

" Rok, I don't know man. Just don't do anything stupid." Aj said.

" Okay, Bone. You either. I don't want to come and have to drag you outta jail."

Aj laughed. " Denise, man, you are a pretty girl. You have a boyfriend?"

" No, not yet." Denise replied.

" You'll find one."

" I know."

Brian and Denise came up to their home. " Nice meeting you guys! It was fun. Kevin, I want to thank you for finding me and bringing me into your life. You are a good man." Denise said.

" I know." Kevin gave Denise a hug. " Now run along. I know you'll have fun in his house."

" Bye you guys! See you soon!" Brian said going out the door.

" Bye!" Everyone said at once. The bus was off.

Denise walked up to this huge house. She gasped at how big it was. She knew it would be big, just not that big. " Oh my God. Brian! You have a huge house!" Denise said.

" No kidding. So, I'll help you find your room. You'll meet Leigh, the dogs, and then I have to take you to the SS for a picture and get some papers for me and Leigh to sign." Brian said.

" Okay." Denise held Brian's hand as they walked up to the porch.

Leighanne opened the door. " Hi baby. So, this must be Denise." Leighanne said.

" All I get is 'Hi baby'?" Brian said.

" Sorry." Leigh kissed him. " Happy?"

" Much. Yeah, this is Denise, our adoptive daughter. Well, not legally yet, but later she will. She's a bit shy."

" Okay. Come on in Denise."

" Go ahead. Don't be afraid."

Denise walked in slowly. Brian and Leigh followed hand in hand. " I'm gonna show her where her room is." Brian said.

" Okay."

" Denise, come on. We can find you a room." Brian led Denise up the spiral stairway. He led her down a long hallway. " This is mine and Leigh's room. You can pick another room. Which one you want?"

" I want this one." Denise said.

" Ah, the blue room. Perfect."

" I like blue."

" So do i. You can throw your stuff in there. If Tyk or Litty Leigh come out and bark, don't scream. They won't hurt you."

" Okay." Denise went in and looked around. She dropped her stuff on the floor. She sat on her new bed. " Oh my God. I'm living with a Backstreet Boy and his wife, I'm their adoptive daughter, well, not yet. Oh my God. I got to tell Nicole. She'll freak!"

" Denise! Come on!" Brian yelled up the stairs. Denise ran downstairs. " Come on kiddo." Denise liked it when he called her that.

Denise got into Brian and Leighanne's Expedition. It was dark blue. Brian hopped in and started it up. He turned his head and asked Denise, " Are you nervous?"

" Yeah." Denise replied.

" Oh, don't be honey, you'll like living here. Trust me." Leigh said.

Denise smiled. " Yeah, listen to my wife. She knows these things." Brian laughed as he backed the car out of the long driveway and onto the street. They drove approximately ten minutes to the building. " We are here." Brian got out and opened the door for Leigh and then for Denise. " Are you still nervous?"

" Not really." Denise said.

They walked in the door. " I'm Brian Littrell and I am here to pick up papers for Denise Richardsen." Brian said to the lady at the front desk.

" Ah, yes, we just got the information today. You will both need to sign these papers. You can take a seat and do them here, or go home and do them there. You choice."

Brian took the papers. There weren't many. He sat down, he and Leigh signed them. " Legal information." Brian said showing the papers to Denise. " You have to sign this one, if you want to become with our family, that is."

Denise signed the paper and handed it back to Brian. " So, should I call you mom and dad or Brian and Leigh?" Denise asked.

Brian and Leigh looked at each other. " Honey, you can call us whatever makes you feel best." Leighanne said. Brian got up and handed the papers to the lady.

" Yeah, it really doesn't matter. Call us whatever you want." Brian said. Denise smiled. " Just not bad names. You know what I'm talking about."

" Yeah, I know. I wouldn't do that." Denise said.

" Well, do you girls want to go anywhere?"

" Doesn't matter to me."

" Leighanne?"

" Wherever you want to go is fine with me." Leighanne said.

" Well, I need a new pair of pants and shoes. So, we might as well go to the mall."

" Baby, you have your sunglasses?"

" Yes, honey." Denise laughed. " What are you laughing about back there?" Brian looked in the rearview mirror.

" Nothing, daddy." Denise said.

Brian mouthed daddy. " I'm a father." Brian said quietly.

" What was that, baby?" Leigh asked.

