

A week later, Nick and Freyja were on a date. Again. They'd seen each other ever day since their night out.

Freyja sat opposite Nick on the quiet beach. "You look deep in thought," she noticed.

Nick snapped out of his daydream. "Oh I was just thinking about you. You never seem to talk about your family. I know next to nothing about them,".

"Oh," Freyja said, worrying a little. She didn't know what to tell him. "What do you want to know?" she asked him.

Nick shrugged. "Whatever. Their names, jobs, where they live and so on,".

"Um... well I don't live with my parents," Freyja told him. "My grandparents Joe and Lili brought me up,". That was true enough.

"Oh, what happened to your parents?" Nick asked out of curiosity.

"They died when I was young," Freyja told him sadly. That was true- they'd died when war had broken out on the island when Freyja was just two years old. "They were in an accident,".

"That's awful, I'm so sorry," Nick said sadly. "So what brought you to Florida, and where are you from originally? I remember you mentioning an island...".

"I'm from an island in the Pacific. I came to stay in Florida in my year out before starting college,". She crossed her fingers behind her back, not liking lying.

"I thought you said you were here on vacation just for the summer," Nick said, looking confused.

"Yeah, I am kind of," Freyja said quickly. "I'm here on a long vacation- I was only going to stay for a couple of months at the start, but now I've decided to stay all year,". She wanted to kick herself for messing up her story.

Nick smiled. "Great,".

Freyja relaxed, hoping he wouldn't ask her any more.

Luckily, she was saved when their friends Deb, Grace and Brad, plus some others approached them. "Hey!" Nick said when he saw his pals.

"What's up?" Brad said, sitting himself down on the sand. "So guys, where are we gonna hang out this afternoon?".

"The arcade is pretty crowded today, let's not go there," Grace said.

"It's a nice day, let's stay here on the beach," Nick suggested.

"Why not? OK then,".

They spent most of the afternoon sitting around on the sand catching up with each other. Freyja caught up with all the gossip with Grace and Deb, while Nick and his pals discussed their favorite topics- video games, sport and girls.

"So when do you go back on tour?" Brad asked Nick as they all got ready to leave the beach.

"Not for a while yet," Nick answered casually as he brushed sand off his pants. "I've got all of the summer free, apart from a couple of promotions,".

"What promotions are those then?" Grace asked.

Nick shrugged. "Oh, a couple of award shows and a TV show in Orlando, nothing major,".

Freyja sat in shock, the mentioning of the TV show making shivers go up her spine. Nothing major. If only he knew...




"Is something getting you down?".

Freyja snapped out of her daze and looked into Nick's big blue eyes. They were sitting in his living room that evening eating pizza. "No! Nothing...". Truth was, she'd been thinking about Nick and how she would stopping him driving to Orlando. Time was running out...

Nick put an arm around her. "Come on honey, cheer up, it might never happen!".

Freyja almost laughed. If only he knew! "I hope it doesn't," she muttered.

Nick continued to look at her. "What's up? Something's the matter. You're not usually this quiet. has somebody died or something?".

Freyja couldn't believe how close to the truth he was. "Um no. I'm sorry...".

"Let me cheer you up," Nick said. He told her a couple of jokes, which made her laugh.

"I'd better get home, it's getting late," Freyja said, looking at her watch.

"Home? But you're staying at a hotel. That's hardly a home," Nick said.

Freyja nodded. "I know, but still...".

"Stay here," Nick said suddenly, looking into her eyes.

Freyja was shocked. "Here?".

"Move in. Please,".

"But Nick, we've only been dating for... what, a couple of weeks?".

"That doesn't matter," Nick told her. "I'm lonely, in this big house all by my self, well, apart from my pugs of course. I'd love it if you stayed with me,".

Freyja smiled. "Oh Nick, I'd love to... but are you sure you don't mind..?".

He shook his head. "Of course not! Now, let's go pick up your things from the hotel and get you signed out...".

Freyja couldn't believe this was happening. Moving in with Nick! She come to the year 2000 to find Nick and couldn't believe how easy it had been.

But would saving his live be this easy too???


