

" I'll win, trust me. I'll get the others and Leigh to go up there and tell the truth. Don't worry about it." Brian gave Denise a hug.

Then next few days were hard for the Littrell's. Social Services were calling everyday demanding Brian to give Denise up. He refused. Brian knew Denise's mom was gonna take him to court. He soon got ready.

On November 8th, Denise's mom finally had Brian go to court. She was sick of waiting. Brian had called the other's to come down and testify. Brian hated to take them away from their vacation. " Nick, you have to come! You're her friend!" Brian said.

" Okay, all right, okay, fine, I go!" Nick said.

" Thank you, Nicky."

" Don't call me Nicky."

" Okay, I'll see you at 2."

" Bye."

Denise walked down the stairs slowly in her suit. " Hey, you nervous?" Brian asked her.

" Brian, I don't want to leave. My mom don't give a crap about me." Denise cried.

" Don't cry. It'll be okay."

" Yeah, I guess. Is Nick coming?"

" Yeah. He has to come, he's your friend."

" Brian! It's time to go!" Leigh yelled.

" Well, this is it."

Leigh came downstairs. " Denise, if Brian doesn't win, I'll come and visit you. Okay?"

" Yeah. I'd like that." Denise said.

" I knew you would."

Everyone went out the door and into the car. They drove 15 minutes to the courthouse. They were about 20 minutes early. They waited outside for the others to show up. Nick was the last to come as Kevin was first. AJ and Howie showed up at the same time.

Everyone went in and took their seats. " All rise!" the cop said. Everyone stood up.

" You may take your seats. I am Judge Alcantar of the 35th District Court in Atlanta, Georgia. We are here upon case 647. Richardsen vs. Littrell." Judge Alcantar said as everyone took their seats. " Mr. Fasterjack, who do you call as your first witness?"

" I call Brian Littrell to the stand." Mr. Fasterjack said. Brian walked up to the stand, put his hand on the bible.

" Do you swear to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God?" the cop asked.

" I do." Brian said. He took his seat.

" Mr. Littrell, how did you meet your daughter?" Mr. Fasterjack asked.

" My cousin brought her in the hotel because she was living in Central Park."

" Who is your cousin?"

" Kevin Richardson.

" Is he in this courtroom."

" Yes, he is."

" When did you decide to adopt Denise?"

" After we ended our tour."

" Did you know a lot about Denise?"

" Yes."

" Have you ever had any disagreements with Denise?"

" Yes, when we were on tour, we had a small fight."

" What was this fight about?"

" I tried to help her, she didn't want help, I said she had problems."

" No further questions."

" Mr. Jameson, do you have any questions for Mr. Littrell?" Judge Alcantar asked.

" No."

" You may step down."

Brian stepped down and took his seat.

" Mr. Jameson, you may call your first witness."

" I call Denise Littrell to the stand." Mr. Jameson said.

" Do you swear to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God?"

" I do." Denise said.

" Denise, would you consider the Littrell's good parents to you?" Mr. Jameson asked.

" Yes, I do."

" Do you consider you real mother a good parent?"

" No, I do not."

" Why?"

" She slapped me, gave me a gash in my arm, and invaded my privacy."

" Objection!" Denise's mom called out.

" Sustained." Judge Alcantar said.

" Have you ever considered running away before."

" On several occasions."

" No further questions."

" Mr. Fasterjack, do you have any questions for Ms. Littrell?"

" Yes. Denise, has the Littrell's been great parents to you?" Mr. Fasterjack asked.

" Yes, they have." Denise replied.

" Have they done anything to upset you in anyway?"

" No, not at all."

" No further questions."

" You may step down." Judge Alcantar said. Denise stepped down and took her seat next to Brian. " We will take a short recess. Court will resume in 30 minutes."

" Did I do a good job?" Denise asked Brian.

" Yes, you did."

" Brian, I have a feeling that you're gonna lose."

" Why?"

" She's my mother and the Judge will not let you take me home. I want to be with you and not her. I mean, you saw my arm."

" But she hasn't been called to the stand yet!"

" It doesn't matter." Denise said sadly. " When the Judge comes out, he's gonna say he made his decision already."

" Denise, you don't know that."

" I've seen it happen in other cases just like this. Brian, I've seen Court TV. I know what I'm talking about."

Brian was gonna cry. " I'm gonna miss you."

" I'll miss you too."

The judge came out and took his seat. " I have made my decision." Denise and Brian looked up at him. " I sentence Denise Littrell life with the Richardsen's unless otherwise the Richardsen's make the decision to put Denise back up for adoption or gives her back to the Littrell's." Judge Alcantar said.

Denise gave Leigh and Brian and the other Backstreet Boys hugs. She walked over to the mother. " We are gonna have a talk when we get to the hotel." Denise's mom said. She walked over to Brian and Leighanne. " I think you would like to come and see what we are going to say. I think you'd be interested in what I'm gonna say."

" Where do you want us to go, and we'll be there." Brian said.

" The Marriott on 42nd. I'll give you time to grab a bite to eat then I'll see you there. Room 69."

" Fine, we'll see you there. Denise, be good and I'll see you later." Leigh said. Brian smiled.

" Okay." Denise said.


At 3pm, the Littrell's and Richardsen's met. Denise was happy to see them. She wasn't all too happy to see her real family. She was mad. Her brother's were acting stupid like usual and her mother remarried. She didn't like her new husband. He had a lot of money and acted snobbish.

" Have a seat." Denise's mom said.

Brian and Leigh sat next to Denise. Denise was happy to sit by them and not her family. " Why did you bring us here?" Brian asked.

" We have decided to give Denise a choice of whom she wants to live with. We know who she'll pick but we want you to know."

" Okay."

" Denise, honey, I think you will like this decision. We want you to pick where you want to live. In Atlanta with the Littrell's or in Florida with us."

" I want to live with Brian." Denise said simply. She didn't even have to think! She knew that from when she first met Leighanne and Brian she wanted to live with them forever.

" Are you sure?"

" Yes, I'm positive."