" Nothing." Leigh gave him a confused look. Brian looked at her a smiled. His smile quickly faded after he saw her face. " Don't give me that look, Leigh."

Leighanne laughed. " Okay, baby."

At the mall, Brian walked in with Leighanne hand in hand. Denise walked behind them in fear of Brian being mobbed. Brian looked behind him. " Hey, kiddo, come up here with us." Brian said.

" No, it's okay." Denise said.

" What? You don't want to walk with me anymore?"

" No, it's just that I don't want to get trampled if you get mobbed."

" I'm not gonna get mobbed."

Denise walked faster to where Brian and Leighanne were. " Okay, but if you do, I'm not gonna get into it."

Brian laughed. " Don't you trust me?"

" I trust you."

After a while, the three left the mall with some bags of clothes and some stuff for Denise to put in her new room. Denise got some posters and some clothes that Leigh picked out for her. Denise liked Leigh for some reason. Was it because she was her new mother? Was it because she was nice? Denise didn't know why she liked her. She always had since she began to be a BSB fan.

At home, Denise played with the dogs for a while until it was time for dinner. Brian cooked the dinner. He made steak with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies. Denise ate everything except the steak. She only ate a little. " Don't you like my cooking?" Brian asked.

" No, I like it. I don't eat much red meat. You know, like steak, pork, beef, and stuff like that. I'll eat it if you make me, but I don't like it." Denise said.

" Oh, well, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to. I can make something else if you want."

" No! I'll eat it."

" Okay."

After dinner, Brian and Leigh went and watched some TV. They were on MTV news. Everyone already knew that Bran had adopted Denise. He was happy they knew. Leigh wasn't extremely happy because she thought MTV finds out news too fast. "-Backstreet Boy Brian Littrell has adopted a daughter. The Social Services building in Atlanta has given us a picture of the girl, and info. Her name is Denise Richardsen. She is originally from Michigan. She now lives with Brian and his wife actress Leighanne Wallace. Denise has taken her new parents' last name." Kurt Loder said.

" Baby, doesn't it scare you that MTV finds out stuff like this fast?" Leighanne asked.

" No, not really because they have access to everything and everyone." Brian said.

" Oh, okay. So, what do you want to do?" Brian looked at her slyly and smiled like a fool on candy. " You want to do that?" Brian nodded. " Okay, I'll go get ready."

" Okay, sweets. I'll be waiting in the bedroom." Brian went in the bedroom and waited for Leighanne.

The next day, at breakfast, Denise got up and went downstairs to find Brian and Leighanne. She stopped mid-stair. She was happy that she actually had a family that loved her. She watched them laugh and talk and the occasional kiss on the cheek or something. She smiled and continued down the stairs. " Hey, sleepyhead." Brian said.

" Hey." Denise said yawning.

" You always wake up early like this?" Leigh asked.

" Yeah, I'm used to it."

" We didn't expect you to get up this early."

Brian gave Denise a plate of bacon and eggs. Denise laughed. " What?"

" Nothing. It's just that when Kevin found me, when I woke up, he gave me the same food."

Brian smiled. The phone rang. " Hello?" Brian asked. Brian carried on a one sided conversation. Denise listened inattentively. " What? No! Well, you can tell her that I won't! Fine!" Brian hung up. He walked over to the table, tears in his eyes.

" Brian, baby, what's wrong?" Leigh asked.

" It was Social Services. Denise's mom wants her back."

" What?!"

" If I don't give her back, she'll take me to court."

" Brian, what are you gonna do?"

Brian looked at Denise. " No!" Denise said and ran up to her room.

Brian put his head in his arms on the table. Leigh rubbed his back. " It'll be okay baby. Don't worry." Leigh said.

" This isn't happening." Brian cried. Leigh kept rubbing him.

Brian and Leigh went to Denise's room. They knocked on the door. " Come in." Denise said. Brian and Leigh walked in. " What are you gonna do? Send me back to a family that don't care?"

" We wouldn't do that. If your mom takes Brian to court, and she wins, then there's really nothing to do." Leighanne said.

" I don't want to go back there." Leigh gave Denise a motherly hug. Denise smiled as Brian did. " You're not gonna make me go back, are you Brian?"

" No, I'm not. After what you have gone through, I wouldn't dare." Brian said.

" What if you don't win the trial?"


