my nerves."

" Okay, bye."

" Bye."

Denise went over and sat with Brian. " So, anything happen when I was gone?"

" Nope. We better go. It's late." Brian said.

" Yeah, and you have a show tomorrow."

" Yeah. I wish I could spend more time with you but with my schedule and stuff."

" I know. Don't worry about it."

Denise and Brian left the mall with no trouble at all. They got back to the hotel easy as pie. Denise was thinking about Brian's words that he had said earlier. What did he mean by wishing he could spend more time with me? Denise didn't know. She was wondering the rest of the night.


After a week, the tour was over. Denise had almost a whole wardrobe by then. Brian had been gracious enough to let her buy anything she wanted with his money. When Denise said that she didn't want to use his money, he insisted she used it.

One day, Brian had made the decision to see if he could adopt Denise. " Yes, I'd like to adopt a child that has no home." Brian said to the Social Services.

" What is the child's full name, age, and where the child used to live?"

" Denise Nicole Richardsen. 13 years old, and she used to live in Michigan."

" I need your name, where Denise will live, and her birthdate."

" Brian Littrell, Marietta, Georgia, January 19th."

" Okay, you will need to go to the Atlanta, Georgia building. I will send the information over there."

" Okay, thank you."

" You're welcome."

Brian went over to Nick and Kevin. " You'll never guess what I did." Kevin said happily.

" You'll never guess what I did." Brian said.

" What did you do?"

" No, you first."

" I beat Nick at Nintendo. I'm the first to beat him! What did you do?"

" I adopted Denise."

" What? How? Does she know?" Nick asked in disbelief.

" No, she doesn't know. Can't wait to tell her though."

" What about Leigh?"

" I already told her. She was thrilled. At first, she didn't believe me but I told her I wasn't lying."

" Brian, I don't know how you come up with these things. You are one good man though. Very good." Kevin said.

" Yeah, Brian. You are good. You'll make a great dad." Nick said.

" That's what everyone says." Brian said.

" Well, it's true. I've seen you with kids. You are great with them."

" Yeah, I guess."

" So, when are you gonna tell her?"

" That's the hard part. I don't know if she wanted me to adopt her. I know I should have asked her before I did it but I just couldn't turn down that face. And I know so much about her."

" Brian, she's thirteen and a fan of ours, who wouldn't want to be adopted by you? Brian, you did a good thing. Trust me."

" Yeah, you're right."

" So, you want to tell her now before it's too late?"

" Yeah."

" You want me to get her?"

" Yeah." Brian said in the softest voice.

" Okay."

" Nick?"

Nick turned around. " Yes?"

" Thank you."

" No problem." Nick went to Denise's bunk. " Denise? You in there?"

" Yes." Denise said.

" Brian wants to talk to you. He's in the front of the bus on the couch."

" For what?"

" It's important and he wants to talk to you, now go!"

" Jeez." Denise said getting out of her bunk. She walked over to Brian. " You wanted to talk to me?"

" Yeah, you'll need to sit down." Brian said.

Denise sat down nervously. " Yes?"

" I adopted you." Brian said slowly.

Denise was speechless. " Uh, um, oh my, uh, why?"

" Why! Why, I don't know! I just couldn't stand your pretty face. I couldn't stand the thought that you could be living somewhere in a park all alone. Denise, I want you to be my daughter."

" What? Brian, I can't." Denise tried to get up. Brian pulled her back down.

" Denise, why?"

" I don't want to interfere with your life with your wife. I'm sure you want to have kids of your own."

" We have time to do that. Denise, I wanted to do this."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes."

" You're serious?"

" I'm dead serious."

" Leigh is okay with this?"

" Yes, I'm positive she's okay with it. I have already asked her. So, do you want to be my adoptive daughter?"

" Yes, I guess."

" Thank you. I'm going to bring you to the Social Services building in Atlanta, then pick up some papers me and Leigh have to sign and then you are legally our adoptive daughter."

" Okay."

Brian smiled. " Brian and Denise! We're almost to your house! Be ready!" the bus driver said.

" Well, I guess this is it. You're gonna see our house for I hope the first time." Brian said.

" You others have another day on the road! So, I suggest you say your good-bye's now or never!"

" Jeez, lighten up man. Just kidding." Nick said. " Okay, man, Brian, bye. Denise, have fun in Bri's house. You'll love it." Brian and Nick hugged.

" Nice meeting you Denise. I'll see you again. Brian, Cousin Brian, you are a good man. Don't lose that." Kevin said.

" Kevin, I'm your cousin. You think I'd lose it?" Brian said.

" Well, I don't know."

" Hey, B, don't do anything I wouldn't do." Howie said.

Brian laughed. " Okay, D."

" Denise, you be good. I'll see you soon hopefully."

" You will." Denise said.

