

Freyja opened her eyes and rolled over. "Where am I?" she muttered to herself.

Her heart jumped when she saw Nick laying next to her. "Oh gosh...". She slowly remembered the events of the night before. She and Nick had been at the party, drinking, kissing...

"I didn't... did I?". She sat up, getting nervous and looking around. She didn't know where she was. She was in a strange bed, half dressed. She stood up and went over to a mirror. She looked a mess.

"My head," she muttered, feeling the effect of the drinking. She sat on the bed next to Nick, sighing.

Nick opened his eyes slowly and groaned. "Awww, what a headache...".

"You as well?" Freyja said with a nervous laugh.

Nick looked at her, confused. "Freyja? Why are you here? Where are we?".

"I don't know... Deb's house I guess...".

Nick sat up and was silent. He was starting to remember what had happened the night before. "Uh-oh, do you remember what happened?" he asked her.

"Kinda, it's all a blur," Freyja said. She picked up her skirt from the floor and put it on. "I'm gonna go find Deb," she said as she put it on.

She opened the door and went out of the room. At the top of the stairs was Deb.

Deb laughed when she saw Freyja. "You look a mess!".

"What happened last night?" Freyja asked.

Deb shrugged. "I don't know. The last thing I remember was when you and Nick snuck into the spare bedroom and locked the door. I left you two in peace,".

"Oh. Well I'm going back to my hotel to get changed. I'll talk to you later,".

"Ok," Deb answered.

Freyja went back into the bedroom and saw Nick getting dressed. "I can't remember much either," Nick told her. "How far did we go?".

"I don't know!" Freyja said. "Look, I'm going back to my hotel now, I'll see you soon OK?".

Nick nodded. "Yeah,".

Freyja rushed out of the house, feeling confused. She loved Nick and had spent the night with him, but felt awkward. What if he didn't want to speak to her again? And assuming they had gone too far, what if she got pregnant?

Back at the hotel after a shower, Freyja sat on her bed, thinking. She was in the year 2000 to save Nick's life, and to do that she had to stay on good terms with him. She was getting scared, thinking that he might not speak to her again after the events at the party. He might think she was only after one thing, but that was totally untrue.

Her thoughts were interuppted by her cell phone ringing. "Hello?".

"Freyja? This is Anne from the Tampa Environment Club,".

"Hi," Freyja answered. She'd joined the club recently, to start her mission of saving the world from destruction.

"We're having a meeting tomorrow at noon, we'd love you to come,".

"I'll be there," Freyja promised. "See you then,".

After hanging up, Freyja went back to thinking about Nick. "I'll have to talk to him," she said to her self. "But what will I say? I don't want us on bad terms,".


The next day on her way to the club meeting, Freyja stopped at Nick's house, after getting the address from Deb. "Here goes nothing..." she said nervously as she walked up his path.

His house was beautiful! Freyja couldn't help feeling sad that, unless she managed to change history, the whole place would be flooded over in a matter of years.

Nick answered the door with a small smile. "Freyja, come in,".

Freyja stepped inside and sat down on his couch. "Nick, about the party, and whatever happened...". She paused. "I don't want us to fall out over it. If you like we can forget it happened and be friends...".

Nick looked sad. "Be friends? So you don't want to be my girlfriend?".

Freyja was shocked. "What?".

Nick sat next to her. "When I first saw you that day with your friends, I thought you were... well I liked you. But I was too shy to say much. But at the party I'd been drinking.... so had you... and we got closer, and...".

"You only kissed me because you'd been drinking," Freyja said.

"I haven't drank since and I want to kiss you right now," Nick said with a smile.

Freyja returned the smile. "Do you really mean that?".

"Yes... come here...".

They kissed again, for a long time.

"I thought you were shy and quiet, Nick!" Freyja said afterwards.

Nick laughed. "Well, I am at first, but once I get to know someone..."

"Yeah, I'm kinda like that too,".

"So when can I see you again?" Nick asked her.

"You wanna see me?" Freyja squeaked.

"Of course! You'll be my girlfriend won't you?".

Freyja was delighted. "Yeah, I'd love to be!".

The arranged a place to go. "I better go now, I'm almost late," Freyja told him.

"Late for what?" Nick asked.

"I'm part of an environment club meeting," she said. "I'm try to campaign against pollution and stuff like that,".

"Wow," Nick said. "That's great,".

"Thanks," Freyja said, standing up. "OK, I'll see ya soon,".

On her way to the meeting, Freyja didn't know if to smile or frown. She was happy because she was dating Nick, he liked her! But she was scared. Scared that she would fail and he'd still die. Would it be possible to change history, or was it fate she was playing with?

"I hope and prey I can save him," she said to herself determinedly.


