

"This is really good!" Anne said as she read over Freyja's completed novel. "You raised some really important issues in this story. Have you sent it to any publishers yet?".

Freyja shook her head. "No, I still want to go over it and change a few parts until it's perfect. Then I'm getting it sealed by a solicitor,".

"Good luck, I hope you're successful,".

"Thanks, I hope so too,".

Freyja made her way home from the meeting, smiling. She was proud of herself for completing the novel in just 3 weeks, and was glad Anne liked it. Other members of the club had had a look at it too and had liked it.

She walked to the parking lot to meet Nick, who had come to collect her. "How did it go?" he asked her as she got into the car beside her.

"It went well thanks, Anne loved the book,".

Freyja started to worry as they drove home. Only a week to go until the accident... Every time they went out in the car she would start getting scared.

"Is something up?" Nick asked as they arrived home and went into the back yard.

Freyja tried to smile. "I'm fine...".

"Didn't you say it was your birthday in August?" Nick asked her.

She nodded. Her date of birth was August 15, 2081, she was about to turn nineteen. But in the world she was in, she hadn't been born yet.

"Yeah, I'm going to be nineteen in on Tuesday,".

"Cool, let's have a party for you on Saturday night,".

"How about having it the following week instead. Like, on Saturday 19th?". Freyja crossed her fingers, hoping he'd agree.

"Sorry, I've got to appear on a TV show in Orlando on that day. Don't worry, you can come along with me if you want,".

"Do you have to go?" Freyja asked. "Is it that important?".

"Yes," Nick told her. "It's a promotion for our next single. We've already arranged to do it. We'll have your party on the day of your birthday, we don't have to have it on a Saturday,".

"Can't you record the show on a different day?" Freyja asked nervously.

"No, because it's going to shown live,".

Freyja was silent, not knowing what to say. How could she persuade him not to go? "Um, how are you going to get there? By plane maybe?".

Nick shook his head. "No, I'm gonna drive. It's not far,".

"Go by plane," Freyja suggested. "It will be easier,".

"There's no point," Nick said. "It's only a short drive. I don't know why you're being so funny about this...".

"Sorry, I'm just worried about you," Freyja said. "The roads are dangerous...".

"I'll be fine!" Nick laughed. "Now, how about a drink? It's pretty hot out here...".

Freyjas' mind was still on the accident. How could she stop him going? Time was running out, she had to stop him soon...

Nick fixed them both drinks and they sat sipping them on sun loungers. "What kind of party do you want?" Nick asked. "We can always invite your family...".

"No," Freyja said quickly.

"Why?". Nick was puzzled.

"They can't get here... my grandparents are... scared of planes, so they can't get here. And my parents are dead, I told you that before,".

"Of course," Nick said sadly with a frown.

"I'd like to invite Deb and Grace over, plus any of your friends," Freyja said. "Just a few people over here, loud music and lots to eat and drink. That will be enough,".

"Sure, if that's what you want,".


The next day Freyja came back from a shopping trip to the mall with an envelope in her hand. She gave it to Nick. "A little present," she said with a smile.

Nick opened it and thanked her. It was a first-class plane ticket to Orlando and back for the following week.

"I booked us the finest seats, I thought you might like to travel in luxury,".

"That's so sweet of you, but it's not necessary," Nick said with a smile. "I'll take it back and get your money refunded for you. I've travelled on planes many times, I'm used to it. I'm happy driving,".

"But Nick!" Freyja protested. "I've never been on a plane before, I really wanted this... I've wanted to go on a plane for a long time now".

"How did you get to the USA then?" he asked, puzzled.

"I... um... came by boat," she said.

"I'll take you on a vacation somewhere on a plane then," Nick promised. "I don't think a flight to Orlando would be very exciting for you, it would be so quick,". He folded the ticket into his pocket and walked to the door. "I'm going shopping myself now so I'll take the ticket back for you. Don't worry, I'll get your money back,". he kissed her then walked out of the front door.

Freyja cursed to herself and slumped onto a chair. How could she stop him going..?


